1. manliness ['mænlɪnɪs] 男子气概;勇敢;刚毅
例句:You can prove your manliness and general worth by dusting off the toolbox and doing a littlehome repair.
2. machismo [mə'kɪzməʊ]男子气概;男子汉
例句:The machismo of demonstrating that you can work 22 hours a day is all too prevalent. And itleads to bad decisions by exhausted men and women.
3. manhood ['mænhʊd] 成年;男子;男子气概
例句:Free me from your spells, and give me back the manhood to offer you my freed heart.
4. masculinity [,mæskjʊ'lɪnɪtɪ] 男性;男子气;刚毅
例句:What is the meaning of work, of leisure, of community, of masculinity and femininity, of freedomand fulfillment? 工作的意义,休闲的意义,社区的意义,男性和女性的意义,自由和幸福的意义究竟是什么?
5. 形容词:
1. virile ['vɪraɪl]男性的;有男子气概的;刚健的
例句:The Greeks believed they made men more virile as well. Plus, olives make for a perfect low-carb appetizer.
2. in the prime of manhood 在壮年时期;正在年富力强时期
例句:They should be in the prime of manhood.
3. masculine ['mæskjʊlɪn] 男性的;阳性的;男子气概的
例句:That is why even the most masculine female is more loving than the most feminine male.
4. 形容男人的单词
1. charming 有魅力的
2. handsome 帅
3. cool 酷
4. perfect 完美的
5. stylish潇洒的
6. attractive迷人的
7. clean-cut棱角分明的
8. comely清秀的
9. elegant文雅的
10. fair白皙的
11. fashionable时髦的
12. good-looking好看的
13. graceful优雅的
14. personable风度翩翩的讲义气的都是什么人
"There is love and righteousness"
"There is love and righteousness"
courteous有礼貌的, 彬彬有礼的; 谦恭的, 奉承的; 周到的, 客气的
decorous有礼貌的, 正派的, 高雅的, 有教养的
genty 有礼貌的,文雅的
polite 有礼貌的, 客气的,有教养的; 文雅的
mannerly 有礼貌的[地], 客气的[地]
1.昨天我买了一台录音机,但他不响.(buy radio work)
2.当我思考数学题时,有人问我问题我特别恼火(annoy question think about)
3.tom,马上起床好吗? 你得帮我做一个大蛋糕.(please get up have to)
4.在公共汽车上,售票员常说,您介意出示一下您的票吗?(conductor tickets show)
5.如果有人要抄你的作业,你应该礼貌地拒绝他这样做.(refuse someone copy)
i bought a radio yesterday,but it can not work .
when i think the questions about maths ,i am annoyed with him who ask me some questions .
would you get up right now , tom ? you have to help me to make a cake please .
w hen you are in the bus , the conductor always says that do you mind to show me your ticket ?
if someone want to copy your homework ,you should refuse him in polite.
1.How do you do.
2.Nice to meet you.
3.Thank you.
4.With pleasure.
5.Ladies first.
6.Help yourself.
8.Happy birthday.
9.I'm glad to hear from you.
10.It's nice of you.