苏教版六年级上册英语课课练答案?作业最好是自己做哦,这样对学习中的学生来说才能提高成绩。如果手机是安卓手机,就请在各应用市场更新最新版本作业帮,在拍照搜题页面上方点击“作业答案”,即可进行扫码搜索 我目前有办法给你的是,第一,那么,苏教版六年级上册英语课课练答案?一起来了解一下吧。
1.When is Spring Festival?
It is in Junary or February.
what do people usually do at Spring Festival?
They eat a lot of delicious food.
Did you eat a lot of delicious food last Spring Festival?
Yes,I did.
2.When is Halloween?
It is in October.
what do people usually do at Halloween?
They dress up in costumes.
Did you dress up in costumes last Halloween?
Yes,I did.
3.When is Children is Day?
It is in June.
what do people usually do on Children is Day?
They sing and dance.
Did you sing and dance last Children is Day?
No,I did not.
4.When is Mid-Autumn Festival?
It is in September or October.
what do people usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival?
They watch the moon.
Did you watch the moon last Mid-Autumn Festival?
Yes,I did.
c,e,d,f,a。b第一题答案k部分正在阅读中,对不起,稍后给您答案 。大约30分钟给您我的答案,sorry
1.When is Spring Festival?
It is in Junary or February.
what do people usually do at Spring Festival?
They eat a lot of delicious food.
Did you eat a lot of delicious food last Spring Festival?
Yes,I did.
2.When is Halloween?
It is in October.
what do people usually do at Halloween?
They dress up in costumes.
Did you dress up in costumes last Halloween?
Yes,I did.
3.When is Children is Day?
It is in June.
what do people usually do on Children is Day?
They sing and dance.
Did you sing and dance last Children is Day?
No,I did not.
4.When is Mid-Autumn Festival?
It is in September or October.
what do people usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival?
They watch the moon.
Did you watch the moon last Mid-Autumn Festival?
Yes,I did.
InEngland,drivers drive on the left side of the road.In the US,drivers drive on the right side.
您好,第五题是 Where is the __________ (shop) centre?
shop 在英语可以是动词词性,也可以是名词词性:
1)动词词性 = 购买;采购
2)名词词性 = 商店;店铺
当 shop 作为名词独立使用时,通常指的是一个商铺,比如小卖部,小店铺等等,而 shops 作为复数通常指的是一个区域,或是一条街有很多个不同的商铺,指的是不同类别的商铺。句中空格后面还有个 centre,译为【中心】,shop centre 通常译为【小卖部中间;商铺中心】因为 shop 是名词,不是形容词,和 centre 一同使用表示(一个商铺的中心区)。而 shop 还有一种名词形式,shopping,这个是 shop 的(动名词)形式,通常译为【购物;购买的物品】,而作为 shopping centre 译为【购物中心】,也就是一个(中心)里面有很多个不同的商铺含义了。所以:
1)shop centre = 一个商铺的中心区
2)shopping centre = 一个中心区的多个商铺(指的是购物中心)
所以按照句子的语义,shopping centre 是更合适的。
以上就是苏教版六年级上册英语课课练答案的全部内容,购物中心本身是个名词,center是名词,前面加一个修饰性词语只能是动名词不能直接用动词修饰center。还有一个更简单的记法,不考虑语法,把shopping center看作一个单词记忆,它就是购物中心的意思,固定搭配。