
  • 用英语怎么说
  • 2024-06-17



I bring to you for the great trouble without permission. Please forgive me for the mistakes


pardon me,  excuse me, i am sorry    都是对不起



1、当你做错了某事大胆的承认错误可以说:It's my fault; 2、老外常说的excuse me 也有对不起的意思; 3、apologize 道歉; 4、express apologize表示道歉; 5、please forgive me请原谅我 ,言为之一就是对不起。 扩展资料:也可以在道歉时加上原因—— 1、sorry for sth I'm terribly sorry for what I did . 我对于我所做的感到非常抱歉。 2、sorry to do sth I feel sorry to call so late. 这么晚打给你真的抱歉。 3、I realize my mistake now and I'm sorry. 对不起,我现在意识到我错了 4、I'm sorry to hear that he has been seriously ill. 当你听到一个坏消息想表达你的同情时,你也可以运用sorry来表达。


yes i did leave early yesterday
whatcha wanna do?
kick me off?
whatcha fucking expecting?
my apology?
i won't say any of words that would show you my weakness!
you'd better just stop looking forward my apology!
you sonuwabitch!


I will try my best to catch up what I missed yesterday.
As a mattter of fact. Though I had some personal stuff to deal with at that time, that should not be an excuse to walk out of the class, and sincerely hope that you can forgive me this time. I appologize for what I did, I realized I made a big mistake.
After I talked with my parents, I do enjoy your classDear Mr (or Ms) XXX, and I have learned so much from you;
I feel so sorry that I missed your class yesterday.

