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  • 大学
  • 2024-05-23



The 20th century producedscientific and technological changes at a dizzying pace – greater than in anyother century in history. But the 21st century, the dawn of the new millennium,may well see even more dramatic changes driven by advances in science andtechnology.

20世纪科学和技术的变化,以令人目眩的速度 - 大于在其他任何一个世纪的历史。但进入21世纪,新千年的曙光,很可能看到在科学和技术的进步带动下更为剧烈的变化。

On these pages are my predictions for thetop scientific developments we’ll see in the next 100 years, in the order I thinkthey’ll happen.




1.react2.tense 3.recommended4.destructive 5. perceive

6.emphasis7.stirred8.priority9.attributed10. stimulate


1. blow his top 2. Among other things

3. take charge of 4. put emphasis on

5. is attributed to 6. from my viewpoint

7. substituted low-fat oil for butter8.cut down on

9. keep your audience in mind 10. out of control


1.N 2.E 3.G 4.J 5.I 6.A 7.C 8.L 9.D 10.O

Word Building


1.endless2. thoughtful3. harmful4. restless

5.beautiful6.successful7.fearless 8.joyful


realizeprivatize characterizesocialize

nationalize economize normalize criticize

1.nationalized2.criticized 3.normalized 4.economize

5.realized6.socializing7.privatized 8.characterizes

Sentence structure


1.When you are studying abroad,misunderstandings can result from cultural differences, among ohter things.

2.Online learning requires, among other things, commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course.

3.The research work was severely criticized for its poor management, among other things.

4.They discussed, among other things, the future of the oil industry.

5.The article shows, among other things, the negative effects of generation gap between parents and children.


1.The more often I practice, the better I play.

2.The higher we got up in the air, the colder it became.

3.The more carbon the steel contains and the quicker the cooling is,the harder the steel becomes.

4.The more I thought about his suggestion, the more doubtful I became.

5.The more he eats,the fatter he becomes.



1.At the meeting they discussed, among other things, the present economic situation.

2.The more I learned about the nature,the more absorbed I became in its mystery.

3.The doctor recommends that those stressed people should try something new,interesting and challenging in order to give their negative feelings an outlet.

4.The teacher gives more homework to the student who has bad grades instead of cutting it down.

5.By contrast,American parents are more likely to attribute their children's success to natural talent.

6.One of a teacher's priorities is to stimulate students' interests and their creativity.










1.D 2.A3.D4.C5.D6.B7.B8.C9.B10.B11.D12.B 13.C14.C15.B

Section B

Comprehension of the Text


1. F2.F3.T4.F5.T 6.F7.F 8.T



1.constant 2.ambition 3.consequence 4.evident 5. summarize

6.welfare7.schedule 8.attaining 9.loyal10.indispensable


1. There isn't anything to do other than wait to see what will happen.

2. Althought Bill was going to the movies, he told Joe to the contrary.

3. I wonder who it was that defined man as a rational animal.

4. Traveling in that country isn't necessary expensive;you can find reasonably priced hotels and restaurants.

5. Janet tends to get angry if you bother her.

6. I would rather walk there than go by bus.

7. She was held for twenty days and at times she feared for her life.

8. He's been burning the midnight oil for a week now, getting ready for finals.

9. For many people the only possible way to escape from poverty is to move to other countries.

10. Born in Milan, he dropped out of university to devote himself to music.



Unit 8

Comprehension of the Text


1. Today’s college beginners are more consumeristic and less at any time in the 17 years of the poll.

2. It is less important than being financially well off or successful.

3. Work is not the only thing they live for, and they are meant to do more.

4. To help students become aware of the meaning of life.

5. Education teaches us to see the connections between things as well as see beyond our immediate needs.

6. We can improve our moral sense by acquiring knowledge accumulated throughout the ages.

7. In the long run, education should be about teaching people how to distinguish right from wrong.

8. We ought to give our ability to our work but our genius to our lives.



1. render 2. contribution 3. popular 4.institutions 5.enrolled

6. diverse 7. accumulated8. distinguish9. puzzling10. confine


1. His past record is certainly something he is proud of.

2. The members of the committee, after a two-hour discussion, finally arrived at a solution.

3. If we want to arrive there in time, we have to travel by day as well as by night.

4. I was shocked when I read of his death in a newspaper.

5. According to the police, the young man was arrested at the scene of the robbery.

6. There is nothing more frustrating than spending hours searching for information, only to discover the information useless.

7. It is unnecessary to worry a lot. In fact, things will get better in the long run.

8. My smile was meant to show interest in this trip, but Carla was far too intelligent to believe it showed anything of the sort.

9. The number of students who want to be enrolled in engineering courses is way up.

10. The little girl is so fond of her dog that she gives it a piece of chocolate every day.


1. A 2. D 3. M 4. N 5. E 6. J 7. C 8. L 9. G 10. H

Word Building


1. weekly 2. attractive3. worldly4. costly 5. secondary

6. leisurely7. earthly 8. customary 9. protective 10. progressive

11. sickly 12. momentary 13. manly 14. orderly


1. backward(s) 2. strangely 3. outward(s)4. unfortunately

5. homeward(s)6. originally 7. sadly8. inward(s)

Sentence structure


1. On no account will they give up the plan.

2. Little does he know much his parents love him.

3. Not until he read the report did he realize what a serious mistake he had made.

4. Hardly could the poor old man fall asleep with a pain in his leg.

5. Under no conditions will we give in to their demands.


1. While I agree it is a tough problem, I don’t think it cannot be solved.

2. While Sara cannot come to help us, she will give us some suggestions.

3. While people admit pollution is very serious, few are willing to take measures.

4. While it’s raining hard now, it will clear up anytime.

5. While it is true we need money badly, we cannot steal it.



1. Little did she know that this picture would one day be worth more than a million dollars.

2. While I understand what you say, I don’t agree with you on the issue.

3. I think the police are meant to protect people.

4. I went to see him yesterday, only to find that he had gone abroad several days before.

5. At the weekly meeting, everyone must confine their remarks to the subject.

6. If only I hadn’t said those silly words! I was too young then to distinguish right from wrong.


1. 五年前我几乎不会想到今天我会与这么多来自世界各地的学生坐在一起学习英语。


Listening & Speaking

1, around us; behind it; curious about the; explore it; to know; we have different seasons; we long to discover; why we get tired; it is so difficult; we got so much rain; you got a cold; it happens that way; we have different seasons; the earth moves around the sun; discovery is exciting; the body needs to rest; it takes time; is was the rainy season; physical exercise


1),final exams; the thing is; dead right; under stress; belong to; the former; why is that; our genes differ; I read widely

Because she’s under a lot of stress.

They tend to overeat or eat little under stress.

He tends to overeat.

He says that the reason is that their genes are different.

Because he reads widely, particularly about such things.

2), was serious; a brain transplant; cost a lot; a brain would cost; a difference in price; they were overused

Things don’t look good.

Well, the only chance is a brain transplant.

This is an experimental procedure. It might work, but the bad news is that brains are very expensive, and you will have to pay the cost yourselves.

For a male brain, $200,000. For a female brain, $500,000.

This is standard pricing practice. Men’s brains have to be marked down because they’re overused.


8, around us; goes against; were simpler; in its simplest form; past ages; the steps of evolution; have been found; go back; reptiles before birds; from one form to another

9, Because of evolution.

Because it proves that all the plants and animals in the world today have developed in a natural way from earlier forms that were simpler.

Becausethey can prove that evolution did take place.

That fish developed in the waters of the earth before amphibians, amphibians before reptiles, reptiles before birds, and so on.

A theory that proves that life has progressed from one form to another.

Text A


1. advances

2. predict

3. existed

4. powerful

5. audiences

6. manufacturing

7. damaged

8. effect

9. contains

10. connected


1. thanks to

2. at a pace

3. died of

4. for one

5. was replaced with

6. carryingaround

7. in the first place

8. has come full circle

9. and so on


1. Computers of this type use very little power, which means that they will run on small batteries.

2. After I left hometown, I never met my best friend Leon again, which was a great pity.

3. She said the job would be done by March, which I doubt.

4. The day before she gave her speech to the large audience at the town hall, she was a little worried, which was understandable.

5. He was educated at the local grammar school, after which he went on to Cambridge.


1. as it moves across the sky

2. As time went by

3. As technology keeps advancing

4. As he has been up since 4 A.M.

5. as they have so much paperwork to deal with

6. as computers become more and more powerful


1. The past decade has seen the advances in computer science and technology at a dizzying pace.

2. Thanks to the development of genetic engineering, someday doctors will be able to replace damaged genes with healthy ones and nobody will die of cancer anymore.

3. As it is difficult to predict what effect this new drug will have on the patient, probably we should not give it to him in the first place.

4. This nuclear power plant has existed for twenty years, but it suddenly stopped its operation ten years ago, which is really difficult to understand.

5. Once you connect your computer to the Internet, you will find that many services on the Internet — email for one — are provided free of charge.

6. At different stages of my life I have been a teacher, a salesman, a manager and so on. Now it seems that my career has come full circle and I am teaching again at this college that I left thirty years ago.


1. No longer will I believe a word you say.

2. Seldom did she show her feelings.

3. Only after long consideration did he agree to our plan.

4. Not only did he turn up late, but he also forgot his books.

5. Had she become a lawyer, as her parents wished, she would have earned a large salary.

6. In came the chairman and the meeting began.

7. Hardly had he finished his work when the telephone rang.

8. Never did we think his speech had made so deep an impression on his audience.

9. So much does he worry about his financial position that he can’t sleep at night.

10. Had he worked harder, he would have got through the exams.

Pratcical Writing(写作):


1. sonnyaj@yeah.net

2. wanglin@hotmail.com

3. reschedulethe meeting on May 10th

4. Sun, 2 May, 2004, 12:13:34

5. that the General Manager, Mr. Brown, must be away for a marketing conference in Paris around that time.


Hi, David,

It’s great to hear that you’re coming soon.

You can travel by plane or train. If I were you, I’d do it by plane. Why not contact a few travel agents? They sometimes offer cheap flights.

It would be worth bringing another form of identification, like an ID card, because you won’t want to carry your passport around all the time. You ought to bring a little English currency with you, in case the banks are shut when you arrive. However, it’s a good idea to have mainly travellers checks, as they’re much safer. By the way, you’ll probably find it’s well worth getting a student card — you’ll be able to get all sorts of discounts, particularly when it comes to traveling around.

There’s just one other thing — you’d better remember to get in touch with us when you’re over here, or we’ll be very upset!


Chen Bin


1. electricity

2. power

3. safety

4. amount

5. harmful

6. be alarmed

7. huge

8. check

9. heat

10. Steam


1. get into

2. After all

3. take place

4. blew off

5. to make matters worse

6. taken steps

7. taking chances

8. Even though


1. A

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. D

6. B

7. B

8. C


Steps involved

1)The subjects listened to a recording.

2)The subjects took a 15 question test to see which words they remembered.

3)The subjects took a language proficiency test.

Transition words used

to begin with, following…, finally



Unit One










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