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  • 英语学习网
  • 2024-01-26

清明上河图英语介绍?清明上河图 《清明上河图》(Along the River during the QingmingFestival)是中国名画之一。它为北宋(the Northern SongDynasty)画家张择端所作。现收藏于故宫博物院(thePalace Museum)。《清明上河图》宽25.5厘米,那么,清明上河图英语介绍?一起来了解一下吧。


Scroll of Pure Brightness Festival on the River.


这是中央电视台 《快乐中国》节目的标准翻译




《Pure Brightness Festival on the River》



During the Qingming Festival》。




Ming River map, one of China's top ten famous painting. Northern Song Dynasty genre painting, only to see the Northern Song Dynasty painter zhang zeduan surviving boutique, is a national treasures, now hidden in the Beijing Palace Museum.

Riverside width 25.2 cm, length 528.7 cm, color on silk. Works in scroll form, the use of cavalier perspective mapping method, a vivid record of China's 12th-century Song Bianjing urban landscape and then the people of all walks of life situation. It is the year of prosperity Bianjing witness, also the portrayal of the Northern Song Dynasty city's economic situation.

This is unique in the history of China and the world of painting. In more than five meters in length picture, and draw a 814 colorful characters, cattle, mules, donkeys and other livestock 73, car, car 20 vehicles, the size of the vessel twenty-nine. Houses, bridges, towers, etc. have their own characteristics, reflects the characteristics of the Song Dynasty architecture. With high historical and artistic value.





《清明上河图》的英文名为:《Along the River During the Qingming Festival》。



清明上河图 英文

Along The RiverDuring Ching Ming Festival in Chinese(清明上河图)was known as the work of Song Dynasty artist, Zhang Zeduan(张择端. The painting captures the daily life of people from the Song period at thecapital, bian liang (today's Kaifeng 开封).

The theme celebrates Ching Ming Festival (Qingming Festival). The entire piece was painted in handscroll format and the content reveals the lifestyle of all stratum of the society (from rich to poor) as well as different economic activities in rural areas and the city. It offers glimpse of the custumes and architecture during the period. As an artistic creation, the picture has been well revered and over the centuries, court artists of subsequent dynasties have reproduced several versions.

以上就是清明上河图英语介绍的全部内容,Along the River During the Qingming Festival。《清明上河图》的作者是北宋画家张择端。张择端,字正道,汉族,琅珊东武人,居住于东京,北宋绘画大师。宣和年间任翰林待诏,擅画楼观、屋宇、林木、人物。所作风俗画市肆、。
