
  • 一年级
  • 2025-01-23

用英语介绍一位科学家?1. 达尔文 (Charles Darwin), 英国生物学家, 进化论的奠基人。出生地: 英国。出生日期: 1809年2月12日。逝世日期: 1882年4月19日。2. 居里夫人 (Marie Curie), 世界著名科学家, 国籍: 法国。出生日期: 1867年11月7日。逝世日期: 1934年7月4日。那么,用英语介绍一位科学家?一起来了解一下吧。



Albert Einstein was a German-born physicist, although most people probably know him as the most intelligent person who ever lived.In 1999, ‘Time’ magazine named Einstein as the Person of the Century.He won the Nobel Prize for Physics. He went on to publish over 300 scientific papers.



William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955. He is one of the world's richest people and perhaps the most successful businessman ever. He co-founded the software giant Microsoft and turned it into the world’s largest software company.‘Time’ magazine voted Gates as one of the biggest influences of the 20th Century.



My favorite scientist is Marie Skłodowska-Curie。She insists on scientific research。So I admire her。



Thomas Edison, a prominent American inventor, is widely regarded as one of the greatest inventors in history. Born in 1847, Edison embarked on a career marked by relentless focus and determination, which he maintained until his death in 1931. Edison's prolific work yielded over 1,000 patents, including three transformative inventions: the electric light, the phonograph, and the motion-picture camera. These innovations gave birth to vast industries such as electric utilities, phonograph and record companies, and the film industry. They fundamentally reshaped the work and leisure patterns of people worldwide, defining the era from 1879 to 1900 as the Age of Edison.



My Favorite Scentists


My favorite scentists are Edison and Albert Einstein .

Edison is a great scientist,He was born in 1847.He is a world-famous scientist and inventor power of the United States, as the "King of the invention of the world."



Albert Einstein was considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century and one of the greatest of all time. His discoveries and theories have greatly influenced science in many fields.

艾伯特爱因斯坦被视为 20 世纪和最好的之一最伟大科学家整时间。


Lu Xun (pseud. of Zhou Shuren, 1881-1936) was born on September 25, 1881 in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province. He was taught Chinese classics by a private tutor. In 1898 he entered South China Naval Academy in Nanjing but was soon transfered to the School of Mining and Civil Engineering affiliated with South China Military Academy. In 1902 he went to Japan to study medicine at Sendai Medical College. He broke off his medical studies and tured to writing literature in 1906. He translated various Russian literary works into Chinese and was enthusiastic about Darwinism and other Western social discourses. In 1909 he returned to China and was appointed headmaster of a normal school in Shaoxing after the 1911 Revolution. In 1920 he began teaching at both Beijing University and Beijing Normal University. In 1927 he became a professor at Xiamen University and then Zhongshan University; but he quickly resigned from his posts and settled in Shanghai to live by his pen. He died of tuberculosis in Shanghai on October 19,1936. He was accorded the honor of "the national soul" at his funeral. His major works include "The Power of Mara Poetry," "A Madman;s Diary," My Views on Chastity," "The True Story of Ah Q," "Kong Yiji," "My Old Home," "A Brief History of Chinese Fiction," "New Year's Sacrifice," "Regret for the Past," "Russian Fairy Tales," "Gogal's Dead Souls," etc.

The Century’s Greatest Minds

Albert Einstein



The scientific touchstones of the modern age——the Bomb, space travel, electronics, Quantum physics——all bear his imprint.


