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  • 大学
  • 2024-06-04


Vocabulary: Students will learn new vocabulary related to cultural diversity, globalization, and international communication. They will also practice using these words in context through exercises and discussions.

Reading Comprehension: Two reading passages are included in this unit. One article discusses the impact of globalization on cultural diversity, while another explores how different cultures communicate with each other. Through reading these articles, students will improve their comprehension skills and learn about different perspectives on cultural exchange.

Listening Comprehension: Students will listen to audio recordings related to cultural diversity and globalization. These may include interviews, lectures, or podcasts that discuss various aspects of culture and global interaction. After listening, students will answer questions and participate in discussions to demonstrate their understanding of the material.

Speaking and Writing Activities: Various speaking and writing activities are designed to encourage students to express their opinions on cultural diversity and globalization. For example, they might write an essay discussing the benefits and challenges of cultural exchange or engage in a group discussion about the impact of technology on cultural preservation.

Culture Corner: This section provides additional information about cultural diversity and globalization. It may include facts, figures, and examples that enrich students' knowledge and provide them with interesting topics for further discussion and research.

Language Focus: Students will focus on specific grammar points and sentence structures related to expressing opinions and discussing cultural issues. Exercises and explanations will help them understand and use these language features effectively in their own writing and speaking.









