
  • 三年级
  • 2024-06-21

学英语报纸第三期答案?根据第三段中的After some people had left Great Britain for the American land, the best things they could find were corncobs可知,他们一开始使用玉米穗棒,后来才开始用旧报纸。4. D。细节理解题。那么,学英语报纸第三期答案?一起来了解一下吧。


Book 1 Modules 5-6



1-5 CACBA 6-10 CAABC

11-15 ABACB 16-20 CBACB

21-25 DCBAB26-30 ABCDB

31-35 CAADC 36-40 FEBGC

41-45 BABCD 46-50 CBABC

51-55 ABACD 56-60 BABAD

61. to eat62. traditional

63. the64. who / that

65. when 66. have survived

67. appreciation 68. them

69. for70. waiting


71. Sometime people are ...

Sometime → Sometimes

72. ... feel powerfully ...

powerfully → powerful

73. ... show angers towards ...

angers → anger

74. ... and walk away ... walk → walking

75. ... unless they see ...

unless → if / when

76. ... don't bother you.

don't → doesn't

77. ... talk about them.

about → to / with

78. Being calm and firm ...

Being → Be

79. ... someone is being nice.

is前加that / who

80. ... in the danger ... 去掉the

One possible version:

As is known to all, to improve our English, we must read as much as possible. I'd like to recommend a series of bilingual books to you. Its name is Bookworm and it is published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

All the books in the series are world-famous works, which have been rewritten to suit middle school students. The series includes six levels altogether. The first level is intended for Junior 1 students and the sixth level for Senior 3 students. You can choose the right level according to your needs.

As the saying goes, reading is rewarding. I advise you to read an English novel every month. The more you read, the more progress you'll make in your English learning.






Book 3 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析



11-15 ACCBB16-20ACACA

21-25 DABAB 26-30DABCB

31-35 CBBAC 36-40GBFCE

41-45 DBACC 46-50BDCAC51-55 ABDCC 56-60 ABCCB

61. occurring 62. were destroyed

63. It 64. toprotect

65. from66. safely

67. until 68.that / which

69. a70.injuries


71. Thank for agreeing ...

Thank → Thanks或Thank后加you

72. ... on the holiday.去掉the

73. ... a little things ... little → few

74. ... forget feed ... feed前加to

75. ... she is hungrily! hungrily → hungry

76. ... here is enough food ... here → there

77. ... let the dog sleeping ...

sleeping → sleep

78. ... isn't allowing to.

allowing → allowed

79. ... gift to you ...to → for

80. ... send them to you!them → it

One possible version:

Thursday, January 1 Rainy

Atfive o'clock this early morning, when I was travelling to Guangzhou by train, a terrible accidenthappened. Our train was struck by a mudslide caused by a heavy rain. The glassof several windows was broken into pieces, and five passengers were injured.Fortunately, the conductor found a doctor through train broadcast to give firstaid to the injured. The train couldn't move any longer, so all of us had towait. Two hours later, another train came and we all got on board. It was noonwhen I finally arrived in Guangzhou.What a frightening experience!



A篇 (饮食)











11-15 BAACB 16-20 CBACA

21-25 ABDDA 26-30CBBDA

31-35 CBABD 36-40DCGFA

41-45 DBDCA 46-50BCADB

51-55 CADBA 56-60CDCBA

61. where 62.achieving

63. had moved 64.a

65. to live 66.Supported

67. boring 68.Apparently

69. it 70. to


71. ... an amazed African ...

amazed → amazing

72. ... beautiful plant. plant→ plants

73. ... heard about a ... 去掉about

74. ... nearby the waterfall. nearby→ near

75. ... bears even best. best→ better

76. ... bears are swimming ... are → were

77. Our guide told them ... them→ us

78. ... the huge bear ... the→ a

79. ... up to the glasses. glasses→ glass

80. ... face the animal. face后加with

以上就是学英语报纸第三期答案的全部内容,32. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Three lucky winners will win a master class with two top Telegraphtravel writers 可知答案。33. B。推理判断题。
