相亲相爱英语怎么说?相亲相爱 be deeply attached to each other be kind to each other and love each other devotedly 同学们相亲相爱,关系十分融洽。The students are very friendly and get on very well together 老夫妇俩相亲相爱,没有破过一回脸。那么,相亲相爱英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。
be deeply attached to each other
be kind to each other and love each other devotedly
The students are very friendly and get on very well together
The old couple love each other dearly and have never quarrelled with each other
【典故出处】:明 王世贞《鸣凤记 拜谒忠灵》:「与严家大相自幼往往来来,嘻嘻哈哈,同眠同坐,相亲相爱,就是一个人相交,不放下怀。」
【成语注音】:ㄒㄧㄤ ㄑㄧㄣ ㄒㄧㄤ ㄞˋ
【通用拼音】:xiāng qīn xiāng ai
【感 *** 彩】:中性成语
【英语翻译】:be kind to each other and love each other
【俄语翻译】:любить друг друга <взаимное уважение и любовь>
【成语例句】:想起昨天晚上,还是有说有笑,相亲相爱的何等有趣,今天晚上变了这个情形。(清 吴趼人《情变》第五回)
相亲相爱是 love each other devotedly
百年好合可以是 many years of happiness 或者 erternal love
Liang Zhou & Feiyan Zhao, with you loving each other devotedly, best wishes for many years of happiness ahead.
望采纳, 谢谢
1、永浴爱河:bathe in a river of love forever
2、永结同心:to be of one mind forever
3、心心相印:a complete meeting of minds
4、相亲相爱:to be kind and love to each other
5、天作之和:a match by heaven
6、天缘巧合:a destiny given by heaven and a wonderful match
7、郎才女貌:talented guy and beautiful lady
8、佳偶天成:an ideal couple
9、花好月圆:the flowers are in full bloom, and the moon is full-ideal time for wedding
10、百年好合:a harmonious union lasting a hundred years
Zhou liang and zhao swallow love each other, and good luck in one hundred
以上就是相亲相爱英语怎么说的全部内容,2、永结同心:to be of one mind forever 3、心心相印:a complete meeting of minds 4、相亲相爱:to be kind and love to each other 5、天作之和:a match by heaven 6、天缘巧合:a destiny given by heaven and a wonderful match 7、郎才女貌:talented guy and beautiful lady 8、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。