"This is bigger than anything I've ever seen. We need to get out of here!" - Kelly
"We can't just leave those people down there!" - Ben
"I know this sounds crazy, but I think we should go back down there." - Miles
"If we don't do something soon, we're all going to die!" - Dr. Zhang
"I'm sorry, but I can't let you go down there. It's too dangerous." - Captain Ahab
"We have to try! There might still be survivors down there." - Kelly
"I'll go with you." - Miles
"Are you sure about this?" - Kelly
"As long as we stick together, we can make it through this." - Miles
"I'm scared too, but we have to keep moving forward." - Kelly
"I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad you're here with me." - Miles
"We're almost there. Just a little bit further." - Kelly
"I see it! The entrance to the underwater cave!" - Miles
"We did it! We made it through the cave!" - Kelly
"Now we just have to find our way back to the surface." - Miles
"I don't think we're alone in here." - Kelly
"What do you mean?" - Miles
"There's something else in here with us. Something big." - Kelly