求英语作文 假如你是李华,作为一名交换生在美国进行了一个月的学习,在此期间,你和房东Mrs.White结下了深厚的友谊,按下列要求发一封邮件表示感谢
Seeking English composition if you were Li hua, as an exchange student in the United States to study for a month, during which you and the landlord Mrs.White forged a profound friendship, according to the following requirements send an email thank you
1,生活上的照顾 2,学习上的帮助 3,希望保持联系 4,邀请来中国 100字
1 life and taking care of 2 students help 3, hoping to keep in touch 4, visiting China at the invitation of 100 characters
i am Lihua.I am study at a school in England as an exchange student.I live in Mine`s home.he is my friend.their parents treats me like their own son.and I lovw them ,too.I study with Mine every day and always plays together.though we are from different country,we are like a family.
Dear Sir/ Madame,
I want to be an exchange student of your school, i would like to apply to join the program. My name is Li Hua and i am now in Grade Nine, Class Two.Firstly, my listening and speaking skills are good.In my class, our English teacher often praises me for my excellent English capabilities.Secondly, i am very interested in English culture.My parents and i once went to Europe for a trip and Britain left me a very good impression and i fell in love with everything of this country.Lastly, as to my personality, i am an opened-minded young boy who is at good interpersonal relationship.Therefore, as what i have stated above, I'll be thankful if you consider me an exchange student. I'm looking forward to your early reply.
Yours Sincerely,
Li Hua
I am Li hua, I just came back from the US after spending a month thereas an exchange student from China. During that month, I had the opportunity to live in an American host familywhereIgottoknowMrs.White,thehostess.Amonthisashortperiodoftimeandforme,thatmonthlivingwithMrs.Whiteseemedextraordinarilyshort.Everyday,Mrs.WhitetaughtmeEnglishbothinaformalandaninformalway.ThefirstdaywhenImovedintoMrs.White'shouse,shepulledmeoverandsaidtomeinaveryseriousmanner,"Li,weshouldscheduleonehoureverydaywhenIcanteachyouEnglish,andinexchange,youshouldteachmehowtoprepareChinesefood.Forthat,wedon'thavetoscheduleanyparticulartime."IcanstillrememberthewayMrs.Whitelookedasshesaidthese.So,fromthefirstdayafterImovedtoMrs.White'shouse,IbecameaformalstudentofMrs.White,duringwhichperiod,IlearnedquiteafewAmericanidiomsfromMrs.White,suchas,"DoastheRomansdo,“"Wheneverthereisawill,thereisaway,"and"Thereisalightattheendofthetunnel,"etc.Duringthismonth,IalsotaughtMrs.WhiteafewChinesedishes,suchas"Antsclimboverthetrees.Everyday,Mrs.WhiteandIhadsomanythingstodoandfelttimejustflyingby.Beforewerealizedit,onemonthwasoveranditwastimeformetoleave.Mrs.Whitecouldn'tbearthethoughtthatIwouldsoonleaveandgobacktoChina.IwasalsoquiteupsetthatIwouldleaveMrs.White,withwhomIspentthemostmemorablemonthinmylife.Forthat,Mrs.WhiteandIdecidedthatweshouldspendamonthtogethereveryyearfrom,nowon.IamthrilledtohavehadMrs.White,anordinaryAmericanhousewife,asmyEnglishteacher,andIamequallyexcitedthateachofuswillbeanexchangestudenttoother'scountryeveryotheryear.
Dear school officer
My name is lihua and I am an exchange student here.I am china and I will spend a year in a British school.But now I want to stop my study for some days beacuse I have some private things to do.I wrote this message to let you know that I have to stop my study for some personal reasons.Look forward to your feedback.
your student lihua
以上就是作为交换生的英语作文的全部内容,英语作文假如你叫李华,你下个月作为交换生将到英国去学习,对于住校还是寄宿在家问题,你拿不住主意,请用英语给你的英国笔友Jim写一封信,叫他给你一些建议。1.说明情况 2.请求建议 3.表示感谢。100字左右。