
  • 用英语怎么说
  • 2024-05-23

二人世界英语怎么说?Parenting Forum: The World of Two 育儿论坛在英文中通常被翻译为“Parenting Forum”,它提供了一个平台,让父母们可以分享育儿经验、交流育儿心得,并寻求专家的建议和指导。那么,二人世界英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。


C G teacher :)


4、Two true friends don't need to contact each other on a regular base. You will find that someday he or she is still a phone call away between the gap of elapsed time.But a kind of friendship which needs the constant contact is not reliable because when the contact discontinues, it will discontinue too.

5、We need distance between one another. The beauty is produced in the distance. When we are too close to each other, what we see is more weaknesses. Throwing two rocks into the water, we will see that if they are close to each other, their ripples are interfered by each other.


1. The real world of two person is quiet but not lonely, the increase of one person will increase the chance of divergence, this is a deviation, the situation of no guard turns into sociality. The world of three is too crowded.

2. Friendship is a luxury, which is not practical. Once you got it, you should be satisfied, because the true friend gives you nothing but friendship.

3.Friend is of no utilization, when you are with him/her, you will feel free, when you face him/ her, you need not say a word ,but you know everything.

4. A true friendship is not maitained by constant contact, once two or three years passed, the person at the other end of the line, is alway near you. The so called friendship that is supported by constant contact, is not reliable, once contact is rare, you will be hard to find them.

5. Peopleneed distance, which generates sense of beauty, once you are too near with each other, you see weakness of the other side more, once two stones are plunged into water too near, the water wave disturns each other.

6. A friend is like water, it does not remind you often, but it is always there.

我们是两个世界的人 英文翻译

two people's world或the world of husband and wife



1.A true friend is the one, two people in the world. We very quiet, but not cold and cheerless. Many a man will inevitably have not common topic of discussion, this is a distraction from an undefended becomes a kind of social. Three people in the world is too crowded.

2, the friend is a luxury, luxury items are not practical. Such things have the content, because the real friends, but friendship, what also can't give you.

3, a friend should be useless. "With" (herein refers to the use of). And when he would feel free. Holding her hand, but worry intermittently speechless.

4 a true friend is often contact between the two, no relation, telephone that people never leave. Need to maintain frequent contact the so-called "friendship" is not reliable, because once, they will not contact.

Five, the distance between people to produce and distance. Too close, we will see each other more disadvantages. Stones into the water, too close, the water too close to each other.

6 and friends like water, not recall, however nowhere is absent.




【拼音】: huā huā shì jiè

【解释】: 指繁华的、吃喝玩乐的地方。也泛指人世间。

【出处】: 宋·文及翁《贺新郎·西湖》词:“回首洛阳花世界,烟渺黍离之地。”

【举例造句】: 史见满园青翠萦目,红紫迎人,真是锦绣乾坤,花花世界。 ★清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第四回

【拼音代码】: hhsj



【歇后语】: 蝴蝶群舞


【用法】: 作宾语、定语;指花天酒地的场所

【英文】: the dazzling human world with its myriad temptations

以上就是二人世界英语怎么说的全部内容,二人世界…打一个数字?——答案:8。花花世界 【拼音】: huā huā shì jiè 【解释】: 指繁华的、吃喝玩乐的地方。也泛指人世间。【出处】: 宋·文及翁《贺新郎·西湖》词:“回首洛阳花世界,烟渺黍离之地。”【举例造句】: 史见满园青翠萦目,红紫迎人,真是锦绣乾坤,花花世界。
