
  • 二年级
  • 2024-07-19

人教版必修二英语单词? ..那么,人教版必修二英语单词?一起来了解一下吧。


人教版高中必修一,二的单词表的容量相当大,你可以到以下网站察看一下,网址是 http://pickup.mofile.com/2902872749238900,那个文件是高中英语单词mp3+txt.rar ( 44.82m ) 文件过期时间: 永久有效 ,你可以直接下载的,希望对你有所帮助。


unit 5
quiz 测验 canadian加拿大人
minister大臣prime minister首相
rather than与其continent大洲
baggage行李chat 聊天
scenery景色 eastward向东
westward向西upward 向上
surround包围 harbour海港
measure测量aboard 在船,飞机,火车或公共汽车上
settle down定居 manage to do 设法做
catch sight of 看见 eagle鹰
have a gift for对......有天赋
topic 话题 mix 混合 mixture混合(物)
bush灌木(丛)maple 枫树
frost霜 confirm证实
wealthy富有的 distance 距离
inthe distance 在远处
mist 薄雾 misty有薄雾的
schoolmate 同学 booth公用电话间
downtown 市区的approximately接近
dawn 黎明buffet自助餐
broad 宽阔的 nearby 在附近
tradition 传统 terrify使恐怖
terrified恐惧的 pleased欣喜的
impress 使印象深刻 impressive给人深刻印象的


wildlife野生动植物 protection保护 wild野生的 decrease减少 dieout灭亡 loss损失 reserve保护区 hunt打猎 zone地域 inpeace和平地 indanger(of)垂危 carpet地毯 respond回答 distant远的 fur毛皮 relief减轻或解除 inrelief松了口气 laughter笑 burstintolaughter突然大笑 mercy仁慈 certain确定的 importance重要 rub擦 protect···from保护··· mosquito蚊子 insect昆虫 contain包含 powerful强大的 affect影响 attention注意 payattentionto注意 appreciate鉴赏 succeed成功 secure安全的 income收入 employ雇佣 harm损害 bite咬 dinosaur恐龙 comeintobeing形成 inspect检查 incident事件 dust灰尘 accordingto按照 fierce凶猛 sothat以致于 ending结局


链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1gdpnb4v 密码: 559g


人教版的 高中英语必修二的所有词汇:Unit1 cultural survive remain state look into rare dynasty vase belong to in search of gift ton stone heat design fancy style jewel king in return reception light mirror wonder at war remove furniture secretly wooden doubt apart take apart trial consider oppinion evidence prove pretend maid castle sailor think highly of treasure besidesUnit2 honest acient compete competitor take part in medal host Greece Greek magical interview athlete admit set a set of slave stadium gym gamnasium as well as replace prize silver physical root relate sail poster advertise foolish promise golden one after anotherUnit3 calculate calculator notebook common in common in one's oppinion analytical intelligence anyway simple simple-minded technology teachnological revolution artificial go by totally so that network deal with truly race human race birth IT advantage disadvantage type disagree choice material personally create in a way coach move arise make up after all with the help of brain watch over mop wanderUnit4 wild wildlife protection as a result enemy loss reserve die out area hunt zone in peacein danger fur stomach apply suggest thick rub protect from mosquito insect contain powerful drug affect attention pay attention to whale bite effect butterfly come into being dust recently fierce unkind lazyUnit5 roll rock'n'rock folk jazz musician dream of clap be honest with form passer-by earn extra play jokes on loosely advertisement actor attractive fan or so instrument break up hit by chance sort sort out frog afterwards perform performance stick stick to abillity above all saying reputation unknown

