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  • 小初高大
  • 2024-05-24



zootopia was phenomenal!when this movie was first announced,i was so skeptical,even up to the point of being at the theatre today.but it was incredible and ,yes,i cried like i always do at desney and pixar movies.it adderessed so many of the crazy and scary things that our happening in our society today,in a funny way but with a serious to heart message.bravo,disney!well look back at this movie someday and think,"was that really how the world was?" in spite of being a powerhouse company,disney can really do some good when they use their plstform to inspire our society.



Zootopia is an inspiring story: Judy Rabbit wants to become a police officer in Zootopia, not just a carrot farmer, in order to make the world a better place. And she made her dream come true through her own efforts, because she believes that "in Zootopia, everything is possible!"

So, try to accept the imperfect side, give full play to the advantages, do a better version of yourself, perhaps is the best interpretation of life.




The film is about a dream of the rabbit's parents do not understand, friends ridicule and various difficulties, through unremitting efforts, finally realize the dream of becoming the first rabbit came to the police, long dream city animal.

This is a harmonious city, whether it is ferocious carnivorous animal or gentle herbivores and all the animal has evolved into the Communist society stage, fade of evil nature, only the good side, so all the animal can in this beautiful city of harmonious coexistence.

He relied on his perseverance and intelligence to uncover the missing case and expose the great conspiracy and become the hero of the city.





It's specifically different from every other talking animal movie Disney has ever done


When Disney decided to make another talking animal movie, they knew it had to be different. The biggest change?

Every animal had to walk on two feet, so one of the challenges was figuring out how each animal's walk would be different.


One animal species that you will not find in Zootopia are apes. The crew deemed that our ancestors just looked too human when converted to two feet and decided it took away from the others.



您好 观后感如下:

Little rabbit Judy, seeking development in a large group of animals, behind his efforts is his insistence. whatever you do, don't give up.


望采纳 谢谢

以上就是疯狂动物城英文读后感的全部内容,every kinds of animals have their own development opportunities. 在故事里,你可以看到各种各样的动物,他们生活在动物城里,他们像人一样穿衣、吃人吃的食物,不再以其他动物为食,用上了手机,过上智能化的生活。他们拥有不同的职业,成为这座城市不可或缺的一份子。他们住在不同的区域。
