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  • 2024-01-23

财务管理英语翻译?英语翻译一下~~~ 财务管理目标 Financial management object 房务管理的英文,房务管理的翻译,怎麼用英语翻译房务 房务管理 administration of housing affairs 协助财务经理进行日常管理的英语翻译? 在写个人工作小结呢!那么,财务管理英语翻译?一起来了解一下吧。


Economic management, information resource management, database theory, computer networks, data structure, operationalresearch, operating system, software development tools, the development of information systems, e-commerce, computer technology, high-level language programming. Database technology, computer science, financial management, organization and management Introduction


管理经济学managerial economics

信息资源管理information resource management

数据库原理Elements of Database

计算机网络Computer Network

数据结构Data Structure

运筹学operational research

操作Operating System

开发software exploitationtool

信息开发information systems development


计算机应用技术technology for computer applications

高级语言程序设计Advanced Language Programmer

数据库应用技术Technique & Application of Database

计算机原理Computer Principle

财务管理financial affairs management

组织与管理概论Organization and Management conspectus

financial management翻译


Principles of Accounts, intermediate financial accounting, advanced financial accounting, auditing, financial management, cost accounting, management accounting, financial statements analysis, accounting system design, professional English, Economics, Money and Banking, international finance, international trade, economic law , tax, etc.


College English, calculus, linear algebra, probability theory and mathematical statistics, the micro-economics, macroeconomics, marketing, the laws of economics, management and political economics, public finance, statistics, e-commerce, database, relationships Science, C language. Junior accounting, intermediate financial accounting, financial management, tax accounting, senior financial accounting, cost accounting, tax and tax planning, and marginal accounting, management accounting, auditing of multinational corporations management, financial analysis, accounting professionals in foreign languages, accounting theory feature simulated sand table exercises.


人力资源管理 human resource management

行政管理学 Administration Science

劳动经济学 Labor Economics

财务管理 financial management

人力资源培训与开发 Training and Development of Human Resources

劳动法 Labor Law

经济法概论 The Introduction of Economic Law

会计学 accounting

薪酬福利管理 Salary welfare management

管理沟通 management communication

社会保障 social security

商业经济学 Business Economics

以上就是财务管理英语翻译的全部内容,财政学一般用Finance或者Public Finance;而金融学一般用Finance或者Money and Banking。PS:Finance可以通用在不同场合表示不同的意思。金融学之所以会用Money and Banking货币银行学这个名称,是因为在金融产生的早期阶段。
