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  • 2024-01-07

洗衣服的过程英语?Washing Steps 洗衣步骤 1). First,pour appropriate laundry detergent into a washtub with water and mix them up until a lot of bubbles are made.首先,在盛有水的洗衣盆里倒入适量的洗衣液,那么,洗衣服的过程英语?一起来了解一下吧。


The clothes are soaking wet, then the water a wring (not dripping is good), and then warm water washing powder, then put the wet clothes into the bubble, 15 minutes, the focus is the dirty place, clothes with soap. Soak 15-20 minutes, casually rubbing, is really white whitening, coat bright. If hand washing, the best first clothes soaked in water, and into the amount of detergent, must be selected to use, such as Tide, I think washing powder good is the key. As for how long soaking, I on the so-called scientific soaking for 8 to 15 minutes this argument not be keenly aware of what, my clothes to soak for one or two days there, didn't also discover how difficult to wash, the same. But if according to the standard fast you stressed, then soak 10 minutes can be.



How do I wash my clothes? What are the steps in washing clothes? First of all, sort the clothes with dark and light colors. Wash the two colors separately to avoid dyeing. Then put the clothes into the clothes and put in an appropriate amount of washing powder.If it's a fully automatic washing machine, just set the amount of water, time, etc.




1、在盆内放入适量的清水。Put proper amount of clear water into the basin.

2、将衣服放入清水中浸泡。Soak clothes in clear water.

3、在水盆里加入适量的洗衣粉。Add proper amount of laundry powder to the basin.

4、洗衣粉融化之后,开始清洗衣服。Start cleaning clothes,After washing powder melts.

最后用清水冲洗干净。Finally, rinse with clean water.


1. out of which a bowl, pour the right amount of washing powder, and add half a pot of hot water and absorbed, spare.

Separate the 2 will be cleaned in accordance with different inner coat, again in accordance with the clothing color shades apart, in order to prevent cleaning when dark clothing fade.

3 in accordance with the underwear, coat, dark clothes, light colored clothing order, followed by cleaning.

4 put the clothes into the water immersion process 1 ready for 5 minutes.

5 take a small bench to sit.

After 6.5 minutes, can choose the clothes dirty part of scrubbing with soap.

7 when all the clothes are washed with soap after the country, again washed with water two or three times until no bubble.

8 dry clothes drying can.



the process of washing clothes

First you should empty all the pockets in your clothes. Then you pour a proper amount of water into the fridge and put some laundry detergent in it. You have to mix them together. Lastly you put your dirty clothes in the fridge. Remember not to mix the light color clothes with those in dark color.

以上就是洗衣服的过程英语的全部内容,简单的洗衣服步骤英文。1、在盆内放入适量的清水。Put proper amount of clear water into the basin.2、将衣服放入清水中浸泡。Soak clothes in clear water.3、在水盆里加入适量的洗衣粉。
