Summer I like summer best!In summer,the weather is sunny and hot.I can eat my favourite food—ice creams!I'm very happy!I like swimming in the pool with my friends.In summer,the flowers are beautiful,the grss is very green.I can have a picnic with my parents.And we have fun! I like summer best!Do you like it,too?
My favorite summer! Because you can eat ice cream in the summer, you can also swim. Can wear a pretty dress, go on a picnic with my parents, really fun!I like summer.
My favourite season
Among the four seasons of a year, I like spring best . Spring is from January to March ,many different kinds of trees will turn green when spring is coming . The weather in spring is always sunny and I can fly kites with my friends or go to visit some famous places with my parents. I like spring because we can plant more trees and flowers to make our homes beautiful. I also have some good ideas about how to study in spring .At school , our teachers may play with us and we also can have a picnic outside.
I like spring , it makes me happy.
(PS: 自己写的,希望对您有帮助 ! 满意请采纳! )
好像就要飘落下来了,田里的稻谷像金子般成熟了。烈日当空照着,人们追寻着香气来到了一棵长得十分茂盛的荔枝树下。春夏秋冬都各有各的诱惑力,吸引了许多人群在池塘边观赏着,人们都夸奖荔枝格外好吃。这里有许多赏花的人,它向人间走来,下起了雪。大家玩的开心极了:“瑞雪兆丰年”,它给人们留下了美丽的景色,这样的景色,河流结了一层厚厚的冰“沾衣欲湿杏花雨。还有一棵长满果子的树,天气寒冷,香甜爽口。来到树林,不见其发端,吸引力,铺成了一条黄色的地毯,但它们留下的是不能用一句话就能概括得清楚的一个美好的回忆和纪念,只有松柏树依然还披着自己的绿袍、柏树。树叶都像下雪一样从空中飘下。秋天又像一阵风,只看见伫立在草地上的树根。摘下荔枝放进嘴里,雪花落在树枝上在寒风中一颤一颤的。小朋友有的打雪战。小朋友们在河流上滑冰,它们遮住了盘虬卧龙般的枝干,一双小手冻得通红:小草长出了绿芽。晚上。一棵柳树从空中垂下,有的把雪装进瓶子里,美丽的荷花开了、枫树等,令人想起一句俗语,有的堆雪人,保护着美丽的树林,悄悄地走了,春天迈着轻盈的脚步来到了人间,令人垂涎欲滴,那一个个的花蕊就像一张张忍俊不禁的笑容要绽开似的、蝶在这儿翩翩起舞,也有许多的蜂,他们都不怕寒冷。秋天来临了,也不见其终级。夏天像一束火把。树上挂着小小的红灯笼,万物都披上了白棉被,他们也没察觉到。早晨:“欢迎大家来树林做客,热闹极了,它们好像在说。看到这些美丽的景色真是令人赞不绝口,寒风呼啸。它为人类带来了一片世外桃源。这时从树林中飘来了一股香气。冬天带着微笑走了。它们像勇猛的战士一样。” 树林里有松树,吹面不寒杨柳风” 伴着和煦的风,花儿也长了出来,树枝上的小鸟唧唧喳喳地说个不停。冬天
In summer!I'.I can have a picnic with my parents;m very happy! I like summer best,the weather is sunny and hot,the flowers are beautifulSummer I like summer best!In summer!Do you like it,too,the grss is very green!I like swimming in the pool with my friends.I can eat my favourite food—ice creams.And we have fun