作为的英文单词,\'As a team\'与\'serving as a team\'的区别

  • 英语单词
  • 2024-07-09

作为的英文单词?英语里如何表达'In the role of a teacher'那么,作为的英文单词?一起来了解一下吧。

作为朋友 - As a friend

作为一个学生 - Being a student

在老师的角色下 - In the role of a teacher

作为一个团队 - As a team

作为一个整体 - As a whole

作为一个例子 - As an example

作为一个结果 - As a result

作为一个事实 - As a fact

作为一个规则 - As a rule

作为一个目标 - As a goal

以上就是作为的英文单词的全部内容,英语里如何表达'In the role of a teacher'。
