
  • 英语故事
  • 2024-06-24


直接引入 - 直接切入主题,简洁明了地陈述文章的核心内容。

Example: "In the midst of the bustling city, pollution has become an undeniable epidemic that affects not only our health but also the well-being of future generations."

引用名言或谚语 - 使用一句相关的名言或谚语来引起读者的兴趣。

Example: "As Albert Einstein once said, 'Look deep into nature, and then you will understand its treasures better.' This quote resonates with the importance of environmental conservation, a topic that is more relevant today than ever before."

提出问题 - 提出一个与文章主题相关的问题,激发读者的好奇心。

Example: "Have you ever wondered how the internet has transformed the way we learn and interact with each other?"

描述场景 - 利用生动的描写来创造一个场景,使读者能够在脑海中形成画面。

Example: "The sun was setting over the serene countryside, casting a warm glow on the quaint village below, where the gentle hum of crickets filled the air with their chorus."

讲述个人经历 - 以个人的故事或经历作为切入点,让读者感到亲近和投入。

Example: "Ever since I was a little girl, I have been captivated by the magic of storytelling, which has led me to explore the vast world of literature and its power to inspire and educate."

统计数据或事实 - 提供有趣的统计数据或事实,以展示文章讨论的问题的重要性。

Example: "Did you know that approximately 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year, causing devastating effects on marine life and ecosystems?"

描绘对比 - 描述两种截然不同的情况或观点,引发读者对文章主题的思考。

Example: "While some see technology as a tool for progress, others view it as a Pandora's box of societal issues waiting to be unleashed."

