
  • 中考英语
  • 2024-09-06

中考英语练习题?一,听力(每题1分,共20分)。A) 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读一遍。1 ~ 5 ACBAA B) 听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。6 ~ 10 CACBB C) 听短文,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。11 ~ 15 ACBCC D) 听短文,根据其内容选出能完成下列句子的最佳答案。那么,中考英语练习题?一起来了解一下吧。




Tarawa is one of the two largest of the Gilbert Islands in the western Pacific Ocean, but it is a very tiny island, with an area of about eight square miles, and a population of about 17,000. Small as it is, three nations fought to control and use it as an air base during World War II. The Japanese took it from the British in 1941, only to lose it to the Americans tow years later after one of the bloodiest ***血腥的*** battles of the war. Today, the Gilbert Islands having bee part of the Kiribati Pepublic, Tarawa is now its capital and major seaport ***海港***.

1. Which of the following diagrams ***图解*** gives the correct relationship ***关系*** between Kiribati, Tarawa and Gilbert Islands?

***K--Kiribati; T--Tarawa; G--the Gibert Islands***

2. Tarawa belongs to ______.

A. Japan. B. the U.S. C. Britain. D. Kiribati.

3. Tarawa lies nearer to ______.

A. Japan than to the U.S. B. the U.S. than to Japan.

C. Britain than to the U.S. D. Britain than to Japan.

4. Tarawa was important during World War II because of its ______.

A. size. B. population. C. position. D. history.

5. In recent history, Tarawa ______.

A. had been ruled by three nations one after another.

B. has been fought over in a tough battle by three nations.

C. has been divided and ruled by three different nations.

D. has always stayed out of the way of wars and battles.


1A 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 A


My father, at the death of his father, was six years old, and he grew up without education. He moved from Kentucky to Indiana when I was seven. We reached our new home about the time the state came into the Union. It was a wild area, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods. I grew up there. There were some so-called schools, but what was required of a teacher never went beyond “reading, writing, and adding.” If a stranger supposed to understand Latin happened to live for a time in the area, he was looked on as wizard ***奇才***. There was simply nothing to excite a desire for education. Of course, when I grew up, I did not know much. Still, somehow, I could read, write, and add, but that was all. The advance I have now made is on this store of education, which I have picked up under the pressure of necessity.

1. When the writer was a child ____ .

A. his grandfather died in the state of Kentucky

B. his family settled down in the countryside of Indiana

C. Kentucky joined the Union as a member state

D. his family had to move from place to place

2. When the writer was seven, his family moved to an area where ____ .

A. educated people were greatly respected

B. only a few had a knowledge of Latin

C. people were often killed by wild animals

D. the land had yet to be farmed

3. The schools in the area ____ .

A. were of poor quality ***质量*** B. offered all kinds of subjects

C. respected those who knew Latin D. had teachers good at reading, writing, and adding

4. How did the writer look at his early education?

A. He believed he met the school requirements.

B. He thought he was well-educated.

C. He thought it was not satisfactory.

D. He believed he was poorly educated.

5. At the time he wrote, the writer ____ .

A. had to learn to read, write and add

B. found it necessary to receive advanced education

C. was probably fairly well-educated

D. was dissatisfied with his level of education


1B 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 C




place,weather,news,library,housework, metal,kite,money,island,juice,doll,noise, exam,salt,diary,sunshine,tourist,zoo, butter,information,voice,war

1.It's good to help your mother do the ______ when you're free.

2.How much ______ does the machine cost

3.Many people catch a cold in such bad ______ .

4.Don't make so much ______ .You may disturb others.

5.What beautiful ______ !It's a fine day fora walk.

6.In Canada people eat bread with ______ on it.

7. ______ looks like sugar,but it doesn't taste sweet.

8.People use ______ for making machines in the factory.

9.Is there any important ______ in today's morning paper

10.They have a little more ______ about that accident.


1.These ______ (watch)and clocks are made in some ______ (factory)in this town.

2.Miss Evans says it is one of the most useful ______ (dictionary).

3.Would you like to eat some ______ (pizza)

4.I met several ______ (man)doctors on my way to school.

5.Help yourself to some ______ (soup).

6. ______ (congratulation)to the winners!

7.A group of ______ (child)have gone to the West Hill Farm.

8.How many ______ (month)are there in a year

9.There's something wrong with the third ______ (tooth)on the left.

10.Here are some flowers for you,with our best ______ (wish).


1.露茜的裙子 ______

2.吉姆和凯特的房间 ______

3.老师的办公室 ______

4.儿童读物 ______

5.妇女节 ______

6.步行半小时的路程 ______

7.北京的春天 ______

8.椅子的腿 ______

9.昨天的作业 ______

10.一张中国地图 ______

11.我父亲的一位朋友 ______

12.他自己的一个房间 ______

13.这个问题的答案 ______

14.那辆自行车的钥匙 ______

15.在医务室 ______


1.My uncle came to my birthday party yesterday. ______ bought a very nice watch for ______ .

2.Mr.and Mrs.Howe has a son. ______ both like ______ very much.

3.I'd like to have a look at the toy.Will you please pass ______ to ______

4.The two librarians are very helpful.We all love ______ very much.

5.They found ______ rather difficult to solve the problem.

6.Alice has a cat. ______ name is Kitty.

7.Paul is good at composition. ______ father is a famous writer.

8.These are not their textbooks. ______ are over there.

9.This ruler is not ______ .My ruler is blue.

10.I don't need your help.I can do it ______ .

11.Please help ______ to some bread with butter on it,my friends.

12.They enjoyed ______ very much at the party yesterday evening.

13.Who is ______ speaking

14.I don't like ______ pizza.I like that one.

15.The apples in the basket are much bigger than ______ in that one.

16.The weather of Beijing in winter is colder than ______ of Guangzhou.

17.—Is he still weak in Chinese I'm sorry to hear that.

— ______ is why I come to see you.

18.I think we should help ______ and learn from ______ .

19.Mr.and Mrs.Green put small presents in ______ (互相)stockings on Christmas Day.

20. ______ one do you prefer,the yellow one or the purple one

21.— ______ are they talking about

—The book called Business @the speed of thought.

22.— ______ is the richest person in the world at the moment

—Bill Gates.But I'm not sure.

23.— ______ were you waiting for at the company gate at eight yesterday morning

—Oh,Mr.Clark,our computer engineer.

24.— ______ weeks are there in a year

—About fifty-two.

25.—I don't know ______ the Yellow River is.Do you know

—Yes.More than 5,400 kilometers.

26.—Do you know ______ wallet it is

—Maybe it is Elizabeth's.

27.The chemistry question was quite difficult, ______ could work it out in the class.

28.The old lady is terribly sick.She can't eat ______ these days.

29.Wait a moment.I have ______ important to tell you.

30.The skirt is a bit larger.Please show me ______ one.


1.Bruce's aunt is ______ engineer in a big company and his uncle works on ______ farm.

2.I want to go to the market to buy ______ pair of scissors.

3. ______ elephant is much heavier than ______ giraffe.

4. ______ 80-year-old woman is waiting for you in the school gate keeper's room.

5.Father gave me ______ story book. ______ book is full of funny stories.

6.You'd better take the pills three times ______ day.

7.Who's ______ man in a black coat in ______ car

8. ______ earth is bigger than ______ moon,but much smaller than ______ sun.

9.Have you ever been to ______ Summer Palace

10.The blind girl can play ______ piano very well.

11. ______ Smiths have lived in Hong Kong for less than thirty years.

12. ______ harder you work, ______ richer you will be.

13.Jane and Kitty are in ______ same class and they go to school together by ______ bus.

14.John is ______ first in his class.

15. ______ Mother's Day is on the second Sunday in ______ May every year.


1. ---Every student in our class was at the meeting except you. Why?

---Sorry, sir. Ms Wang___ (explain) a maths problem to me.

2. I am sorry you ______________(miss) the train. It left 10 minutes ago.

3. The 2014 Youth Olympic Games (hold) in Nanjing from August 16th to 28th.

4. He always tries what he can _____________ (help) others in need. He is great.

5. My bike needs ___________(repair). I need _____________(repair) it this morning.

6. What do you think ______________(talk) about at the meeting tomorrow?

7. There is a wallet ______________ (lie) on the ground. Please pick it up.

8. We needn’t worry about _____________ (not meet) again.

9. My mother has had the clothes _____________(wash).

10. When I got to the station, no one________________ (wait) for me.

11. I didn’t understand the problem until it ____________(expalin) a third time.

12. The sports meeting ______________(hold) in our school in September every year.

13. ---What is he busy doing?

---Doing the experiment ________________(complete) the science project.

14. Though Mr. Wu ___________________(explain) the maths problem to us three times, about

thirty percent of us cannot understand it.

15. ---Turn off the radio, dear. Baby is sleeping.---There is no need. He __________(wake) up.

16. You mustn’t touch the machine until you ___________(teach) how to use it.

17. _____________(Wake) up early doesn’t mean getting up early.

18. Don’t worry. You ________________(give) some money next week.

19. What problems do you have ____________(live) near the airport?

20. ---Don’t park here, please! --- Sorry, I _____________ (not see) the sign.


He would enjoy this if he ___(be) present.

She can do better if she _____(try).

If you play with matches,you ______(burn)your fingers.

If you broke this window,you _________(have to) pay for it.

If you _______(lose) your way,you would have to ask a policeman.

If you ________(not apologize),he will never speak to you again.

If he __________(be ) clever,he would not have any difficultly.

What would you do if you________(win) a lot of money?

If I were you,I_______(not be) so confident.

If you _______(can) help me ,I would be grateful.



① adj.+N . /pron.+adj.

There are many interesting places in Shanghai.

Nanjing Road Walkway is a very _______( business) street.

Shanghai Grand Theaterhas the most __________ (magnificence) halls.

The Oriental Pearl TV Toweris a very _________ (height) building.

There are about 10,000,000 Shanghaineses in Shanghai .

They are ______________( hard- work ) people , and they are _____ (cleverness) people.

There are many_______( beauty )and _________ (fashion) girls in Shanghai.

Have you got anything important about Shanghainese?

② Link verb+Adj.

There is a lot of delicious food in Shanghai.

Steamed smalldumplings in basket taste ________ ( wonder).

Spiced beans smell______ (nicely).

Hairy crabs look very _____(attraction).

Fried dough feels _____ (hardly), but it tastes _____(goodness).

Eggs boiled with salt&tea seem a little _______ (stranger),but they become more and more___________ (popularity) in Shanghai.

③ It is +Adj. + (for sb.) +to do sth.

It’s _______ ( surprise) to see so much delicious food in Shanghai.

It’s very ______ ( excite ) to taste the local food in Shanghai.

It’s ______ (luck) of them to have the food.

It’s ______ ( difficulty ) for foreigners to cook the food.


1. How is the weather today? It’s ______(rain).

2. It’s __________ (danger) for small children to play with fire.

3. We have a ___________(tradition) turkey for our dinner.

4.He was too _______(excite) tosay a word.

5. He made such ___________(frighten) sound in the darkness that all of us kept our breath.

6. My father bought me a _________(wood) gun as my birthday present.

7. As middle school students, we should take plenty of ________(physics) exercises.

8. He was so _________(care) that he made few mistakes in his homework.

9. It’s very _______ (importance) for us to learn English well.

10. The weather here in spring isalways __________. (change)

11. Two women doctors will give us a lecture on ______ (health) diet tomorrow.

12. Travelling by train is muchcheaper and far more_______(enjoy) than a rush trip by air.

13. The water in this river is ________ (pollute) so we can’t swim here.

14. The man in the office was very _______ to me .(friend)

15. The fish smelt _______(badly). Take it away.

16. English is ______(use), isn’t it?

17 We were warmly welcomed by a group of _______(love) boys and girls.

18.The lady over there looks ________. What is she _________(worry) about?

19. It is so _______(noise) here. But all this is nothing to us.

20. What ________(freeze) weather!

21.The elderly man looked ______(health)

III.Rewrite the sentence:

1. The boy looks tall and thin.

______ does the boy look?

______ does the boy look ____?

2. To read English newspapers every day is necessary for us.(保持原句意思)

______ necessary for us ______ read English newspaper every day.

3. Comics are exciting to read. (保持原句意思)

It is ________ ______ read comics.

4.The boy is too weak to swim across the river. (保持原句意思)

The boy isn’t ________ ________ to swim across the river.

VI. Cloze:

Shanghai is in east of China.It is an i _________ (internation) city. It is f__________for its shopping centers and night views. There are many i___________places in Shanghai, such as Nanjing Road Walkway , Shanghai Grand Theater , Oriental Pearl TV Tower , the Bund and so on.They are really a________.The local food in Yu Gardentastes very d_________ .The weather in Shanghai is not very c_______ . Therefore, it is not s______ that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year !

We believe Shanghai is s_______ enough to host the 2010 world Expo. And we hope it will become stronger and r______.

