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  • 初中
  • 2024-01-31

我的初中英语老师?关 于老师的作文:我的英语老师1 自从我上了初中以来,我最喜欢上的课就是英语课。因为上英语课非常有趣。 我的英语老师姓寇,她非常的漂亮。寇老师个子不高,圆圆的脸,大大的眼睛,戴着一副近视镜。那么,我的初中英语老师?一起来了解一下吧。


【 #英语资源#导语】老师,是辛勤的园丁,教导我们学习,教会我们做人。你最喜欢的老师是哪一位?写一篇英语作文描述一下吧。下面是由 无 精心挑选的关于我的老师初中英语作文,供大家阅读。


My high school headteacher teaches my English. He is handsome. And he is very thin for hardwork. He is about forty years old. He looks serious. But in fact, he is kind, nice and warmhearted.

On the one hand, he is serious on study. Whoever doesn’t finish the homework or cheat in the exam, he will punish him or her badly. Sometimes he will let those students do doble homework or have another exam.

Sometimes he will ask those students write reports on that behavior. But when teaching us in class, he is so patient.

It’s the same when asking him questions.

On the other hand, he will play with us after class.

Meanwhile, if anyone has any difficuty in study or daily life, he will give a hand without hesitation.

All in all, we love our headteacher, though sometimes he is serious. We like his responsibility. We also appreciate his spirit to work for students heart and soul.


Miss Qin is my favorite teacher. She teaches us Chinese. She is lovely lady in her thirty-two years old.

Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols. My classmates like her very much, because she is always kind to us.

In my view, she is a wise teacher. She tells us many stories to us.

It seems she knows everything. Besides, she writes good articles.

She tells us if we want to write good articles, we should read books as much as we can. She always cares much about us. I think this is important for a good teacher.


Miss Hou is my high school English teacher. Her English name is Jenny. She looks so weak that a strong wind may blow her away.

She is not too tall, about 150cm. She is experiened of English teaching. She teaches me for three years.In the other word, she is the only English teacher during my high school study. She is special.

She will show an English song to us before her class.

A few days later, she will ask us to follow the singing on the tape. I can still remember some songs she taught us.

It is strang that she looks so weak, but no one in my class will against her word.

I think maybe is because her own personality.Everyone respects her. She is serious in work, so that our whole class’s English is good.

Happily, she is our friend after class. She always palys badminton with us.

She is also ready to help us if we have any difficultiy. In my mind, a good teacher is more than a million books. And she will be my mentor forever. Jenny, my teacher, I love you.











She has a pair of bright eyes, eyes from time to time emitted innocent and lively, more than 30 years old, she has a heart as we are young. She has a elegant temperament, is a let a person see the teacher is hard to forget. And profound literary background, rendering her better. No matter who meet, she will be to him a sweet smile, laugh person in the mind have a kind of inarticulate comfortable. Her voice is very nice, soft and refreshing, a chain of moments of language slipped out from her mouth, just like the delicious jelly glides across the throat so light and moist. She seemingly ordinary, by her mouth opportunely decorate, it became more beautiful sounds. Listen to her lecture, it is a kind of enjoyment, very comfortable.

She do everything perfect, "do or not to be, to do the best", this is my evaluation of her. She can always use a common heart to face the busy work, to grasp every opportunity, on the big stage to show them the full make public his own personality.

In fact, her life is not only the flowers and applause, sometimes she would meet with difficulties. No matter what difficulties, she has been in front of us is so strong, sallow smile on his face. May the years wind and rain will wash out her memory, the wheel of history will run off a lot of her with us. But there is a kind of tender feeling, will never be diluted by years of running water - it is the love between teachers and students!


Your first lesson is in the other, midway no class. But has gathered a bunch of us at the door "rub". Back after work, and we are in the study, it seems that you didn't the legendary so terrible. Imperceptible in, I fear of you also gradually disappear.

I didn't know, I will be proud of you class representative. At first, I always spend one hundred and twenty percent of the state of mind to complete the task you gave me. After long time contact, I found the legendary you, there are many are empty. Although, sometimes you hit someone, from time to time break into a furious rage. But it is our serious mistake to make you love have to have.

Through you and I talk, I'm a little feel the feeling of loving mother. Although my faults are many, but you are very careful to help me change, no blame meaning.

Now, I really don't think you when my class teacher is my lost. But you can be my teacher, I can be proud of your students, also is a kind of great happiness.

I study in you under the nurture of time be numbered. But the friendship between teachers and students will have no reservations and the presence of my heart for a long time.

A little violence, a little love, a little narcissism, a bit harsh. You are my Chinese teacher.


In physical education, inevitably there are scratches, fall injuries, etc. You once found, will be immediately sent him to the infirmary, without any neglect or ignore. Your teaching system is rigorous, meticulous work. Remember once, when I was in your class talk privately, stared angrily are you running and imposed on the playground for a week. Although at that time, I feel ok, but today I don't hate, only worship. Another time, when I run 200 meters, because the shoe size too big to fall on the plastic runway, you immediately run to come over to ask me painful not painful? Is there a chafed skin? ...... I couldn't answer, you know that I'm sure handsome hurt, so for summer 眹 yu Zhang Kejia and said: "for him, it is very urgent to injury! Immediately sent to the infirmary, quick!" He two immediately sent me to the infirmary. I would also like to thank you for today, don't let my wound will be inflammation, more will affect my study.

You are a wizard, teaching sports, knows medical acupuncture, needles, etc. Have a PE lesson, because of the sudden downpour, our physical education cannot be carried out in outdoor, so many students are not happy, not happy. And brought you some strange book, it let us a mystery: "teacher, with the intention?" Class like blasted pot, everyone published their own views. You let us to be quiet, and then explain to us one by one, we know that is medical books, you seriatim explaining to us again, we are spellbound, concentration and the class is over I still see...




In my life, Ms. Wang is the most important person to me. Her teaching skills are diverse. In class, she usually uses games and posters. She works hard for us. When other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working. When we are mischievous, she is good at giving systematic guidance.

We are really grateful for what she has done for us. We want to say ”thank you” to her.



⑴ 我的英语老师作文500字左右(要有修辞手法哦)

我的英语老师 初一的第一节英语课,门口进来一位中等个子,长头发的女青年.上下一打量,20岁左右,个头小于等于1米6.这大概就是我们的英语老师吧!此人发话了:“丑话说在前面,我脾气不好!”一句话着实把我们全班都镇住了.第一印象:凶! 可是时间久了却发现,实际上并不是她自己说的那样,也不是我们以为的那样. 她教英语,时不时地用上几句“现代用语”.虽然平常我们也经常说,但是从一个老师嘴里说出来,难免会有些稀奇,距离感一下子就消失了,亲切感一下子就增进了!比如她反复要强调的东西,她会说:“都强调了10遍了”,这还没什么,到后来演变成100遍、N遍;最后递进到N+1遍.她给我们的第一印象便彻底被抹杀掉了. 上晚自习的时候,她会给我们自由,写作业、看书都行,不像数学老师一进来就讲题,语文老师抱着书就要听写.她每次都会读一些连语文老师都不会读的哲理的、感人的文章,有时还会读笑话,即使是不好笑的,她自己也会乐成一团. 有一次英语晚自习,打了铃之后班里仍是像炸了锅一样热闹,吵架的、打架的、嬉笑的、K歌的,应有尽有,无所不有.我正奇怪英语老师为什么还没来,此人就出现在教室门口了.班里顿时鸦雀无声.一同来的,还有班主任.班主任留下了“站一晚上”的“圣旨”后扬长而去.我们在下面悔得肠子都青了,同时也深感不服.这就是自讨苦吃吧,我想. 正想着,忽然发现英语老师也站在讲台上.过了一会儿,她说:“其实今天的事我也有责任.我来晚了.可是大家真的很乱,从四个班走过来,最乱的就是咱们班了……我也陪你们站,大家谁都别坐了,好吗?”她严肃的表情上找不到任何的虚伪,我们都为之感动,就差鼓掌了.结果那个晚上,她真的一边站着一边看书,根本没坐下过.我们谁也没好意思偷懒,就凭她那晚的那番话和行为,我们愿意站十个晚上来奉还. 教过我的英语老师甚至是所有老师中,她的确是教得最好且最能拉近与学生之间距离的一个.翻开我们的英语作业本,你会发现,每个人的本上每天都会有一个大大的英文:加油!

⑵ 我的初中英语老师作文500字(用个性举例说明)


以上就是我的初中英语老师的全部内容,我的英语老师写人记叙文800字范文一 老师像一位辛勤的园丁,助我们在阳光下成长;老师像一盏明灯,照亮了我们前方的道路;老师更像一根细小的火柴,用自己的火光点燃了我们心中的蜡烛。 让我记忆深刻的是教了我们两年的英语老师。
