15000用英语怎么读?英语数字都是以3个0作为基准的,像15000应该为15,000 1000000应为1,000,000也就是million,再加3个0就成了 billion,0前面就按照惯例读就行,对于0,根据数量的多少,可以分别读为billion,million,thousand。那么,15000用英语怎么读?一起来了解一下吧。
68 sixty eight
864 eight hundred and ninety-four
8,369 eight thousand,three hundred and sixty-nine
15,000fifteen thousand
7,600,000 seven million,six hundred thousand
756,431 seven hundred and fifty-six thousand,four hundred and thirty-one
65,000,000 sixty-five million
84,567,321 eighty-four million,five hundred and sixty-seven thousand,three hundred and twenty-one
一万 ten thousand
十万 one hundred thousand
十五万 one hundred and fifty thousand
二十万 two hundred thousand
三十五万 three hundred and fifty thousand
68sixty eight
894 eight hundred and ninety four
8369 eight thousand three handred and sixty nine
15000 fifteen thousand
7600000 seven point six million
756431seven hundred and fifty six thousand,four hundred and thirty one
65000000 sixty five million
84567321eighty-four million,five hundred and sixty-seven thousand,three hundred and twenty-one
3,077(U.S):three thousand,seventy-seven
146读作:a hundred(and)forty-six
2,146读作:two thousand,one hundred(and)forty-six
3、1,000这个整数我们说a thousand,在and前我们也说a thousand,但是在一个有百位数的数目前就得说one thousand,试比较:
1,031读作:a thousand,(and)thirty-one
1,150读作:one thousand,one hundred(and)fifty
I want to live for a hundred years.我想活一百年。
读音右方数字指音调,0=轻声, 1=1声,2=2声,3=3声,4=4声
1 one 万 4
2 two 兔 4
3 three 丝瑞 34
4 four 佛而 40
5 five 发我(fai我) 40
6 six 细科斯 400
7 seven 塞文 10
8 eight 诶特 40
9 nine 奈n 40
10 ten 探 (ten) 4
11 eleven 以乐文 340
12 twelve 特沃尔我 0400
13 thirteen 色而替n 104
14 fourteen 佛而替n 104
15 fifteen 飞付替n 104
16 sixteen 西科斯替n 1004
17 seventeen 色温替n 114
18 eighteen 诶替n 14
19 nineteen 乃替n 14
20 twenty 兔安体 113
21 twenty one 兔安体 113 万 4
29 twenty nine 兔安体 113 奈n 40
30 色而体 103
31 色而体 103 万 4
39 色而体 103 奈n 40
40 佛而体 103
50 飞付体 103
60 西科斯体 1003
70 色温体 103
80 诶体 13
90 乃体 13
100 玩汗坠 213
注: 21至29,31至39,41至49,51至59,61至69,71至79,81至89,91至99 的读法都是 ‘十位数’ + ‘个位数’ 的读音,比如: 21 twenty + one 兔安体 + 万,39 色而体 +奈n, 以此类推
以上就是15000用英语怎么读的全部内容,一、基数词的读法 1、在英式英语中,一个数的最后两位(十位和个位)得用"and'',但美式英语中则不用。如:3,077(U.S):three thousand,seventy-seven 2、不定冠词"a"只在数的开头才和hundred,thousand等连用。