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  • 2025-03-23

丰满的英文?丰满的英文表达可以是 "plump," "full-figured," "ample," "curvy," 或 "voluptuous," 具体取决于所描述的对象和上下文环境。以下是对这些词汇的详细解释:1. Plump: "Plump" 用来形容人或物体的圆润和丰满。它通常用来描述一个看起来健康且稍微胖一点的人。例如,那么,丰满的英文?一起来了解一下吧。


Full-bodied (丰满) in English can be translated in various contexts:

1. When referring to a sufficient or ample amount, it can be translated as "plentiful": "The granaries are full."

2. When describing a well-proportioned and aesthetically pleasing figure, it can be translated as "full and round," "well-developed," "full-grown," or "liberality": "She has a well-shaped body."

3. In the context of literature or art, "full-bodied" can describe a character that is well-rounded and fully developed: "A full-fledged character."

4. In the field of coatings or finishes, "full-bodied" refers to the degree of coverage or opacity: "The paint has good build or fullness."



chubbiness的应用广泛,例如,在赞美女性时,可以这样说:“And as we all know, chubbiness is a strongpoint for a woman.”这句话表明,在某些文化中,丰满被视为女性魅力的一部分。另一方面,也有人认为,随着年龄的增长,身体形态会发生变化,如“She had entirely lost her girlish chubbiness.” 这句话描述了一个女孩随着时间推移,失去了少女时期的圆润感。

此外,chubbiness在描述产品特性时也常被使用,比如:“Good suppleness tenderness and chubbiness handle.” 这句话强调了某种产品的柔软度和耐洗性。在个人经历中,人们也会用它来描述自身的改变,如:“Initially, I looked great; I lost the chubbiness and was fit.” 这句话表达了一个人在某个阶段的体态变化,突出了健康和活力。



[词典]plump; full; fleshy; crummy; plummy;


Famous for playing dizzy blondes, this time she has been given a more meaty role.

丰满的 英语

丰满的英文可以有多个表达,包括 "plump"、"full-bodied" 或 "voluptuous",具体取决于所描述的对象和上下文环境。以下是对这些词汇的详细解释:

1. Plump: "Plump" 这个词通常用来形容人或物体的圆润和丰满。它特别适用于形容那些看起来健康且略显胖乎乎的人或物体。例如,"She had a plump face, radiating an air of innocence and curiosity."

2. Full-bodied: 当用来描述人时,"full-bodied" 指的是身体结实且充满活力。而在描述食物或饮料时,它表示风味浓郁、口感丰富。例如,"He was attracted to full-bodied women, who were both strong-willed and physically robust."

3. Voluptuous: "Voluptuous" 这个词常用来形容女性身材的丰满、性感且极具吸引力。它传达出一种强烈的女性魅力和美感。例如,"The actress's voluptuous figure was the talk of the town, captivating audiences with its grace and sensuality."



丰满的英文表达可以是 "plump," "full-figured," "ample," "curvy," 或 "voluptuous," 具体取决于所描述的对象和上下文环境。以下是对这些词汇的详细解释:

1. Plump: "Plump" 用来形容人或物体的圆润和丰满。它通常用来描述一个看起来健康且稍微胖一点的人。例如,"She had a plump face with rosy cheeks"(她有一张丰满的脸,脸颊红润)。

2. Full-figured: "Full-figured" 通常用来形容人体态丰满,特别是指女性。这个词语带有一种积极和优雅的含义。例如,"She carried her full-figured body with grace and confidence"(她以优雅和自信的态度 carry 她的丰满身材)。

3. Ample: "Ample" 形容物体或空间宽裕、充足。用来描述人体时,它强调的是丰满而舒适的感觉。例如,"She wore an ample dress that fit her curves perfectly"(她穿了一件宽松的裙子,完美地勾勒出了她的曲线)。

以上就是丰满的英文的全部内容,丰满的英文:"plump"、"full-bodied"、"voluptuous"等。"丰满"这个词在英语中可以翻译为"plump"、"full-bodied"、"voluptuous"等,具体使用哪个词取决于上下文的语境。以下是对这些词的详细介绍:1. Plump:"Plump"是形容人或物体丰满、圆润的常用词汇。这个词语常常用来形容身体稍微胖一点但看起来健康、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
