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  • 小学
  • 2024-07-10

小学英语选择题及答案?答案:C (在本句中with表伴随,根据句意选择with)3.Please find a good seat---the old lady.A.to B, for C,with D,over 答案:B (在本句中for的意思是为了,那么,小学英语选择题及答案?一起来了解一下吧。




1.Excuse______,are you a nurse?

A)I B)me C)my

2.W:______is that woman? J:She is my mother.

A)what B)who C)why

3.Don't______the window.

A)open B)look C)go

4.What's the______with you?

A)matter B)wrong C)that

5.This is my daughter.______is a student.

A)He B)Her C)She

6.A:Are you a nurse? B:______

A)Yes,I am. B)Yes,it is. C)No,it is not.

7.I am______student.

A)the B)a C)an

8.I go to______school from Monday to Friday.

A)the B)a C)/

9.The bus is______the park.

A)to B)for C)go to

10.I go to school______foot.

A)by B)on C)use

11.A:Where is my pencil-box? B:______.

A)It's over there. B)This is your pencil-box. C)Yes,it is.

12.This is ______mother.

A)his B)he C)me

13.I like to play ______football.

A)a B)the C)/

14.We often play together_____school.

A)in B)at C)on

15.______do you go to school,by bike or by bus?

A)What B)Why C)How

16.Is that your______?

A)pencil B)rubbers C)books

17.What are______? A)it B)this C)those

18.I go to school by______every day.

A)a bike B)bus C)foot

19.______some juice please.

A)Have B)Has C)Eat

20.______you free now?

A)Are B)Do C)Is



1A great B boring C fun D think

选D 因为think 是动词 其他三系那个都是形容词

2 A enjoy B think C interesting D like

选C interesting是形容词 其他三项是动词

3Aprogramme B newsC cartoon D play

选Dplay是 动词其他三项都是名词


1.It's( cold ).Put the coat on.

2.He speaks English but he isn't from England.Maybe he's from(Australia )

3.(Short) the tap when you leave.

4.(Listen to)the tape,please.Can you(here )it clearly?

5.Go(to)the zoo now.

6.Want to buy a present (for)my mother.



正确答案选A,∵chicken是不可数名词,(这里的chicken是指鸡肉,也可以指小鸡;PS:我们一般称小鸡为:chick,它是可数名词,例如:三只小鸡就翻译成:Three chicks)50844805你误解了别人的意思,∴这个句子的翻译就是:我能吃些鸡肉吗?望采纳,谢谢!


本题主要考察like doing和like to do的区别,like doing表示一直的喜好,like to do表示暂时的兴趣,根据句意,本题应该选择A,我的兄弟一直喜欢骑他的自行车

以上就是小学英语选择题及答案的全部内容,本文从心理语言学角度论述了小学生的几个基本的英语学习策略:记忆、复习和英语学习的时间分配策略;认知策略;学用结合策略。 一、方法/步骤 记忆、复习和英语学习的时间分配 1.记忆策略 语言学习者要记忆大量的词汇,背诵英语单词、短语是每一个英语学习者面临的艰巨任务,也是令每一个英语学习者感到棘手的问题。
