
  • 新概念英语
  • 2024-07-02

新概念英语第一册第65课?《新概念英语》第一册第65课 Not a baby 不是一个孩子 Listen to the tape then answer this question. Does Jill take the key to the front door?听录音,然后回答问题。吉尔有没有拿到大门的钥匙?那么,新概念英语第一册第65课?一起来了解一下吧。


《新概念英语》第一册第65课 Not a baby 不是一个孩子

Listen to the tape then answer this question. Does Jill take the key to the front door?



FATHER: What are you going to do this evening. Jill?

JILL: I'm going to meet some friends. Dad.

FATHER: You mustn't come home late. You must be home at half past ten.

JILL: I can't get home so early, Dad! Can I have the key to the front door please?

FATHER: No, you can't.

MOTHER: Jill's eighteen years old, Tom. She's not a baby. Give her the key. She always comes home early.

FATHER: Oh, all right! Here you are. But you mustn't come home after a quarter past eleven. Do you hear?

JILL: Yes. Dad. Thanks, Mum.

MOTHER: That's all right. Goodbye. Enjoy yourself!

JILL: We always enjoy ourselves, Mum. Bye-bye.




新概念英语第一册 lesson

65课的练习在66课,如果你从65不能看出重点句型的话你可以先看看66课,然后就会知道,第一句What are you going to do?和后面的enjoy yourself!是重点了!在66课练习里又从what引申到了how和when,也就是这三个单词开头的疑问句的用法。后面enjoy yourself!应该就不用我多说了,主要是让你熟悉yourself、myself、themself等词,学会用enjoy!




1 the key to the front door。

to the front door是介词短语,作定语,修饰key。

2 a quarter past eleven, 11点1刻,past是介词。

3 Enjoy yourself! 好好玩吧。在enjoy这个动词后面往往有一个反身代词,如yourself, ourselves, himself, herself等。


1 在英文表示某一种商店的短语中,往往可以把shop这个词省略,如课文中的the butcher's(shop)和the greengrocer's(shop)。类似的例子还有the hairdresser's (shop), the stationer's (shop), the doctor's(office), my mother's(house)等。

2 在英文中,过去发生的而现在已经结束的动作要用一般过去时来表示。“是”(be)动词的过去式不规则,第一、第三人称单数用was,其他情况用were。


FATHER: What are you going to do this evening. Jill?

JILL: I'm going to meet some friends. Dad.

FATHER: You mustn't come home late. You must be home at half past ten.

JILL: I can't get home so early, Dad! Can I have the key to the front door please?

FATHER: No, you can't.

MOTHER: Jill's eighteen years old, Tom. She's not a baby. Give her the key. She always comes home early.

FATHER: Oh, all right! Here you are. But you mustn't come home after a quarter past eleven. Do you hear?

JILL: Yes. Dad. Thanks, Mum.

MOTHER: That's all right. Goodbye. Enjoy yourself!

JILL: We always enjoy ourselves, Mum. Bye-bye.





lesson 65 Not a baby

Does Jill take the key to the front door?


FATHER: What are you going to do this evening, Jill?

Jill: I'm going to meet some friends, Dad.

FATHER: You mustn't come home late. You must be home at half past ten.

Jill: I can’t get home so early, Dad.

Can I have the key to the front door, please?

FATHER: NO, you can't.

MOTHER: Jill's eighteen years old, Tom. She's not a baby. Give her the key. She always comes home early.

FATHER: Oh, all right!

FATHER: Here you are. But you mustn't come home after a quarter past eleven. Do you hear?

Jill: Yes, Dad.

Jill: Thanks, Mum.

MOTHER: That's all right. Goodbye. Enjoy yourself!

Jill: We always enjoy ourselves, Mum. Bye, bye.

New Word and expressions1 词短语


n. 爸(语)


n. 钥匙


n. 婴


v. 听见


v. 玩快






n. 妈妈







父亲:行 能带










1.What are you going to do this evening, Jill? 今晚打算干吉尔

由every, this, next等词间状语前面通加介词

2.I'm going to meet some friends, Dad. 我打算看几朋友爸爸


3.Jill's eighteen years old, Tom. 吉尔都18岁汤姆

表示"几岁"般由基数词+ year(s) old构口语year(s)old往往省用数字表示龄:

She is eighteen.


4.That's all right. 用谢

别表示谢作答说You're welcome/Not at all/Don't mention it

5.Bye-bye. 再见

非式告别语语气较随便非式告别语 So long,See you或 I'll be seeing you等式告别语 Goodbye夜向告别用 Good night

语 Grammar in use



He cut himself when he was shaving2 this morning.


The old lady is talking to herself.



We went there ourselves.


They wanted to finish the work themselves.




某钟点130钟内我用 past表示8点20我说twenty past eight;间某钟点31整点我则用介词to要注意钟点及钟变换6点47我通换算7点差13即 thirteen to seven


eight twenty 8点20

six forty-seven 6点47

表示间通都需用介词 at:

He goes to school at 7. 30.


(2)通使用介词 on表示星期几( on Monday星期)、某段间( on Monday morning星期早)、期( on April 1st4月1)、星期几+期( on Monday,April 1st4月1星期)、具体间( on that day)、周纪念( on your birthday)及节( on Christmas Day圣诞节)等

词汇习 Word study

1.enjoy v.


She enjoyed herself in the vacation.



I enjoy your company.



We all enjoy our legal3 rights.


2.hear v.


He listened but could hear nothing.


Do you hear?



Please hear her.


We'd better hear what he has to say.


练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 66


1 I am going to see him at ten o'clock.

2 It often rains in November.

3 Where do you come from? I come from France.

4 I always go to work in the morning.

5 What's the climate4 like in your country?

6 It's cold in winter and hot in summer.


1 She must go to the library at 1. 15.

2 Sam and I must see the dentist at 3. 45.

3 I must type this letter at 2. 00.

4 Sam and Penny5 must see the boss6 at 1. 30.

5 George must take his medicine at 3. 15.

6 Sophie must arrive in London at 2. 30.

7 You must catch the bus at 3. 30.

8 I must arrive there at 3. 00.

9 They must come home at 2. 15.

10 I must meet Sam at 1. 45.

11 He must telephone me at 2. 45.


Lesson 65 Not a baby


Dad n. 爸(语)

key n. 钥匙 adj.关键

baby n. 婴

hear v. 听见

enjoy v. 玩快

yourself pron.自

ourselves pron.我自

mum n. 妈妈

hear 听见 [iE]hair 发 [ZE]

myself pron. 我自

themselves pron. 自

himself pron. 自

herself pron. 自

keyboard 键盘

key words 关键语

key point 关键点

the key to the door

the key to the front door

want 想要

want to do sth.

go abroad

next year 明

I want to go abroad next year.


She wants to help you.

I am going to see my friends.

I can't arrive home at ten o'clock.

I want to have the key to the front door.

Jill wants to have the key to the front door.

Can I have the key to the front door?

the key to the front door

listen 听

listening 听力

listen to

hear from sb. 收某信

I hear from my mother every week.

hear of 听说

Can you hear?

Do you hear? 听见

speak 讲

Do you speak English?

enjoy sth.

enjoy oneself7

enjoy doing sth.

music 音乐

I like music.

I enjoy music.

I like you.

I enjoy you.[般合用]

always 总

I always enjoy myself.

They always enjoy themselves.

Jill always enjoys herself.

I enjoy reading8.


mind, finish

mind doing sth.

finish doing sth.


come home [家谈及家]

get home 家[论家与否]

be home 家

go home 家[外]

arrive home 家[比较式]

I come home at six o'clock every day.

I get home very early every day.

I can't get home so early.

The children come home from school at five o'clock.

Mr. Smith come home from work at six o'clock.

I can't get home so early.

You must be home.


Let's go home.

I arrive home at seven o'clock.

But my brother arrives home at six o'clock.

after a quarter past eleven

You must be home at half past ten.

I can get home at half past ten.

Jill is eighteen years old.

meet some friends

Jill is going to meet some friends.

She usually comes home early.

But she can't get home so early today.

So she wants to have the key to the front door.

Can I have the key to the front door?

No, you can't.

Jill is eighteen years old, she is not a baby.

give her the key

give the key to her

a quarter past eleven

after a quarter past eleven

You mustn't come home after a quarter past eleven.

Jill always enjoys herself.

以上就是新概念英语第一册第65课的全部内容,should在新概念第65课出现 《新概念一册》是外语教学与研究出版社出版的图书,作者是亚历山大(L.G.Alexander)、何其莘。《新概念一册》是《新概念英语》系列中的第一本。原作者为路易·亚历山大,本书适合零基础入门或基础差、欲在短期掌握简单口语基础的学习者学习。路易·亚历山大。
