
  • 中考英语
  • 2024-03-27

怎么写英语作文?2. 首先考虑句子结构(如主谓宾,主系表等)。同时注意短语的正确使用和单词的拼写,最好使用课本上学过的短语和句式。如何写英语作文 如何写英语作文2:把文章大致分为三段,整篇文章大致写出十句话,那么,怎么写英语作文?一起来了解一下吧。


1. 英语作文我能做什么

What Can I Do

Althoug I'm still a child, but I can do so many things. In study, I should work harder and harder. I should have a dream in my heart and try to achieve it in the future. In daily life, I can help my mother with the housework and acpany my elderly grandparents. Also, I can take part in some social activities to cultivate my skills. I can do quite a lot. And my motto is "Be good. Do right."

2. 写一个关于(我会做什么)的英语作文

I am xxx ,i am a good boy/girl ,I can do many housework at home . After I go back to home ,I can help my mother do some washing and weep the floor, I like go fishing and swimming ,so I am healthy .

我叫xxx,我是一个好孩子,我能在家做 许多家务,当我回到家时我能帮妈妈洗衣服,还有拖地板 ,我喜欢钓鱼还有游泳所以我很健康

3. 我在家里做什么英语作文

Today is Friday,It is raining outside .My parents and I have to stay at home. My father is reading the newspaper.My mother is watching TV.I want to surf the Inter ,but not to be allowed .It is really boring.I do not want to do my homework,but it's my duty.So I am writing the position.。


I'm Different from What I Was Two Years Ago

Two years ago, I was a completely different person. I had different priorities, interests, and perspectives on life. Here are some of the ways I've changed:

1. Improved Confidence: Two years ago, I lacked self-confidence and was afraid of trying new things. Now, I've learned to face my fears and challenge myself to step outside my comfort zone.

2. Changed Interests: Back then, I had little interest in sports or physical activity. But now, I enjoy staying active through running and yoga.

3. Improved Social Skills: I used to struggle with social anxiety and found it challenging to connect with people. However, with practice and effort, I've become better at starting conversations and building relationships.

4. Greater Empathy: I've learned to put myself in others' shoes and show more empathy and compassion towards those around me.

5. Improved Time Management: I used to procrastinate a lot, but now I'm better at managing my time and being productive.

6. Greater Sense of Purpose: Two years ago, I felt lost and lacked direction. Now, I have a clearer sense of my goals and aspirations.

In conclusion, I'm different from what I was two years ago. I've grown and developed in many ways, and I'm excited to see what other changes the future will bring.














It takes three things for a violent or aggressive incident to happen a

victim,a perpetrator and an opportunity.By taking some suitable

safety precautions,you can reduce the opportunities and therefore the

risk of becoming a victim.

Here are a few tips on how to reduce the risks when you are out and about on the streets.

Plan ahead.Before you go out,think about how you are going to get

home,e.g.Can you travel home with a friend?What time does the last

bus/train leave?

Avoid danger spots like quiet or badly lit alleyways,subways or

isolated car parks.Walk down the middle of the pavement if the street

is deserted.

If you do have to pass danger spots,think about what you would do

if you felt threatened.Consider heading for a public place.Somewhere

you know there will be other people,for example a garage or shop.

If you are at all worried,try and stay near a group of people.

Avoid passing stationary cars with their engines running and people sitting in them.

Try to keep both hands free and don’t walk with your hands in your pockets.

Try to use well lit,busy streets and use the route you know best

Whenever possible,walk facing oncoming traffic to avoid kerb crawlers.

If you do have to walk in the same direction as the traffic and a

vehicle pulls up suddenly alongside you,turn and walk or run in the

other direction – you can turn much faster than a car.

Keep your mind on your surroundings – remember if you are chatting

on your mobile phone or wearing a personal stereo,you will not hear

trouble approaching.

Be extra careful when using cashpoint machines.Make sure nobody is

hovering nearby and do not count your money in the middle of the street.

If you think you are being followed,trust your instincts and take

action.As confidently as you can,cross the road,turning to see who is

behind you.If you are still being followed,keep moving.Make for a

busy area and tell people what is happening.If necessary,call the


Beware of someone who warns you of the danger of walking alone and

then offers to accompany you.This is a ploy some attackers have been

known to use.

Never accept a lift from a stranger or someone you don’t know very well,even if you are wet,tired or running late.

We all have the right to wear any clothes we wish,but it’s

worth remembering that you can help to reduce the risks by wearing

clothes you can move in easily and shoes that you can run in.

Try not to keep all your valuables in one place.Instead place valuables such as wallets in an inside pocket.

Consider carrying a personal safety alarm,which can be used to

shock and disorientate an attacker giving you vital seconds to get away.


The end of the summer, should have a good rest! But my mother is very busy。 As the daughter of course I want to help my mother to do some。 Early in the morning I got up, washed the dishes, sweep the floor, cooking and so on, at noon, I tired, lying on the bed, fan fan, more fortable

