英语六级翻译真题汇总?attracting a large number of tourists from home and abroad every year.三、英语六级翻译之海南 海南是仅次于台湾的中国第二大岛,是位于中国最南端的省份。海南岛风景绣丽,气候宜人,阳光充足,生物多样,温泉密布,海水清澈,大部分海滩几乎全年都是游泳和日光浴的理想场所,那么,英语六级翻译真题汇总?一起来了解一下吧。
人们在多个唐朝坟墓中发现了各种唐三彩塑像***Tang tri-colored glazed statues***,其中最著名的是马和女子。由于主要有三种颜色:黄、绿、棕,唐三彩因此得名。唐三彩瓷器常被用作陪葬品***burial objects***。唐代人民思想开放,乐于接受世界各国的文化。外国商人、传教士、外交家、艺术家不远千里,沿着丝绸之路***theSilk Road***来到唐朝都城长安。唐三彩瓷器有融各种文化于一体的痕迹,多产于丝绸之路的几个重要城市:西安、洛阳和扬州。
In many tombs of the Tang Dynasty,people found a variety of Tang tri-colored glazed statues, the most popular ones of which were horses and ladies. Mainly they had the three-color glaze—yellow,green and brown, hence they got the name.Tang tri-colored glazed pottery were usually used as burial objects. Tang people were open-minded and glad to accept exotic cultures from countries all over the world.Foreign traders, missionaries,diplomats and artists traveled thousands of miles along the Silk Road to visit Tang's capital city, Chang'an.The trace of melting of multiple cultures can be found in Tang tri-colored glazed pottery. They were mostly produced in Xi'an, Luoyang and Yangzhou,which were important cities along the Silk Road.
1.各种:可译为a variety of,还可以用various kinds of表达。
In modern times, Asia experienced twists and turns in its development. To change their destiny, the people of Asia have been forging ahead in an indomitable spirit and with hard struggle. Asia's development achievements today are the result of the persistent efforts of the industrious and talented Asian people.
The people of Asia are fully aware that there is no ready model or unchanging path of development that is universally applicable. They never shy away from reform and innovation. Instead, they are committed to exploring and finding development paths that are in line with the trend of the times and their own situations, and have opened up bright prospects for economic and social development.
The Zhaozhou Bridge, which was built in the Sui Dynasty around 605 AD, is 50.82 metres long and 9.6 metres wide with a span of 37.37 metres.Li Chun,a genius architect, de-signed and supervised its construction. The bridge boasts a novel structure and a graceful appearance, with a major arch in the middle and two minor ones on its ends which help discharge floods, reduce the weight of the bridge and save stones. Since the completion, the bridge has withstood floods and earthquakes, but remains intact in its main struc-ture and stil available in use. The Zhaozhou Bridge is a pio-neering undertaking in the world history of bridge construc-tion and a masterpiece of the Chinese ancient civilization for the simple reason that its similar bridge did not appear in Europe until the 14th century,700 years later than the Zhaozhou Bridge.
Chinese calligraphy is an ancient Chinese character writing art with fascinating artistic charm. It goes through the transformation process from oracle, stone-drum inscription, Chinese bronze inscription (inscriptions on ancient bronze objects), to big-seal script, small-seal script and clerical script. It was mature in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Wei and Jin Dynasties when grass script, regular script and running script sprung up. Chinese calligraphy is a unique and charming visual art. Its most distinguishing characteristic from other types of calligraphies lies in its base of Chinese character. Chinese calligraphy is an indigenous art of China with a long and profound tradition and is one of the Four Arts (lyre-playing, chess, calligraphy and painting).
Hainan Island is the second largest island in China after Taiwan Island and is the province located in the southernmost part of China. Hainan Island has beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, abundant sunshine, diverse creatures, dense hot springs and clear sea water. Most of the beaches are ideal places for swimming and sunbathing almost all year round. Therefore, it is known as China's all-season garden and resort, attracting a large number of tourists domestic and overseas every year. Since Hainan was established as a province in 1988, its tourism, service and high-tech industries have developed rapidly. It is the only provincial special economic zone in China. With the strong support of the central government and the people of the whole country, Hainan will become China's largest pilot free trade zone.
以上就是英语六级翻译真题汇总的全部内容,本文给大家整理的是2021年上半年英语六级翻译真题及答案,希望对各位考生有帮助。第一套:海南 海南是仅次于台湾的中国第二大岛,是位于中国最南端的省份。海南岛风景秀丽,气候宜人,阳光充足,生物多样,温泉密布,海水清澈,大部分海滩几乎全年都是游泳和日光浴的理想场所。