
  • 五年级
  • 2024-07-14

五年级英语作业本答案?【答案】: 1、2 4 1 3 2、(2)go on a picnic with my family (3)go swimming summing (4)pick apples autumn (5)make a snowman winter 3、那么,五年级英语作业本答案?一起来了解一下吧。


【答案】: 1、(1)A




2、(1 - 4) × √ × ×

3、go to work 7:00 p.m

eat dinner 8:00 p.m

eat breakfast 5:30 a.m

go home 6:00 a.m

go to bed 6:30 a.m


”does引导的一般疑问句的肯定答语应是Yes:我喜欢在电视上看足球比赛:你有两只乒乓球拍吗, he doesn?. A Ⅸ.故选D. watch。”根据题意应是“听起来”而不是“看起来”. has 7。我们有五个足球, they do. D 5.”可知答案为D。”由these可知答语中主语的形式应是复数. Do,否定形式应是doesn?. He has five baseballs,结构为let sb,interesting和fun意为“有趣的”。 4:“你们有电视机吗,所以应是“我的”名字. basketballs 4?”“是的. A 根据句意是做自我介绍. 1; Becky没有兄弟:“我们打网球吧。”“不. Yes,我们有,后用动词原形. They have。”本句是do引导的一般疑问句:“我们看电视吧,boring“无聊的”。根据题意是 “喜欢足球”;have. C 根据文中“I playping-pong with my friends. Let?。 10; on Ⅵ。 7! let后跟不带to的不定式. 54balls 7. B 句意是“我们放学后打篮球”. What does? look at强调动作,由于do引导的一般疑问句后跟动词原形,所以答案为B!”“听起来不错。

人教版五年级下册英语作业本Unit 1 2答案


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答案看多了,抄袭可能会养成习惯 会对以后的学习产生不良的影响,在网上是问不到答案的哈

现在就养成勤于思考的习惯 好好学习,即使自己答案错了至少能加深印象

小学五年级上册英语课堂 作业本答案



五英答案10二、1. play chess2. after school3. look for 4. read a newspaper5. play with a yo-yo6. 打扫图书馆7. 帮我学英语三、1. B2. C3.A4.A5.B6.C7.A8.C9.B10.B 四、1. ×There are some red flowers in the garden.2. ×Are they playing basketball there now? 3. ×Can you come and help me with my English? 4.√5. ×Look! They are playing cards under a big tree.附:听力材料:一、1. The girl with long hair is skating now. 2. They are playing cards.3. Wang Mei is reading a magazine.4. Tom and Lily are doing their homework.5. ---Is Mr Chen reading a picture book? ---Yes, he is. 6. Dingding and Lingling are playing chess. 7. Li Ping is listening to music. 8. Ben is playing with a yo-yo.二、1. Are you doing housework now?2. Are they singing? 3. What is she doing? 4. Is the dog crying? 5. What do you like?6. What’s seven minus two? U8-1【课堂检测】一、1. tent 帐篷 2. children 儿童 3. towel 毛巾4. stove 炉子5. blanket 毯子 6. telescope 望远镜二、1. have 2. Do, playing3.does, has, vase4. do, They, have, bananas 5. Do, have.6. Does, tin【拓展提高】1. E2. F3. H4. A5. B6. D7. C8. GU8-2【课堂检测】一、1. blanket2. for3. tin-opener4. Show5. towel 二、C A B B A 【拓展提高】一、1. There, is, our, school2. have, hot, dogs, has, juice 3. Are, any, hills4. does, has, nice/beautiful

五英答案11U8-3【课堂检测】一、1. a thin horse 2. a tin of fish 3. each other4. some fruit5. 一个野营营地. 6. 在她的帐篷旁边7 出示他们的东西8. 一盒巧克力二、1. does, have2. There, are3. are, there 4. has5. have6. Arethere 【拓展提高】camping, have, does, have, has, boxes, Do, put, on综合练习七听力部分:一、abdc 二、15342 笔试部分:一、1. C2. B3. A4. A5. C二、1.tins 2.show 3.children 4.has 5.play三、1. D. in the afternoon 2. D them 3. D on Sunday morning. 四、1. B2. C3. A4. A5. B6. B7. A8. B五、1. What, do, have2. What, is, doing3. What, does, like4. Yes, he does. 六、1. Miss Li and her students are at a camping site2. Gao Shan has two tins of chicken and a tin-apener 3. She is listening to the music. 4. They want to play cards.附听力材料一、1.--- Do you have a blanket, David?---No, I have some orange juice. 2.---What are you doing, Nancy? ---I’m washing my blanket.3.---Show us your telescope, Mike. ---OK. Here you are. ---How nice!4.---Can you give me your tin-opener, Gao Shan? ---Sure.二、1.---Xiao Ming, what’s on the stove?---There’s a pot on it2. ---What’s Wang Jun doing now?---He’s cooking. Look, there’s some chicken in the pot. 3.---What’s your mother doing? ---She is washing clothes. 4.---Do you like watching TV? ---Yes, we do.5. ---Grandma, Can you see any stars in the flag?

五英答案12---Yes, I can.U9-1【课堂检测】一、略二、1. shape, star 2. draw, triangles 3. shape, your, circle. 4. a rectangle 【拓展提高】一、1. B2. A3. A4. C5. B6. CU9-2【课堂检测】一、1. be 2. me 3. has 4. sit 5.write6. he 二、1.C2. A三、1. C playing football2. B is playing3. B us 【拓展提高】 1. I can see a square, some triangles and rectangles 2. There are two rectangles3. It’s a triangle 4. No, there isn’t.U9-3【课堂检测】一、1.draw some circles 2.don’t forget 3.have an English lesson 4.wash clothes 5.in the office6.一些鸡肉罐头7.在野营营地 8.在图书馆学习二、1. C2. A3. C4. B5. A6. C7. A8. B9. B 【拓展提高】house, shapes, triangles, rectangles, There, diamond, circles, any, only, under综合练习八听力部分:一、1.B2.B3. A4. D5. C 二、略 笔试部分:一、1. B2. A3. C4. A5. C 二、1. D homework/C 删除 2. D this evening 3. two tins of 4.C are there 5. A Don’t三、BGFCAED四、1. How, many, triangles, rectangles 2. buy, birthday, for, English3. forget, draw, a, circle, first 4. blackboard, show, us, to, do 5. What, shape, circle 五、×××√×√ 附:听力材料

五英答案13一、1.My watch is a square.2.The star card is Miss Li’s3.My daughter can draw a rectangle. 4.There is a circle box on the table.5.David is making a model ship in his study. 二、1.Draw five circles in the flag.2.Please draw four squares on the window. 3.Draw two rectangles on the coat. 4.Draw a star on the cap.5.Draw four triangles in the picture. 6.Draw three diamonds in the card. U10-1听力部分:一、35214二、1.C2.A3.B4.C5.B 笔试部分:一、1. C2. C3. C4. B5. A二、1. sweep the floor 2. wash clothes 3. play cards 4. read a newspaper 5. look for 6. 帮我学数学 7. 一罐鱼肉8. 画一个菱形 9. 在那里10. 加入我们三、1. Miss Li usually has lunch at school. 2. We don’t go to school on Sunday.3. My father can’t play with a yo-yo.4. She is cleaning the windows. 5. What shape is the sun?四、DADBCADDAB 五、DHFIAGCBJE 六、games, great, have, with, right七、hungry, food, cat, happy, eat, mouth, mouth, big, can’t, angry 听力材料:一、1. The dog is crying and the mouse is laughing.2. The mouse is eating the dog’s food. 3. The dog is sitting under the bed.4. The mouse is dancing on the dog’s head. 5. The dog is jumping on the bed.6. The dog is running after the mouse . 二、1.A:How many ducks can you see? B: Five ducks are swimming in the river and five ducks are eating food.Q: How many ducks are there? 2.A: Do you like this chicken? B: No, I like this pig.

五英答案14Q: What doesn’t the man like?3.A:What are they doing? B: Mr Li is playing cards . Miss Wang is singing.Q: What does Mr Li do?4.A: What does your family often do on Sundays, Mike? B: My parents often wash clothes and sweep the floor. I often clean the desk.Q: What does Mike often do on Sundays? 5.A: Is this your notebook? B: No. The notebook is a square, but my notebook is a diamond. It’s David’s. Q: What shape is David’s notebook?U10-2听力部分:一、1. C2. D3. A4. A5. B 笔试部分:一、1. A2. C3. B4. B5. B二、1. read a picture book2. play chess3. play table tennis4. in the study5. 弹钢琴6.在花园里7.在操场8.画一个星形 三、CACAACBB四、Can, help, colour, Here, How, much, are, welcome 五、1. C2. B3. B4. D5. C 附:听力材料一、1.Xiao Ming is making a puppet now.2.I have a tin-opener for this trip. 3.Helen wants a mask very much.4.My new watch is a diamond.5.Zhang Hua often sweeps the floor at home.二、It is our school. It’s big. There are many different rooms in it. There are five tabletennis rooms. There are eight reading rooms. There are two computer rooms and two music rooms. There is one TV room.

以上就是五年级英语作业本答案的全部内容,五英答案 10 二、1. play chess 2. after school 3. look for 4. read a newspaper 5. play with a yo-yo 6. 打扫图书馆 7. 帮我学英语 三、1. B 2. C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B 四、。
