
  • 六年级
  • 2024-06-23

六年级上册英语试卷第三单元?一、翻译下列 短语 1. see my grandma___2. on the ground___3. on the ship___4. June 12th___5. summer holiday___6. some places___7. strong wind___8. heavy rain___9. be bad for___10. be full of___二、那么,六年级上册英语试卷第三单元?一起来了解一下吧。


1、What are you going to do?你想做什么?询问他人在未来的打算。Be going to后面要跟动词的原形。

2、this evening和tonight的区别:this evening指的是今天晚上睡觉以前的时间,一般指晚上十二点以前。而tonight指的.是今晚,一般是指一整晚的时间,通宵。


旅谈(1)What什么。用来问是什么,做什么,叫什么,什么样等等。如:What is your name?你的名字叫什么?

What is your father?你爸爸是干什么的?

What is your hobby?你的爱好是什么?

What is your favourite food?你最喜爱的食物是什么?

What’s your math teacher like?你的数学老师长得什么样子?


如:Where are you from?你从哪里来盯镇戚?

Where are you going to?你打算去哪里?

凯陵Where is my ruler?我的尺子在哪里?






1. see my grandma____________

2. on the ground________________

3. on the ship_________________

4. June 12th__________________

5. summer holiday____________

6. some places_______________

7. strong wind________________

8. heavy rain________________

9. be bad for______________

10. be full of_______________


( ) 1.A.cloudy B. house C.cow D. Slow

( )2.A.place B. take C. lake D.rain

( )3.A. earth B.ear C.pear D.dear

( )4.A.dry B.try C.cry D.day

( )5.A.blue B.cook C.book D.full


1.It’s nice outside, _____(be not) it?

亮芹2.What will the weather______(be)like tomorrow?

3.It will______(be)cloudy.

4.What are you going to____(do)tomorrow?

5.I am going to_____(see) my grandma.

6.The winter holiday is_______(come).

7.You can_____(swim)in the sea.

8.The earth is______(get) warmer.

9.That will ____(be) bad for the people here.

10.In some dry places the ran ______(make) lakes full of water.


1. It’s nice outside,_____it?

A.is B. do C.was D.isn’t

2. What will the weather____like tomorrow?

A. is B. are C.be D.was

3. It will______sunny.

A. is B. are C.be D.was

4. What are you going to _____ tomorrow?

A. do B.does C. did D.be

5. The rain is______all around.

A. rains B.rain C.to D.raining

6. It rains _____flowers and ______me.

A.on;in B.in;on C.on;on D.in;in

7. I am going to Hainan_____my parents.

A. in B. to C. on D.with

8. In some places, the water in the see will____hotter.

A. is B. are C.be D.was

9. That will be bad______the people here.

A. in B. for C. on D.with

10. The rain makes lakes full_____water.

A. in B. to C. on D.of


1. It will be sunny.(对划线部分提问)

2. I am going to see my grandma.(对划线部分提问)

3. It is nice outside.(变成反义疑问句)

4. It will be cold.(变成一般疑问句)

5. I am going to Hainan with my parents.(对划线部分提问)


1.will, weather, be, like, tomorrow, the, What, is

2. Sunny,it, will, this, week, be

3. going, to, my, grandma, see, I, am

4. can, you, swim, sea, the, in

5. will, there, strong, be, wind
















1. 译林版英语五年级上册知识点整理Unit 7

2. 新五年级上期中试题及答案

3. 小学五年级语文上册第七单元测试题

4. 九年级上册英语第七单元测试题



peter is a good student at school. but sometimes he is not a good boy at home. he often make a mess in his room. he doesn’t like to help to set the dinner table. he watches tv the whole evening.


(1) home (2).football (3)basketball (4)flower (5)afternoon (6)usually (7)wait (8)green (9)blue (10)carefully

仔细地,认真地( ) 家( ) 篮球( ) 下午( ) 花凯中判( )

蓝色( ) 通常( ) 足球( ) 绿色( ) 等待( )

三、下面是制作leaf painting(树叶画)的过程,请排序。(每小题2分,共10分)

( ) Then, get a piece of paper.

( )First, collect some leaves.

( )When you finish the drawing, you can paint them in different colors.

( )Do the same with the other leaves.

( ) Put a leaf on the paper. And then trace the shape of the leave.



1. 问题解答: I will go shopping with my mother this Sunday. 这周周日,我要和妈妈一起去购物。这句话谓语动词的构成是“助动词will+动词原形go”,时态是一般将来时。

2. 语法讲解: 一般将来时是英语三种简单时态之一。一般将来时主要表示动作或者事件在将来的时间发生。一般将来时的句子中,往往带有表示将来时间的副词或副词短语。比如明天tomorrow,this weekend 本周型扒周末,next week 下一周,敏租厅next year 明年,in two weeks 半个月之后等等。其构成是“助动词shall或will+动词原形”,shall用于桥隐第一人称,will用于第二和第三人称。除英国以外的说英语国家,即使是在陈述句中,也用will作为一般将来时的助动词。助动词shall和will常常可以和充当主语的人称代词进行缩写,也可以和否定副词not进行缩写。一般将来时的句子在进行语法变形时,也必须借助这些助动词。

3. 例句展示:

① I will arrive tomorrow. 我明天到达。

② Shall we have any classes tomorrow?我们明天上课吗?

③ You won't succeed unless you rely on the masses. 除非你依靠*群#众,否则你是不会成功的。


1.What is Zhang Peng going to do on the weekend?Look!This is Zhang Peng's weekend plan.Zhang Peng is going to visit his grandparents on Saturday morning.He is going to sweep the floor on Saturday afternoon.He is going to play football on Sunday morning.He is going to watch TV on Sunday afternoon.Zhang Peng is going to have a busy weekend!

2.What are they going to do?Sarah and Amy are going to take a trip tomorrow.Zhang peng is going to the bookstore tonight.Mike is going to play football this morning.Chen Jie is going to read a magazine this afternoon .Liu Yun is going to watch TV this evening.They are going to go to the cinema next week .They are going to be happy.

3.I am going to be busy next weekend.i am going to make a post card for my friend next saturday morning .i shall send it to my friend.i am going to read a magazine next saturday afternoon .when i am reading a book,i can look new words up.this is a dictionary.it is am english chinese dictionary.i like comic book.i am going to buy a comic book and read it on saturday morning.i like making friends.i am going to buy many post cards in a post office next sunday afternoon.i knoe many english newspapers.

以上就是六年级上册英语试卷第三单元的全部内容,(1) home (2).football (3)basketball (4)flower (5)afternoon (6)usually (7)wait (8)green (9)blue (10)carefully 仔细地,认真地( ) 家( ) 篮球( ) 下午( ) 花( )蓝色( ) 通常( ) 足球( ) 绿色( ) 等待( )三、下面是制作leaf painting(树叶画)的过程,请排序。
