
  • 八年级
  • 2024-12-18




1 /i:/ 单词示例:sea, see, deep, jeep, leave

2 /i/ 单词示例:sit, hit, kit, kiss, dig

3 /e/ 单词示例:echo, bet, desk, get, let

4 /æ/ 单词示例:cat, bat, bag, dash, fat

5 /ə:/ 单词示例:bird, burger, her, earth, girl

6 /ə/ 单词示例:rubber, ruler, better, doctor, loser

7 /∧/ 单词示例:bus, but, bug, bubble, cut

8 /a:/ 单词示例:bar, car, dark, far, father

9 /כ/ 单词示例:cock, ball, dog, got, dolphin

10 /כ亏模:/ 单词示例:board, sport, call, door, law

11 /u/ 单词示例:book, good, goose, whose, who

12 /u:/ 单词示例:cool, school, ruler, fool, food

13 /ei/ 单词示例:case, date, fake, face, gate

14 /ai/ 单词示例:I, high, like, sky, try

15 /כi/ 单词示例:boy, joy, soy, toy, voice

16 /əu/ 单词示例:go, no, boat, coat, note

17 /au/ 单词示例:how, now, shout, doubt, mouse

18 /iə/ 单词示例:ear, here, tear, dear, bear

19 /εə/ 单词示例:there, hair, bear, dare, care

20 /uə/ 单词示例:sure, cure, durable, furious, jury

21 /p/ 单词示例:put, purse, pass, piece, pipe

22 /b/ 单词示例:bag, bad, bake, bare, bear

23 /t/ 单词示例:it, hit, meet, take

24 /d/ 单词示例:dig, did, do, duck

25 /k/ 单词示例:cook, could, school, make

26 /g/ 单词示例:guess, get, gap, hug, bug

27 /f/ 单词示例:fur, flower, fly, fool, wolf

28 /v/ 单词示例:love, glove, dove, village, volleybal

29 /s/ 单词示例:school, sit, see, s

30 /z/ 单词示例:zip, zero, zebra, nose, bees

31 /θ/ 单词示例:there, this, that, the, then

32 /δ/ 单词示例:think, thin, thick, thirsty, third

33 /∫/ 单词示例:she, shirt, shoe, dash, mushroom

34 /з/ 单词示例:pleasure, leisure

35 /h/ 单词示例:hope, hole, how, who, whose

36 /r/ 单词示例:red, read, ruler, rubber, rat

37 /t∫/ 单词示例:chose, chair, chain

38 /dз/ 单词示例:huge, large, January, June, July

39 /tr/ 单词示例:tree, trousers, train

40 /dr/ 单词示例:dress, address, doctor

41 /ts/ 单词示例:hats, cats, fats

42 /dz/ 单词示例:birds

43 /m/ 单词示例:money, mother, monkey, mouth, mouse

44 /n/ 单词示例:nose, note, no, noise, n

45 /ŋ/ 单词示例:hang, gang, bang, English, king

46 /l/ 单词示例:like, loud, low, ball, l

47 /w/ 单词示例:we, will, want, what, why

48 /j/ 单词示例:yes, yesterday, yeah, yammy, young





/i:/ - see, heat, meat

/ɪ/ - sit, pin, big

/e/ - bed, head, said

/æ/ - cat, hat, sad

/ɑ:/ - car, start, hard

/ɔ:/ - door, more, four

/ʊ/ - put, foot, good

/u:/ - blue, true, food

/ə/ - about, mother, taken

/ɜ:/ - bird, heard, learn

/eə/ - hair, where, air

/ʊə/ - poor, tour, sure

/ɔɪ/ - boy, toy, enjoy

/aɪ/ - eye, my, buy

/aʊ/ - now, how, cow

/p/ - pen, spin, happy

/b/ - boy, web, rub

/t/ - tea, stop, late

/d/ - day, made, ride

/k/ - cat, skill, make

/g/ - game, gig, big

/f/ - fish, leaf, photo

/v/ - view, love, have

/θ/ - thin, with, math

/ð/ - then, father, breathe

/s/ - sun, house, miss

/z/ - zoo, rose, jazz

/ʃ/ - ship, push, wish

/ʒ/ - measure, pleasure, vision

/h/ - heat, hello, ahead

/m/ - map, time, team

/n/ - no, fun, sign

/ŋ/ - sing, ring, long

/l/ - love, well, silly

/r/ - run, red, rain

/j/ - yes, you, use

/w/ - we, will, now

/iə/ - here, fear, beer

/eɪ/ - day, rain, say

/aɪə/ - higher, buyer, fire

/ɔɪə/ - lawyer, employer, loyal

/aʊə/ - power, flower, shower

/ti:/ - tea, eat, meet

/si:/ - see, sea, ceiling

/ʃi:/ - she, sheep, sugar

/tʃ/ - chat, choose, catch

/dʒ/ - joy, jump, large

/hw/ - when, where, why




1) 单元音

[ i ] 发音组合:i


[ e ] 发音组合:eeaa

代表单词:pen egg best bread heaven many

[æ] 发音组合:a

代表单词:cap map bad

[ʌ] 发音组合:u o

代表单词:up cup butmonk onion

[ɔ] 发音组合:o

代表单词:hot not

[u] 发音组合:oo u ou

代表单词:foot good pull full should would

[ə] 发音组合:aeror

代表单词:appear again alike

teacher mother brotheractor monitor

[ i: ] 发音组合:eeeeaieei

代表单词:me he we bee feel deepseat beat lead


[ɑ:] 发音组合:arearal

代表单词:far dark farm hearthalf

[ɔ:] 发音组合:alooawouoreauorar

代表单词:talk balldoor floorlaw saw

bought thought before ignore

caught naughty force bornwarn

[u:] 发音组合:oooouu

代表单词:food fool shoottomb groupblue clue

[ə:] 发音组合:orir erurear

代表单词:work worm bird dirty termburn surf learn

2) 双元音

[ei] 发音组合:ei a ai ay

代表单词:eight cake lake make

paid mainday may

[ai] 发音组合:yiuy

代表单词:cry my bike time kite buy guy

[ɔi ] 发音组合:oyoi

代表单词:boy toynoise voice coin

[iə] 发音组合:eer ear ere

代表单词:beer deer hear nearhere

[ɛə] 发音组合:airearare ere

代表单词:hair fair chair bear swear dare hare there

[uə] 发音组合:oorour


[əu] 发音组合:o ow oa

代表单词:host nose copeown lowboat coat


代表单词:house out soundtown now


[p] 发音组合:p

代表单词:pay put speed spend

[t] 发音组合:t


[k] 发音组合:ckck

代表单词:cake car can kite skypick back

[f] 发音组合:fph

代表单词:five life fat photo telephone


代表单词:think teeth thank both mouth

[s] 发音组合:sc

代表单词:seem set say face race ice price

[ʃ] 发音组合:shsssch

代表单词:ship fish sure assure machine

[h] 发音组合:hwh

代表单词:hot home hatewhole

[b] 发音组合:b

代表单词:bird big bag

[d] 发音组合:d

代表单词:do did deer bed


代表单词:go gap bag

[v] 发音组合:v

代表单词:vote very leave

[ð] 发音组合:th

代表单词:this then though

[z] 发音组合:zs

代表单词:prize raise eyes

[ʒ] 发音组合:s


[m] 发音组合:m

代表单词:some come mother

[n] 发音组合:n

代表单词:note no gun

[ŋ] 发音组合:ngn

代表单词:king thingink tank

[l] 发音组合:l

代表单词:late let tell deal

[r] 发音组合:rwr

代表单词:rice right free write wrong

[j] 发音组合:y

代表单词:year yes you

[w] 发音组合:w wh

代表单词:wait willwheel what when

[ʧ] 发音组合:ch

代表单词:cheap catch watch

[ʤ] 发音组合:j g dg

代表单词:jeep jokechange judge

[dr] 发音组合:dr

代表单词:dream draw

[tr] 发音组合:tr

代表单词:tree trip treat

[ts] 发音组合:ts

代表单词:sits parents

[dz] 发音组合:ds

代表单词:needs spends









1. /ɑ: / are car class banana

2. /ʌ/ but bus cup

3. /ɔ: / horse tall ball floor

4. /ɒ/ box dog mop hot clock

5. /ɜ: / her bird shirt

6. /ə/ ruler number supper doctor

7. / i:/ he she be three team

8. / ɪ / in is sit Jim English

9. /u: / too school move ruler who

10. /ʊ/ book look cook put

11. /e/ egg yes pen seven spell

12. /æ/ and cat bag dad

13. /eɪ / cake Kate late play

14. /aɪ / kite bite bike

15. /ɔɪ / boy toy oil noise

16. / ɪə/ here near dear cheer

17. /eə/ pear chair where their

18. /ʊə/ sure tour poor

19. /əʊ/ no go nose coat

20. /aʊ/ how now mouse

21. /p/ play park sheep

22. /b/ bike banana bag web

23. /t/ tea too teacher cat

24. /d/ dog friend desk

25. /k/ car cake Kate desk

26. /g/ green glad good dog

27. /f/ friend fax floor

28. /v/ very seven have

29. /θ/ three birthday sixth

30. /ð/ the this brother

31. / s / sit see nice

32. /z/ zoo hers

33. /ʃ/ she ship shirt English

34. /ʒ/ usually treasure


35. /ts / students cats hats

36./dz/ beds birds friends

37. /tʃ/ chair check China watch

38. /dʒ/ jeep orange

39. /tr/ tree trip

40. /dr/ draw drive

41. /h/ he who hot help

42. /r/ red right read room

43. / ǀ / look like light

44. /m/ map mum name number

45. /n/ nine fine

46. /ŋ/ sing shopping sink Englis

47. /j / yellow yes you

48. /w/ win white war

