
  • 英语语法
  • 2024-05-30



①I(主) have (谓) some apples(宾).
②The man who wears black shirt (主)sent (谓)me (宾)a bunch of flowers(宾补).
③I (主)brought (谓)several novels(宾)that you like.
④She (主)dislikes (谓)loud music(宾).
⑤The monkeys(主) ate(谓) the bananas(宾) quickly.
⑥We(主) visited(谓) the house(宾) where he lived ten years ago.
⑦Lucy(主) plans(谓) to climb(宾) the mountain(宾补) during the summer vacation.
⑧Didyou (主) finish(谓) your homework(宾)?
其实I love you 也是啊


1. I have an English class every day. 主语I 谓语 have   宾语 an English class
2. She is playing badminton. 主语 she  谓语 is playing 宾语 badminton
3. He teaches maths. 主语 he  谓语 teaches  宾语 maths
4. They built a bridge last year. 主语 they  谓语 built  宾语 a bridge
5. The girl needs a skirt. 主语 the girl 谓语 needs  宾语 a skirt
6. We like him . 主语 we  谓语 like  宾语 him
7. I drink a bottle of milk. 主语 I 谓语 drink   宾语 a bottle of milk
8. He opens the door. 主语 he 谓语 opens 宾语 the door
9. She eats an apple. 主语 she 谓语 eats  宾语 an apple
10. They close a window. 主语 they  谓语 close  宾语 a window


①i like him. 我喜欢他
② i met a girl。 我遇见一个女孩子
③ the cat is catching a rat。猫正在追老鼠
④ she wore a dress。她穿了一天裙子。
⑤My good friend bought me a birthday present.
我的好朋友给我买了一件生日礼物。----“My good friend bought me a birthday present.”   My good friend 是主语,bought 是谓语,me是间接宾语,a birthday present是直接宾语。指人的是间接宾语,指物的是直接宾语。如果把直接宾语放在间接宾语前,就得用结词for后to来连接间接宾语。如上句可写成“My good friend bought a birthday present. for me.”   句意不变。
我的好朋友给我买了一件生日礼物。----“My good friend bought me a birthday present.”   My good friend 是主语,bought 是谓语,me是间接宾语,a birthday present是直接宾语。指人的是间接宾语,指物的是直接宾语。如果把直接宾语放在间接宾语前,就得用结词for后to来连接间接宾语。如上句可写成“My good friend bought a birthday present. for me.”   句意不变。
My mom bought me a book yesterday.
My mom 主语
bought 谓语
a book 直接宾语
me 间接宾语




Jim gives me a book.Sam passes Talor a pen.Lucy lends Lily some money.其中Jim Sam Lucy 为主语gives passes lends 为谓语me Talor Liy 为直接宾语book a pen some money 为间接宾语

