
  • 英语四级
  • 2024-07-01

2018英语四级真题答案?正确答案:A 解析:题目询问作者认为以前人们是怎么样的。关键是要听到文章首句:“你们记得以前那个人与人之间曾经更友好、更和气的时代吗?”其中就包含选项A中的nicer and gentler。选项B、C、D的内容文中均未提及。那么,2018英语四级真题答案?一起来了解一下吧。





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.



Nowadays, an increasing number of Chinese people can not live without mobile phones. Many of them, including the elderly, keep in touch with the others and broaden their circle of friends with the use of applications. They also use their cell phones for shopping online and searching for information as phones are easy to carry. In addition, the communication by mobile applications is cheaper than that by traditional phones. However, this new trend makes people over-reliant on mobile phones for social interaction. In fact, some young people have become so addicted that they ignore the face-to-face communication with their family and friends.


拓宽朋友圈: broaden circle of friends

手机购物: shopping online

过度依赖:be over-reliant on

上瘾:be addicted to

面对面的交流:face-to-face communication












表在过去某个特定时间发生且完成的动作,或过去习惯性动作,不强调对现在的影响,只说明过去。常跟明确的过去时间连用,如:yesterday;last week;in 1945,at that time;once;during the war;before;a few days ago;when。

表示目前已完成的动作,强调对现在的影响。时间是算到你说话的时候为止,而且现在完成时有一些标志性的时间状语 :for+时间段;I have learned English for ten years。常见的副词:lately;recently, just,up to now, till now。




26. I remedies

27. D inconvenience

28. H recommended

29. C hesitant

30. O worse

31. B esperiences

32. J scared

33. M pressured

34. L sink

35. E lessen


Is it really OK to eat food that’s fallen on the floor?

36-40 FCLEA 41-45 NMDKH

36. A research project found bacteria made their way to the food on the floor in five seconds.

37. Whether food is contaminated depends much on the number of bacteria that get onto it.

38. Food contamination may result from various factors other than food dropping on the floor.

39. Males are less likely than females to eat food that may have been contaminated.

40. The author’s research centers around how food gets contaminated.

41. Keeping everything clean is the best way to stay healthy.

42. Chances are you will not fall sick because of eating food picked up from the floor.

43. For a long time people have had the experience of deciding whether or not to eat food picked up from the floor.

44. Some strains of bacteria are so harmful that a tiny few can have deadly consequences.

45. Researchers found how many bacteria got into the food did not have much to do with how long the food stayed on a contaminated floor.



【 #四六级考试#导语】2018年6月英语四级考试已结束, 无 四六级频道在考后特别搜集整理了2018年6月英语四级作文答案范文之阅读能力的重要性,仅供大家参考,祝大家顺利通过四级考试!


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of reading ability and how to develop it。 You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words。




第一段:描述大家重视阅读的现象(此处用王菲老师 “三八大盖”—现象描述功能段。

第二段:分析重视阅读的原因。(此处用王菲老师 “三八大盖”—分析原因功能段。)

第三段:提高阅读的办法。(此处用王菲老师 “三八大盖”—解决问题功能段。)


Reading ability has attracted extensive attention of the society, which can be found in TV programs, newspapers, university classes and many aspects of our everyday life。





Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of studying abroad. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


It is well known that due to the booming economy and increasing family income, studying abroad has become an increasingly popular choice for students. Although studying abroad is often praised by people for its advantages, there are still some disadvantages to be noticed.

First of all, to study abroad is expensive. Specifically speaking, those involved have to spend a large amount of money on tuition and living expenses, which is not affordable for everyone. In addition, to study abroad is a great challenge for those students who lack the ability of living independently. If they can not take good care of themselves there, their academic performance will be affected to a large extent. Last but not least, to study abroad may exercise a negative influence on students’ mentality. As we all know, to study abroad equals to stay away from family and friends for a long time, which is likely to produce some psychological problems for those students, such as being solitary and gloomy.

From what has been mentioned above, we can easily come to the conclusion that the disadvantages of studying abroad can not be neglected. What’s more, those students who are planning to study abroad should make enough preparations for these problems mentioned above. Only in this way, can they have a fruitful and successful study life abroad.



以上就是2018英语四级真题答案的全部内容,measures, such as taking advantage of taking note and planning the reading list on monthly basis, so as to maintain the welfare and prosperity of personal improvement.温馨提示:“考试采取“多题多卷”模式,试题顺序不统一,请依据试题进行核对。
