英文单词 | 中文翻译 |
Other cash and cash equivalents | 其他货币资金 |
Short-term investments - stock | 短期投资 - 股票 |
Short-term investments - corporate bonds | 短期投资 - 公司债券 |
Short-term investments - corporate funds | 短期投资 - 公司基金 |
Account receivable | 应收款 |
Notereceivable | 应收票据 |
Dividend receivable | 应收股利 |
Interest receivable | 应收利息 |
Other notes receivable | 其他应收款 |
Bad debt reserves | 坏账准备 |
Advancemoney | 预付账款 |
Supplies purchasing | 物资采购 |
Low-value consumption goods | 低值易耗品 |
Materialscost variance | 材料成本差异 |
Finished goods | 库存商品 |
Differences between purchasing and selling price | 商品进销差价 |
Work in process - outsourced | 委托加工物资 |
Commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis | 受托代销商品 |
Inventory falling price reserves | 存货跌价准备 |
Collect money and send out the goods by stages | 分期收款发出商品 |
Long-term investment on stocks | 长期股权投资 |
Long-term investment on bonds | 长期债权投资 |
Stock rights investment depreciation reserves | 股权投资减值准备 |
Creditor's rights investment depreciation reserves | 债权投资减值准备 |
Accumulated depreciation | 累计折旧 |
英文单词 | 中文翻译 |
Accounting function | 会计职能 |
Financial accounting |