
  • 三年级
  • 2024-08-14

三人英语口语对话简单?三人英语对话1 隔壁搬来一家人,也有一个小男孩。Matt 和Amy正打算去认识一下他。Amy: Matt, look, that boy is our new neighbor. Can we play with him?(Matt, 快看,那个男孩是我们的新邻居。那么,三人英语口语对话简单?一起来了解一下吧。


M: Hey ,John .Would you like to play basketball with me ?

J: Oh,Mark.I'm sorry..

M(打断说):no ,please don't say no. Don't you agree that basketball is a sport attract a lot of attraction?

J: Mark. I know it is exciting to you ,but I'm too weak to play this sport, I'm afraid I will be hurt.

M:OK. But what should I do ?

J: Er...

K: Hey, John, Mark!I'm very glad to see you .What are you doing?

J: Oh,Kevin! So do I. Mark ask me how to spend this afternoon.

K: Oh,it's easy. We can ask another student to play table-tenins.

J: But we cannot find a student to play PingPang at this time and I don't think it's good for healthy to play it under the sun.How about you,Mark?

M: I have no idea, it's up to you.

K: Er.. How about swimming? It's very comfortable when you in the river or swimming pool.

J: That's good idea.

M: OK,I agree. Let's go!

M: 你好 约翰 你有兴趣和我去打篮球吗

J:噢 马克 对不起..

M;不,请别说不 难道你不认为篮球是一项很吸引人的运动吗?

J:马克,我知道它对你来说很刺激 但是我太弱而不能玩这个 我担心我会受伤

M 好的,但我该干什么呢

J 恩...

K 嘿,约翰 马克 我很高兴见到你们俩 你们在干什么啊

J 凯文!我也是(很高兴见到你)马克问我怎么度过这个下午.

K 这很简单啊 我们可以再叫一个同学去玩双打乒乓球啊

J 但是我们现在不可能找到另一个人去打 而且我不认为在这么炙热的阳光下玩这个有益于我们的健康

你怎么看呢 马克

M 我没什么看法 随你们的便吧

K: 那游泳怎么样 这是很舒服的当我们在河里或游泳池的时候

J 这是个好主意

M 好 我同意 那我们走吧



A: Why is it that some people are always buying beyond their means? I mean, they do not make that much and spend half of their incomes on designer clothes as such.

B: My theory is that insecure people need to wear famous brand clothing to feel good.

C: Yes! They want people to know that they are good enough to afford the best.

A: Well, I don't agree that name brands are just for the insecure. I mean, I like my designer clothes too. I do think designer shoes are more comfortable.

C: So, you buy designer shoes for comfort? How about those ridiculous designer sweaters that have holes in them and shoes that have 2.5cm heels?

B: Hah~! And those funny hats! You surely aren't saying that these things are functional.

A: i disagree. Most designer and brand-name items are actually not useless. What you see on the catwalks are just the extremes. What you find in the stores is more functional.

B: And not much less expensive! So don't tell me that you're into designer stuff.

A: Like I said, some things are worth spending the money on, like stylish but comfortable shoes. But I wouldn't get designer underwear, for example. I mean, for one pair of brand-name underwear, Ican buy 10 pairs of sturdy cotton underwear at the market and just throw them into the wash and not be heartbroken if they change color. But I'd buy a brand-name washing machine because I believe they work longer.


A: Hey, that's a beautiful bag you've got! Is it genuine Louis Vuitton?

B: No, are you kidding? I can't afford the real thing. It's a fake that I got at a street market on the cheap.

C: But don't you feel bad supporting pirates? I mean pirated stuff undercuts companies which produce the real things.

B: So should we all drive Ferraris? There are those who can afford to and those who can't. Those who can't buy a cheaper sports car and paint it Ferrari-red. Pirated stuff is for those too poor to afford the real thing.

C: I think it is illegal.

B: What? Illegal to want to look good?

A: No, illegal to own, sell and above all, manufacture fakes. It's like copyright - if you author a book, you don't want someone else to print and sell it for their own profits, do you?

B: I see what you mean about books, but if I write a novel, I hope it's read by as many people as possible so I price it so that it's accessible to the most. But designer luxury items are priced beyond most people's means - they are not intended for the general public but for the elite few. And that's why I don't care about supporting pirated luxury items.

C: What aoubt pirated textbooks? A photocopy of the original at a tenth of the price? Would you buy that? Furthermore, what about music? I mean CDs and the like?

B: Um, I guess you're right there. It's not fair to exploit the work of other authors and producers. But I still wish they wouldn't price their products so high.


M: hi, Dan, what are u doing?

D: I am playing war craft.

M: Where is Tommy?

D: Shi!

M:What? What's the matter?

D: Don't u see? He is still sleeping.

M: My goodness! I can't believe this! It’s almost nine. He got to get up now. Don't u remember we are required to make up a three people dialogue for tomorrow's oral class?

D: Yes, I do. You wake up Tommy and I will play one more round of war craft.

M: You'd better stop playing right now. We don't have much time to prepare this dialogue. Tommy! Tommy! Wake up! Time to wake up!

T:five more minutes, please


Ming:Do you speak chinese?

Qiang:Yes,I do.

Hong:Me too.





Tom: Hello! My name is Tom. Nice to meet you!Jim: Hello! My name is Jim.Nice to meet you, too. I am from England, what about you?Tom: I’m from the USA. This is my friend, Mary.Jim: Hello, Mary.Mary: Hello, Jim.Jim: Are you American, too?Mary: No, I am an Australian. But I work in America. Do you work in China?Jim:Yes, I am an English teacher here. Why do you come to China?Tom: We are visiting China, now.Mary: Yes. China is a very interesting country. We like it. Jim: Really? I love China, too. I have worked here for 3 years. Have you ever been to Beijing?Mary: Not yet.Tom: We are going to fly to Beijing tomrrow.Jim: Ok, enjoy yourselves in China. I have to leave now. Glad to see you two.Tom: Glad to see you. Bye-bye.Mary:. Goodbye.Jim: Bye-bye.

以上就是三人英语口语对话简单的全部内容,分了3个人,讲了3个人的不同观点和做法。 作为参考。A : Hey, pal James, you are in a rush, what's up? Today is Saturday, no classes .(你好,詹姆斯,你这么匆忙,怎么了?今天可是周六,没有课呢!。
