
  • 三年级
  • 2024-06-25

关于兔子的英文介绍?it feeds on vegetables mainly and may eat some fruit as well , it is very meek and seldom attack people 兔子是一种小而可爱的动物,它有红色的眼睛和长长的耳朵,在世界上有许多类型的兔子,但几乎都是黑色或白色,这是一个非常普通的生物,出口全世界,它以蔬菜为主,可以吃一些水果,那么,关于兔子的英文介绍?一起来了解一下吧。


Rabbit is a kind of small and lovely animal , it has red eyes and long ears

,there are many types of rabbit in the world , but nearl all of them are either

black or white, it is a very ordinary creature which exit all the world , it

feeds on vegetables mainly and may eat some fruit as well , it is very meek and

seldom attack people


Rabbit is a timid animal. Sudden noise, strangers and strange animals, such

as cats and dogs, can make it panic. In feeding and management, we should try

our best to avoid the noise that causes rabbits to panic, and at the same time,

we should prohibit strangers, cats and dogs from entering the rabbit house.

Rabbits have a keen sense of hearing and smell, but they are timid and

frightened and are good at running.




“I am a bunny,My name is Nicholas,I live in a hollow tree。

In the spring, I like to pick flowers。I chase the butterflies,and the butterflies chase me。

In the summer,I like to lie in the sun and watch the birds。And I like to watch the frogs in the pond。

When it rains,I keep dry under a toadstool。I blow the dandelion seeds into the air。”




I really like an animal, a rabbit.

The rabbit had white hair.

With red eyes and long ears and a short tail.

Rabbit is mainly to eat carrots, she eat is very lovely.

I like lovely animals, but there are a lot of animals in China has been in the middle of a dangerous, I hope you can take care of emergency of animals.


One day, my mother bought two little rabbits for me. I’m very happy.

From that on, the two little rabbits became my good friends. they have two little ears, red eyes, with white and fat boby. they’re marvellous。


(1 ) WhiteRabbit

Ihaveapetwhiterabbit .Ithavelongears ,smallmouthandfour shortlegs. Itisverylovable.Ilikeitverymuch .Iwanttoknowwhyithavethelongear .Youcantellittome ? Thankyou.

(2) The little Rabbit has a coat of white hair. The two ears are long and prick up on its head. It is furry,soft and white with two red eyes glaring above the chin.Its eyes are like a pair of small red hulbs. Exposed to sunlight, they become little pieces of red thread. Its ears are straight and long and they can turn and move slightly.How cute it is!



Rabbit is a small mammal that belongs to the Leporidae family. It is also known as bunny and hare. Rabbits are found in different parts of the world, and they are popular as a pet animal due to their cute appearance and friendly nature.

Rabbits are herbivorous animals and feed on grass, leaves, and vegetables. They are social creatures and live in groups called colonies or warrens. Rabbits are known for their fast speed and agility, which helps them escape from predators such as foxes, wolves, and birds of prey.

Rabbits have long ears, short tails, and fluffy fur, which makes them look adorable. They have a keen sense of hearing, vision, and smell, which helps them detect danger and food sources. Rabbits have a gestation period of around 30 days and can give birth to litters ranging from one to 14 offspring.

Rabbits have played an important role in human culture and folklore. They are often featured in children's stories, movies, and TV shows as cute and lovable characters. In some cultures, rabbits are associated with fertility, luck, and Easter festivities.

Overall, rabbits are fascinating creatures that have captured the hearts of people across the world. Whether as a pet or a wild animal, they bring joy and happiness into our lives.


以上就是关于兔子的英文介绍的全部内容,用英文介绍一只兔子,可以从第一人称的角度出发,赋予兔子人格化思想,进行作文编写。下文以兔子自我介绍展开,描述了一只兔子的外形和喜好。举例如下:“I am a bunny,My name is Nicholas,I live in a hollow tree。In the spring, I like to pick flowers。I chase the butterflies。
