
  • 英语作文
  • 2024-08-29



建议看一下探索类的节目吧比如:国家地理流言终结站(测试一些尝试,比如是不是男的比女的有力气 之类的)超级工程(中国几个超级工程,比如跨海大桥,上海中心,这些建筑背后的挑战)百家讲坛探索发现冒险王(主要讲全球各地美食,同时讲到当地文化)一站到底(有一期叫诸神之战,看完就感觉膜拜檀越大神吧)这些节目质量那么高,知识含量也很高,都分类做得很好,多看看 什么知识都可以找到


My dear Mary:
        Hi,How about your resently these days?I miss you so much.I wanna introduce my hometown for you.Will you interested or not?But I think you will like the my hometown.My hometown is Shanghai.It's a big city.In my eyes,it's a beautiful place.If you wanna visit my city----This is the fast step city.I think you have the more chance to know our city is an attractive city.And I think you can stay in my house. Shanghai is very famous for its beautiful scenery, excellent climate and history.



      how  are  you  now ?    let  me   introuduce  me  to   you  now   .  my  name  is......<你的名字>. i  am  an   outgoing  girl . i   am    <你的年龄>.  what  is   more,    i   like   watching   movies , such  as  comedy ,dracula movies  and  so  on . that  is   all  .    good  luck   to   you   every  day.<要是单词不懂得或是句子不会的可以追加问我,望采纳>


dear mary,
i heard you just argued with your goodfriend and i am sorry to hear that.
i don't think getting along with someoneis easy, so it is common for everyone to argue with his (or her) friend.friends are important to us. so don't let your friend go because of the problemof least importance.
the friendship is something can encourageyou when you are down and keep your mind clear when you are confused. and yourfriends are those who value you and help you without hesitation in addition toyour parents. a friend is someone whom you shares your happiness and sorrowwith.
all you can do is to value yourfriendship and to talk to your friend as soon as possible. you could listen toyour friend patiently and tell your friend about your ideas in a gentle way. ibelieve you and your friend wil understand each other better after you solve thisproblem together.
hope you will be better soon.
li hua


June 6th, 2007 Dear Mike, I am so glad to hear from you. In your letter you told me that you would come to visit Hangzhou this summer vacation. My parents and I are very happy, and we are all looking forward to your coming. Oh, the important thing that I must tell you is that I live in No.66, the South Street, Hangzhou. You can take the No.6 bus at the train station, and get off at the Tai Hu stop. I will wait for you at that stop. You will live in my home and I will show you places of interest in Hangzhou. I think you will have a good holiday. Hope you come here soon. Yours, Tang Li

以上就是英语作文给朋友的一封信的全部内容, d.。
