
  • 用英语怎么说
  • 2024-04-04

勿折花木用英语怎么说?11. Don't harm the flowers and trees.勿折花木。 12. Post no bills. / Stick no bills.禁止张贴。 13. No smoking.请勿吸烟/严禁烟火。 14. This way, please.请这边走。 15. No entry please.禁止入内。那么,勿折花木用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。


请勿抽烟 No Smoking

禁止通行 No Passing

勿折花木 Don't Pick The Flowers

请勿践踏草坪 Don't Step On The Grass.


Do not smoke

Do not discount flowers

No thoroughfare

Do not trample on the lawn


Don't discount flowers and trees

Keep off the grass

Don't waste a discarded

Please shut the door after you

Guest registration careful slip and fall


请勿吸烟 No smoking

勿折花木 Don't harm the flowers and trees

禁止通行 No Passing/ No Entry

请勿践踏草坪 Keep off the grass


No smoking.

No passing.

Don't pick the flowers.

Don't step on the grass.

And good luck!呵呵

以上就是勿折花木用英语怎么说的全部内容,你好,分别翻译为:“Do not smoking”,“ do not discounting flowers to prohibit access”,“do not trampling on the lawn”。
