
  • 英语作文
  • 2024-07-20

如何保持健康英语作文80词初二?Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.[参考提纲]采取保持健康的方法:(1)作息规律,那么,如何保持健康英语作文80词初二?一起来了解一下吧。


How to Keep Healthy

文1:As we know, keeping healthy is important to us. But what should we do to keep healthy

First, we should eat healthy food, drink a lot of water and do more exercise . Food can give us energy. Doing exercise can make us strong.

Second, we should change clothes often, wash hands often, keep the air fresh anddo house cleaning often.

At last, we should go to see a doctor at once if we don't feel well.

文2:It’s important tohave a healthy lifestyle. But do you know how to keep healthy?

First of all, weshould eat more vegetables and fruit every day. They are good for our health.

Secondly, weshouldn’t eat too much meat and chocolate because they can make us fat easily.

Thirdly, weshould keep doing exercise every day. We can walk to school instead of taking abus.

Finally, weshould go to bed early and get up early. Make sure we have enough sleep.




Life is movement, where there is life, there is motion, because motion let us have a healthy body; Because we are healthy and happy sports growth; Because sports let's colourful. Because of this, I love sports.

Beautiful day, is the movement of the good times. Can release our sports enthusiasm. We can free to gallop in the basketball court. Dribbling, passing, shooting. Have fun basketball bring us. You can also play on the lawn, passing and shooting. Appreciate the charm of football; You can also run on the playground of the runway, sports make people happy, more let people mood.


Depend entirely on the network, can indulge in the network, forget the outside network and a real world, the real society. Indulge in the network, not only can affect our study and life, and even change our character, the erosion of our soul, impede our growth. So, we get to the Internet, you must have a correct purpose, is to make web services for us, and not let the network bind us; Is must be the master of the network, not do the slaves of the network. That is to say, the health to the net.


Health, is our pursuit, has been always aspire to the goal! If a person have a healthy body, a healthy culture, psychological health, is very, very happy and proud! If we do this at 3 o 'clock, is to reduce our life road, is also for our future happiness life of casting a good foundation.

Have a healthy body, should start from every little bit! Such as: partial eclipse, anorexia, not picky about food! And to do exercise every day! And drink more water, eat more fruit.

how to keep healthy80字

现在的英语越来越普及,随着英语的不断深入,英语作文变得越来越重要,下列是一些英语作文供大家参考。保持健康身体,一直是我们大家所希望的,这里英语作文网为初中同学提供一篇范文:As we know, keeping healthy is important to us. But what should we do to keep healthy? First,we should get up early.we should eat healthy food, drink a lot of water and do more exercise . Food can give us energy. Doing exercise can make us strong. Second,we should change clothes often, wash hands often, keep the air fresh and clean and do house cleaning often to stop germs from getting into our bodies.You shouldn’t keep long fingernails. At last, we should go to see a doctor at once if we don’t feel well.大学的、考托福的同学们,可以阅读下文:【托福作文真题范文专项练习】Topic164:你认为采取何种措施保持健康?Topic164. People do many different things to stay healthy. What do you do for good health? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.[参考提纲]采取保持健康的方法:(1)作息规律,早睡早起(2)经常锻炼(3)合理的饮食[参看范文] Topic: healthyOur health is the only thing we really have in the world. You can take away our money, our house, or our clothes and we can survive. Take away our health and we will die. That is why I eat healthfully, exercise regularly, and keep up my social life.Eating healthfully is important to maintain one's health. I try to avoid foods high in fat like French fries or cookies. I also try to limit the amount of animal protein I consume. I never eat more than a few ounces offish or chicken a day and I rarely eat meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of fiber and vitamins. It is important to know how to cook these foods so the nutrients are not lost in the cooking process.Your muscles must continue to be strong to support your body as it grows older. Exercise helps the bones build density and helps you maintain your posture. A regular exercise program of cardiovascular training and weight training is an important part of keeping you healthy. joozone.comFriends are an important part of one's health. Studies have shown that people with a wide range of social contacts get fewer colds and have fewer complaints than those who don't. Laughing is also an important part of health. Hike to laugh with my friends and I always feel better when I am with them than when I am alone.By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at an appropriate weight and can maintain my health. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. It's all apart of my recipe for healthful living.以上便是关于 “ 英语写作范文 ”的具体内容了, 更多相关内容请关注 英语学习英语写作翻译相关推荐:一起来学习英语经典句子英语作文专业短语总结国外最新的英语作文汇总




Maintaining good health is essential for a happy life. Here are a few tips to stay healthy. Firstly, exercise regularly, like going for a jog or doing yoga, to keep the body active. Secondly, eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. Avoid junk food and sugary drinks. Thirdly, drink plenty of water and get enough sleep. Lastly, minimize stress by practicing relaxation techniques. By following these simple steps, one can lead a healthy lifestyle. Remember, health is wealth!


Leading a healthy lifestyle is crucial for overall well-being. Here are a few tips to help you maintain good health. Firstly, incorporate regular exercise into your routine, such as brisk walking or cycling. Secondly, eat a nutritious diet comprising fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid excessive consumption of processed foods and sugary snacks. Thirdly, ensure you get enough sleep and rest to rejuvenate your body and mind. Lastly, manage stress by practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation. By adopting these habits, you can enjoy a healthier and happier life.


Living a healthy lifestyle is vital for a happy and balanced life. Here are some useful tips to promote good health. Firstly, engage in physical activities like swimming, dancing, or playing sports to keep your body active. Secondly, maintain a nutritious diet by including a variety of foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Avoid excessive intake of unhealthy fats and sugary treats. Thirdly, prioritize getting enough sleep and rest to allow your body to recover. Lastly, manage stress through activities like reading, listening to music, or practicing yoga. Remember, a healthy body leads to a healthier mind and a fulfilling life.





英语 作文 的写作话题之中,你是否有遇到过写健康类的?下面是我给大家带来健康英语作文,供大家参阅!


Today,I want to tell you how to keep healthy.It is very important for us.Because if you don't healthy ,you will ill.How to keep healthy ?

First,we must have a healthy diet.Most of the students like eating fried food such as fried chicken,French fries and so on.But this kind of food isn't good for us.It is unhealthy food.We should eat less fried food.

Second,we must have a good habit.I have a good habit.I get up early and go to bed early.I exercise regularly when it is six o'clock in the morning.So I have a strong body.But I go to bed very late,so I should go to bed earlier than before.

Next,We must do some housework at home.My parents are very tired which they do the housework,so we can help them.

By these suggestion,you will be healthy.


As a middle school student,you will take the high school entrance examinations.How will you keep healthy?

Suggested questions:

1.How important is the health?.com

2.In what ways can you keep healthy?

I am always very tired these days,because I have so much homework to do every day.So it is important for us to keep healthy before the high school entrance examinations.Then how can we keep healthy?I think the best way is to take part in sports and have a good sleep.However,Ialways keep doing my homework until 11 o'clock.So I should arrange the time well.What's more,I think if we want to keep healthy,we shouldn't spend much time on useless things.Then I'm sure we will get good marks..


In order to eat healthily,I usually avoid eating food high in fat,like French fries or cookies.I also eat little meat.I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.

Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body.Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.

What’s more,I think friends are an important part of one’s health.Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don’t.I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone.When I am with my friends,I always laugh.Laughing is also an important part of health.I like to laugh with my friends.

By eating properly and exercising regularly,I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy.By spending time with my friends,I can keep my mind as well as my body happy.These things sound easy to do,but not many people can manage them.I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.


The flu influences our daily life and health. What’s more, it can make people lost their lives. What can we do to protect ourselves from the flu?

First, don’t be afraid of the terrible disease. We should have enough sleep and try to do more exercise. Second, we should clean our room every day and open the window often. We must wash hands often. In public, we shouldn’t spit or throw litter. Next, we need to drink more water, never or seldom eat junk food but eat more vegetables and fruit. Finally, if we have a fever or a cough, we must go to the doctor as soon as possible.


以上就是如何保持健康英语作文80词初二的全部内容,定期进行体育锻炼是健康生活方式的另一个关键组成部分。参与如步行、慢跑、游泳或瑜伽等运动可以改善心血管健康、肌肉力量和心理健康。每周至少 aim for 30 分钟的中等强度锻炼。
