
  • 英语作文
  • 2024-03-29

岳麓山的英文?岳麓山在长沙市区之西,东临湘江,面积约8平方公里,古人赞誉其“碧嶂屏开,秀如琢珠”。 唐宋以来,岳麓山即以林壑幽美,山幽涧深闻名。 六朝罗汉松、唐宋银杏、明清松樟相当著名;爱晚亭、清风峡、蟒蛇洞、禹王碑、那么,岳麓山的英文?一起来了解一下吧。



Hello, I am from accounting 1131 class of XX, because I am the locals, so in my heart changsha is the most beautiful place.


By the next I present changsha ten big beauty.


Capital: the first one is the first capital, yuelu scenic spot is national key scenic spot, there are a lot of scenic spot, is worth a look.


Martyrs park: the second is martyrs park, visit and entertainment comprehensive park


Riverside sight: the third is changsha is a sight along the beautiful scenery, the green place. Is of xiangjiang river, a bright pearl.


Pedestrian street: the fourth, walking street, a flourishing business street



Hello, I am from accounting class 1131XX, because I am

The local people, so in my heart is the most beautiful place in changsha.

Next, I introduce to you all the beauties of Changsha ten.

Mount Yuelu: the first is the Mount Yuelu, the Yuelu scenic area is

National key scenic spots, there are many attractions, value

Have a look.

The martyr park: second Martyrs Park, tour and entertainment

Comprehensive park

Belt along: third is the Changsha with scenery along the river is a

Beautiful scenery, greenery is shady place. Is Xiangjiang coast an Cui

Jade pearl.

Pedestrian street: Fourth, pedestrian street, a busy commercial street


Pavilion: Fifth Pavilion, is the only city of Changsha standard


Botanic Garden: Sixth botanical garden, where the cherry blossom is very beautiful.

Moon Island: seventh moon island, is a resort, can be

Go camping.

Zoo: Zoo ecology eighth ecology, can go to have a look

Where the alpaca

Window of the world: a ninth window of the world, South Africa's largest and most

Beautiful theme park.

The Orange Isle: the last orange Chau Tau, every Saturday

Night fireworks.

Thank you


Yuelu Mountain

It lies in the west bank of Xiang River in Changsha City. The landscape is mainly posed of Lushan Mountain and the nearby rivers, ponds, plants and animals gardens and personnel landscape. Here the climate is warm and fortable. The main peak in 300 meters high. It lies in the west bank of Xiang River in Changsha City. The landscape is mainly posed of Lushan Mountain and

the nearby rivers, ponds, plants and animals gardens and personnel landscape. Here the climate is warm and fortable. The main peak in 300 meters high.

Yuelu Mountain is posed of natural scenery and personnel landscape. The natural scenery is strange, quiet, treasure and beautiful. In the landscape there are several thousand kinds of plants, among which there are a lot of famous and rare plants such as privet, ginkgo, camphor, spinulose tree, quassia, sweet gum, honey locustbladder catchfly. Besides, there are a lot of famous and rare birds and animals such as babbler, loriot, cuckoo, owl, woodpecker, parrot and fox, goat, pheasant. Yuelu Mountain is one of Eight Attractions in Xiaoxiang.

Yuelu Mountain has brilliant personnel landscape. For example, the poem written by Du Mu, "Stop the car and watch the maple leaves until late, the leaves covered by frost are more red than the flowers in February."

There are a lot of scenic spots in Yuelu Mountain such as Qingfeng ge, Aiwan Pavilion, Lushan Temple, Yunlu Palace, White Crane Spring and Flying Stone.

Qingfeng Ge lies in the low place Between Yuelu Academy and Lushan Temple, where the scenery is quite beautiful. In it there are Aiwan Pavilion. Aiwan Pavilion lies in Qingfeng Ge and was built in A.D.1792. Its original name is Red Leaf Pavilion and later according to the poem written by Du Mu, it was changed the name. Mao Zhedong once played and studied here in the course of study period and the remaining tablet was written by Mao Zedong in the 50s. It was supported by four red poles. There is a tablet with the poem, "Qinyuanchun-Changsha" written by Mao Zedong.

The history of activities for Taoi *** in Yuelu Mountain is quite long. And Yuelu Palace was built in A.D.1478, the region has been as the activity center of Taoi *** since then.

Yuelu Mountain has a lot of attractions and very pretty thus it is the good place for tourists.




Hello everyone,I'm XX from Accounting Class1131.Because I'm local people here,I believe Changsha is the most beautiful place in my mind.



I will introduce you ten beautiful sights in Changsha. Yuelu Mountain:first of all,Yuelu Mountain is national key senic area,there are many attractions worth looking.












Hi everyone,I'm XX from Accounting Class1131.


As I am local to Changsha,I believe Changsha is the most beautiful place in my mind.


以上就是岳麓山的英文的全部内容,As I am local to Changsha,I believe Changsha is the most beautiful place in my mind.接下来由我来向大家介绍长沙十大美景。Next, I shall introduce ten beautiful sights in Changsha.岳麓山:首先第一个是岳麓山。
