钱钟书翻译的英文作品?毛选、毛诗,严格说,不能算他的译作;海涅的有一篇(见辽海《一寸千思》),形象思维的有不少(见三联《写在人生边上 石语 人生边上的边上》)。其余,零碎的还有些,不具举。那么,钱钟书翻译的英文作品?一起来了解一下吧。
The "Torrents" Trilogy 《激流三部曲》
* The Family 《家》,1933
* Spring 《春》,1938
* Autumn 《秋》,1940
* Love in a Fallen City (published in October 2006 by New York Review Books) Translated by Karen Kingsbury and Eileen Chang.
* "The Golden Cangue" (金锁记) is found in Modern Chinese Stories and Novellas, 1919-1949 (ed. Joseph S M Lau et al.)
* Lust, Caution (色,戒) Translated by Julia Lovell. New York: Anchor Books, 2007.
* Naked Earth (tr. of 赤地之恋) Hong Kong: Union Press, 1956.
* The Rice Sprout Song: a Novel of Modern China (tr. of 秧歌 by the author)
* The Rouge of the North (tr. of 怨女)
* Traces of Love and Other Stories
* The Sing-song Girls of Shanghai (Eileen Chang's tr. of Han Bangqing's novel)
* Written on Water (tr. of 流言 by Andrew Jones)
Rice and My Life as Emperor (both tr. Howard Goldblatt)
1. The Book and the Sword - T: 书剑恩仇录 S: 书剑恩仇录 (first published on The New Evening Post in 1955)
2. Sword Stained with Royal Blood - T: 碧血剑 S: 碧血剑 (first published on Hong Kong Commercial Daily in 1956)
3. The Legend of the Condor Heroes - T: 射雕英雄传 S: 射雕英雄传 (first published on Hong Kong Commercial Daily in 1957)
4. Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain - T: 雪山飞狐 S: 雪山飞狐 (first installment appeared on the first issue of Ming Pao in 1959)
5. The Return of the Condor Heroes - T: 神雕侠侣 S: 神雕侠侣 (1959)
6. Other Tales of the Flying Fox - T: 飞狐外传 S: 飞狐外传 (1960)
7. Swordswoman Riding West on White Horse T: 白马啸西风 S: 白马啸西风 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
8. Blade-dance of the Two Lovers T: 鸳鸯刀 S: 鸳鸯刀 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
9. Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre - T: 倚天屠龙记 S: 倚天屠龙记 (first published on Ming Pao in 1961)
10. A Deadly Secret - T: 连城诀 S: 连城诀 (first published on Southeast Asia Weekly 《东南亚周刊》in 1963)
11. Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils - T: 天龙八部 S: 天龙八部 (1963)
12. Ode to Gallantry - T: 侠客行 S: 侠客行 (1965)
13. The Smiling, Proud Wanderer - 笑傲江湖 (first published on Ming Pao in 1967)
14. The Deer and the Cauldron - T: 鹿鼎记 S: 鹿鼎记 (1969-1972)
15. Sword of the Yue Maiden - T: 越女剑 S: 越女剑 (1970)
1. Fortress Besieged by Qian Zhongshu and Jonathan D. Spence (Hardcover - April 28, 2005)
2. Besieged City by Qian Zhongshu and Han Hui (Paperback - Dec 1, 1994)
3. Fortaleza Asediada by Qian Zhongshu (Paperback - Oct 1996)
4. Limited Views: Essays on Ideas and Letters (Harvard-Yenching Institute Monograph Series) by Zhongshu Qian and Ronald C. Egan (Hardcover - May 1, 1998)
5. Qian Zhongshu lun xue wen xuan by Zhongshu Qian (Unknown Binding - 1990)
6. Qian Zhongshu san wen =: Qian Zhongshu's selected essays by Zhongshu Qian (Unknown Binding - 1997)
7. Qian Zhongshu Yang Jiang san wen (Er shi shi ji Zhongguo wen hua ming ren wen ku) by Zhongshu Qian (Unknown Binding - 1997)
8. Song Shi Xuan Zhu by Zhongshu Qian (Paperback - 2004)
9. "Wei cheng" hui jiao ben by Zhongshu Qian (Unknown Binding - 1991)
10. Xie zai ren sheng bian shang (Zhongguo xian dai xiao pin jing dian) by Zhongshu Qian (Unknown Binding - 1994)
11. Ye shi ji by Zhongshu Qian (Unknown Binding - 1984)
钱钟书-围城(Fortress Besieged)
Those who are outside want to get in, and those who are inside want to get out.
Fortress Besieged is a classic of world literature, a masterpiece of parodic fiction that plays with Western literary traditions, philosophy and middle class Chinese society in the Republican era. The title is taken from an old French proverb, "Marriage is like a fortress besieged: those who are outside want to get in, and those who are inside want to get out". Set on the eve of the ferocious Sino-Japanese War, Fortress Besieged recounts the exuberant misadventures of the hapless hero Fang Hung-chien. This masterwork of world literature plays with Western traditions, picaresque humour, tragic-comedy, satire, Eastern philosophy and the mores of middle-class Chinese society to create its own unique feast of delights.
1937 《十七世纪英国文学里的中国》;《十八世纪英国文学里的中国》(毕业论文)
1941 《写在人生边上》(散文集,开明书店1941年12月出版)
1945 《猫》(《文艺复兴》1月10日);《人·兽·鬼》(著名短篇小说集)(开明书店6月出版)
1947 《围城》(著名长篇小说集)(晨光出版公司5月出版)
1948 《谈艺录》(开明书店1949年6月初版)
1958 《宋诗选注》(人民文学出版社8月出版)
1978 《古典文学研究在现代中国》(《明报月刊》7月)
1979 《旧文四篇》(上海古籍出版社1979年9月出版);《管锥编》(中华书局8月初版)
1980 《诗可以怨》(《文学评论》1981年1期)
1981 《管锥编》、《管锥编增订》(中华书局1982年9月出版)
1984 《也是集》(香港广角镜出版社3月出版);《谈艺录》(补订本)(中华书局9月第1版)
1985 《七缀集》(上海古籍出版社12月出版)
1988 《模糊的铜镜》(《随笔》1988年第5期)
1995 《槐聚诗存》(三联书店3月出版)
1996 《石语》(中国社会科学出版社1月出版)
1937 《十七世纪英国文学里的中国》;《十八世纪英国文学里的中国》(毕业论文)
1941 《写在人生边上》(散文集,开明书店1941年12月出版)
1945 《猫》(《文艺复兴》1月10日);《人·兽·鬼》(著名短篇小说集)(开明书店6月出版)
1947 《围城》(著名长篇小说集)(晨光出版公司5月出版)
1948 《谈艺录》(开明书店1949年6月初版)
1958 《宋诗选注》(人民文学出版社8月出版)
1978 《古典文学研究在现代中国》(《明报月刊》7月)
1979 《旧文四篇》(上海古籍出版社1979年9月出版);《管锥编》(中华书局8月初版)
1980 《诗可以怨》(《文学评论》1981年1期)
1981 《管锥编》、《管锥编增订》(中华书局1982年9月出版)
1984 《也是集》(香港广角镜出版社3月出版);《谈艺录》(补订本)(中华书局9月第1版)
1985 《七缀集》(上海古籍出版社12月出版)
1988 《模糊的铜镜》(《随笔》1988年第5期)
1995 《槐聚诗存》(三联书店3月出版)
1996 《石语》(中国社会科学出版社1月出版)