简单的英语故事,有趣的英文故事(简短的 )

  • 英语故事
  • 2024-06-03



【 #能力训练#导语】英语小故事可以让儿童更早接触英语,并且英语小故事比较有趣,孩子们会对英语产生兴趣,这样有利于他们以后的英语学习。下面是分享的又短又简单的英语小故事5篇。欢迎阅读参考!

1.又短又简单的英语小故事 篇一

One day a crow stood on a branch near his nest and felt very happy with the meat in his mouth. At that time, a fox saw the crow with the meat, so he swallowed and eagerly thought of a plan to get the meat. However, whatever the fox said to the crow, the crow just kept silent. Until the fox thought highly of the crows beautiful voice, the crow felt flattered and opened his mouth to sing. As soon as the meat fell down to the ground, the fox took the meat and went into his hole.

有一天, 一只乌鸦站在窝旁的树枝上嘴里叼着一片肉,心里非常高兴。


1、Little Robert

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents."What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?""I gave it to a poor old woman,"

he answered."You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents

more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?""She is the one who sells the candy."


小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。“昨天给你的钱干什么了?”“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。


2、One evening I drove my husband's car to the shopping mall.On my return, I noticed that how dusty the outside of his car was and cleaned it up a bit.

When I finally entered the house, I called out.'The woman who loves you the most in the world just cleaned your headlights and windshield.'

My husband looked up and said, 'Mom's here?'



背景: A cap(略带贬义) catch a thief,the thief said:There is an 80-year-old mother of my family.Please do not do that.the cap answered:No,I must do,because there is a 90-year-old father of my family.语法错误多,突出小偷和警察文化水平不高,但是两人的工作却是截然不同的.我的意图是突出社会的某些矛盾和事实,内容就你自己参悟吧








M:OH,com on,oh....fuck...


Story 1Three Good Friends

One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends.

故事一 三个好朋友


以上就是简单的英语故事的全部内容,1、Little Robert Little Robert asked his mother for two cents."What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?。
