
  • 八年级
  • 2024-08-14



SectionA, 1bA: How do Bob and Mary get to school?B: Bob take the train and Mary takes the subway.A: How does John get to school?B: He takes the bus.A: How do Paul and Yang Lan get to school?B: They walk.Look,there they are now!2cConversation1Boy:How do you get to school?Girl:I take the train.Boy:How long does it take?Girl:Oh,around forty minutes.How about you?Boy:I take the subway.Girl:How long does that take?Boy:Oh,around thirty-five minutes.Conversation2Girl:How do you get to school,Tom?Tom:I ride my bike.Girl:How long does it take?Tom:It takes around twenty-five minutes.How do you get to school?Girl:I walk.Tom:And how long does that take.Girl:It only takes ten minutes.


rich 富有的
travel 长途旅行
all over 到处
retire 退休
yet 至今
resolution 决心
instrument 工具.,乐器
over 在...以上
fax 传真
reader 读者
fit 健康的grow 成长
grow up 成长,长大
programmer 程序师
computer science 计算机科学
engineer 工程师
pilot 飞行员
professional 专业的
act 表演
move 移动
dream 梦
somewhere 在某处
exhibition 展览
artist 艺术家
part-time 兼职的
save 储存
at the same time 同时
hold 举行


unit1 translate 翻译 translation 翻译 correct 改正;纠正 (adj)正确的,对的 match 将……配对 number 给……标号码 (n)数字,号码 repeat 重复 grammer 语法 prunciation 语音 writing 写作;文章 punctuation 标点符号 spelling 拼写 term 学期 advice 建议 write down 写下,记下 mistake 错误 notebook 笔记本 else 其他 radio 收音机 newspaper 报纸 message (书面或口头的)信息,信 pen frend 笔友 reach 各个,每个 other 不同的人(或物) each other 互相 excellent 好极了;卓越的,极好的 orchestra 管弦乐队 send 发送;寄 language 语言 improve 提高 basic 主要的;最重要的 watch (v)看;注视;观察 (n)手表 guess 猜,猜测 just (引起注意,表示允许等)请,就 yourself 你自己 enjoy your self 过得快乐 shy 害羞的 conversation 谈话 deep 深的 smile 微笑 remember 记住;想起;记者 foget 忘记 piece 一张(或则,件等) place 放置 count 数 all the time 总是,一直 accent 口音 wish 祝愿 borrow 借 group 组 mark 分数 club 俱乐部 start 创办;开办;发动 together 一起,共同 hear 听见 (我只能打第一单元的给你,单词实在太多,请见谅。)




最佳答案 subway hey train forty fifty sixty sevsrty eighty ninety hundred minute take by by bue far how far kilometer shower quick bicycle mile stop transportation north north america part depend depend on river boat by boat must more than means car towm ill worry so much

