
  • 九年级
  • 2024-08-19

九年级英语unit2教案?(2) 和同伴一起做模仿动物表演。 (3) 小组合作进行编对话或儿歌。 九年级上册英语教案人教版(二) 教学目标 1.能听、说、认读单词red、yellow、green、blue并能在实际情境中运用。 2. 通过用Lets do部分“Show me”的指令练习和运用有关颜色的单词,训练学生的动手能力。那么,九年级英语unit2教案?一起来了解一下吧。



Unit 2 What’s the matter?

Teaching aims and demands

What’s the matter?

I have a headache.

You should drink some tea.

That sounds a like a good idea.

I have a sore back.

III. Teaching importance and diffculty:

Talk about your health.

Make suggestions.

IV. Teaching ways:

Revision, Learning, Practice and Reading.

V. Teaching tools:

Tape-recorder and Lattern.

V. Teaching time:

Six periods

VI. Teaching procedure:

Period 1

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects.

Body names.


What’s the matter?

I have a cold.

2. Ability Objects.

Listening skill.

Recognizing skill.

3. Moral Objects.

Exercise every day and keep healthy and strong.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

What’s the matter?

I have a cold.

III. Teaching Methods

Recognizing method.

Listening method.

Discover method.


IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.

A doll for teaching the names of the body.

A Projector.

V. Teaching Procedures

Step I Greet the class and check the homework.

Step II Section A 1a

Bring out a doll. Teach the words of body parts.

Read the words to students and ask them to repeat.

Now open your books and turn to page 7. Please look at the picture, I’ll ask a student to read the list of thirteen names of body parts.

Step III 1b

Act out an illness. Then show the other new words on the blackboard. Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat. Make sure every student knows the meaning and can read them.

Step IV Pairwork

Teach students more words of illness. For example,

Have a cold have a fever

Headache stomachache

Headache toothache

Have a sore back have a sore throat

Step V An activity

Play the game Simon says with students. First have students line up in rows .Ask students to touch different parts of their bodies.

Step VI An activity

Now please turn to page 106. There is a picture of a head with no eyes, nose, mouth or ears. Please draw them in the correct paces and say their names in English. Then show your pictures. Who draws the best?

Step VII Homework

Write down the new words in your exercise book and read them for several times

Step VIII Blackboard Design

Unit 2 What’s the matter?

tooth ——teeth(pl.)

foot ——feet(pl.)



eyes nose mouth ears

Period 2

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

New words.

Some advice.

Grammar Focus.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill.

Reading skill.

Writing skill.

Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

To be a doctor and serve the people heart and soul.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

What’s the matter?

I have a toothache.

Maybe you should see a dentist.

That’s a good idea.

III. Teaching Methods

Listening method.

Reading and writing methods.


IV. Teaching Aids

A tpae recorder

A projector.

IV. Teaching Procedures

Step I Greet the class and check the homework.

Step II Show the new words on the screen.

Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.

Step III 2a

Now open your books and turn to page 8.First read the eight items to students and ask them to repeat.


Sore throat



Lie down and rest

Hot tea with honey

See a dentist

Drink lots of water

Step IV 2b

First look at the four pictures. Each picture illustrates of the conversations. Now we’ll listen to the conversations again. This time listen for the missing words. Write the missing words on the blackboard.

Step V 2c Pairwork

First I’ll have two students read the dialogue in the box. OK. You two please.

Sa: What’s the matter?

Sb: I have a toothache.

Sa: Maybe you should see a dentist.

Sb: That’s a good idea.

Ask students to work in pairs.

Step VI Grammar Focus

I have a headache.

He has a stomachache.

She has a toothache.

You should go to bed.

He shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours.

She should see a dentist.

Step VII Homework

This class we’ve leant some advice to people in advertisements for cold medicines , pain medicines and other medicines. Please recover the name and picture of the medicines in the advertisement and leave only the person. Next class we’ll play a game.

Step VIII Blackboard Design

Unit 2 What’s the matter?

Problems Advice

… …

… …

Period 3

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Reading and writing materials.

Oral Practice.

2. Ability Objects

Reading skill.

Writhing skill.

Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Give good advice when someone needs your help.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Reading practice.

Oral practice.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and writing methods.



IV. Teaching Aids

Workbook exercises.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II 3a

Now open your books at page 9.Now look at the conversation on the left.

A: What’s the matter?

B: I’m not feeling well. I have a 1 .

A:When did it start?

B: About 2 ago.

A: Oh, that’s too bad. You should 3 .

Step III 3b Pairwork

Now let students look at the picture. Have students ask and answer what’s the matter with the people in the picture.Write the answer on the blackboard. For example,

What’s the matter?

He has a toothache.

She has a sore throat.

He has a sore back.

She has a stomachache.

Step IV 4 Groupwork

First look at the dialogue on the left. Read it to the class.

What’s the matter?

Do you have a sore throat?

No, I don’t.

Do you have a sore throat?

No, I don’t.

Do you have a cold?

Yes, I do.

You should drink some hot tea.

Step V An Optional Activity

Write the names of several illness on the board. Then ask students to explain in simple English what advice their parents or grandparents give for each illness.

Step VI Summary

This class we’ve learnt some advice and done some reading,

writing and oral practice. I hope you can give your classmates of friends good suggestion when they need your help.

Step VII Homework

Finish off the exercises of workbook.

Step VIII Blackboard

Unit 2 What’s the matter?

What’s the matter?

He has a toothache.

… a sore back.

…a sore throat.

…a stomachache.

Period 4

I. Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

Key vocabulary.

Reading practice.

Oral practice.

2. Ability Objects

Listening skill.

Reading skill.

Writhing skill.

Practice skill.

Communicative competence.

3. Moral Object

Ask for help when you have problem.

II. Teaching Importance and Difficulty

Key vocabulary.

Reading practice.

Oral practice.

III. Teaching Methods

Reading and writing methods.

Understanding method.


Listening method.

IV. Teaching Aids

A tape recorder.

V. Teaching Procudrues

Step I Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step II Section B 1a

Now open your books at page 10. First I’ll read the words to you.




Stressed out

Step III 1b

Now read the four sentences after me.

Eat an apple.

Drink some water.

Listen to music.

Step IV 2a

First let students look at the chart. Then tell students they’ll listen to the recording. There are four conversations.

Write the problems in the blanks after each person’s name.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Then play the recording a second time.

Step V 2b

Ask one or two to write their answers on the blackboard. Then correct the answers with the whole class.

Gina: should go to bed early

Shouldn’t go to the party tonight

Tony: should listen to music

Shouldn’t study

Alan: should eat an apple

Shouldn’t play soccer before dinner

Step VI 2c Pairwork

Ask two students to read the conversation in speech bubble.

What’s the matter with Gina?

She’s tired.

Well, she should go to bed early. She shouldn’t go to the party.

Step VII Homework

After class you can talk to an expert about a particular problem. For exaple, what should I do when I have problems with my little brother?

Step VIII Blackboard Design

Unit 2 What’s the matter

Gina: should do …

Shouldn’t do …

Tony: …

Julie: …

Alan: …




































1. 能力目标

能听、说、认读一些常见的动物单词cat,dog, monkey, duck, panda, rabbit, 并能用英语介绍这些小动物。


2. 情感目标



能听、说、认读一些常见的动物单词cat,dog, monkey, duck, panda, rabbit, 并能用英语介绍这些小动物。






(1)Free talk(1分钟)

a. ---- Good afternoon, Fangfang.

---- Good afternoon, Lanlan.

b. ---- Hello, Xiaoling. How are you?

---- Hi, I'm fine, thank you. And you?

---- Very well, thank you.

(2)播放歌曲 Teddy Bear(要求学生边拍手边吟唱,营造一个欢乐活泼的英语气氛。



一Teaching Aims and Demands

1. Knowledge Objects

(1).70% of the students can read and write the key vocabulary:

death, afford, cause, himself, patient, in the end, decision, make a decision, head teacher, necessary, to one’s surprise, exactly, even though, no longer, take pride in, pay attention to, give up, waste, not…any more

(2). Key structures:

通过本节课的`学习,熟练运用used to 结构

.His mother couldn’t afford to pay for her child’s education.

.Even though my father was no longer with us, he was watching me, and would always take pride in everything good I do.

2. Ability Objects

To train students’ reading ability.

3.Emotion and attitude goals:

Get the students to know their shortcomings in the past. Encourage the students to make themselves more perfect in their life and study in the future.





【课时划分】 5课时

Period 1

【教学内容】 Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 1/5



1.Key words: vocabulary, flashcard

2.Target Language:

How do you study for a test? I study by…….

过程方法:According to designing some tasks, train students’listening skill.

情感态度:Maybe you find English frustrating sometimes. But remember not to give it up.

As we know, where there is a will, there is a way


1. Key words : vocabulary, flashcard

2. Target Language:

How do you study for a test? I study by…….

3. structure:verb + by with gerund.

慎羡【教学难点】 verb + by with gerund

【教学用具】 A tape recorder , CAI

【教学方法】 Teaching,Practicing,Listening


Step 1: Warm-up

1. Greetings.

2. Ask some students about their summer holiday

(Teacher shows a flashcard with the word Shanghai and asks one student.) Teacher shows the others and teaches the word ―flashcard‖ to the students.

Step 2: Revision

Read and translate some words they have learned.

肆孝和Step3.Presentation I. Language Study

Teacher writes the pattern on the blackboard: -- How do you study for an English test? -- I study for a test by + V.-ing

Make a list of their answers on the blackboard. Teacher can teach the“vocabulary” and “pronunciation” at the right time. II. 1a

1.Check the answers, after checking, read the ways to the students and ask students to put up their hands to show which things they checked. Count the numbers.

2. Ask students to write down other ways they study for an English test. Then ask some to read their ways to the class. III. 1b

1. Play the tape.

2. Check the answers with the students.

3. Read the sample answer to the class and ask students to say the other two.

Step4 Consolidation and extension

1. Read the instructions and the conversation to the class, and then ask students to make similar conversations.

2. Ask some pairs to present their conversations.

3. Small competition: group in four, make sentences using structure (verb + by/with gerund).

4.Make a survey : one student interview other students using the structures (How do you study ? I study by + v-ing .) Show the results. Step5 Exercise


1、What about ______(watch) TV for a test?

2、How about _____(go) to England for a holiday?

3、Practice _____(read) English every day and you’ll learn it well.

4、--Do you like that book?

--Yes.I get ____(excite)whenever I read it.

5、It was ______(difficulty) for the human beings to predict the weather in the past.

Step5 Summary

Remember the key words and the target language.



Work in pairs use the target language .

以上就是九年级英语unit2教案的全部内容,#初三英语教案最新(篇1)# 【学习目标】:1、熟练掌握本课6个单词. 2、学会询问他人姓名及介绍他人姓名. 3、能听懂有关谈论他人姓名的对话并进行自由交际. 【学习重点】:询问他人姓名及介绍他人姓名的句型. 一、。
