
  • 五年级
  • 2024-09-02


人教版小学英语·五年级上册·单词表 Unit 1 Young [jʌŋ] (年轻的) funny ['fʌni] (滑稽可笑的) tall [tɔ:l] (高的 strong [strɔŋ, strɔ:ŋ] (强壮的) kind [kaind] (和蔼的、亲切的) old [ə。

1. --- Who's your English teacher?
--- Mr. Carter.
2. --- What's he like?
--- He's tall and strong.
3. --- Is she quiet?
--- No, she isn't. She is very active.
4. --- Is she strict?
--- Yes, she is, but she's very kind.
5. --- What day is it today?
--- It's Wednesday.
6. --- What do you have on Thursdays?
--- We have English, math and science on Thursdays.
7. --- What do you do on Saturdays?
--- I watch TV on Saturdays.
8. --- What about you?
--- I do my homework.
9. --- What do you have for lunch on Mondays?
--- We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.
10. --- What's your favourite fruit?
--- They're sweet.
11. I like fruit. But I don't grapes. They're sour.
12. --- What can you do?
--- I can sweep the floor. / I can cook the meals. / I can water the flowers.
13. --- Can you make the bed?
--- No, I can't.
14. --- Can you use a computer?
--- Yes, I can.
15. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.
16. There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.
17. The closet is near the table. Many clothes are in the closet.
18. The trash bin is behind the door.
19. --- Is there a forest in the park?
--- Yes, there is.
20. --- Is there a river?
--- No, there isn't.
21. --- Are there any pandas in the mountains?
--- No, there aren't.
22. --- Are there any fish in the rivers?
--- Yes, there are.

人教版小学英语五年级上册单词表(三会)Unit 1 young:[jʌŋ] 年轻的 funny:['fʌni] 滑稽可笑的tall:[tɔ:l] 高的 strong:[strɔŋ] 强壮的 kind:[kaind] 和蔼的,亲切的 old:[əuld] 年老的 short:[ʃɔ:t] 矮的thin:[θin] 瘦的
Mr 先生 like:[laik] 像……一样;喜欢strict:[strikt] 严格的 smart:[sm
ɑ:t] 聪明的,巧妙的active:['æktiv] 积极的,活跃的 quiet:['kwaiət] 安静的,文静的very:['veri] 很,非常but:[bʌt] 但是
Who’s your English teacher?谁是你的英语老师?Mr Carter.卡特先生。 What’s he like?他长什么样?He is tall and strong.他又高又壮。
Is she quiet?她很安静吗?No,she isn’t.She’s very active.不,她不是。她非常活泼。 Is she strict?她很严厉吗?Yes,she is,but she’s very kind。是的,她是。但是她很和蔼。
人教版小学英语五年级上册单词表(三会)Unit 2
Mondy 星期一 Tuesday 星期二Wednesday星期三 Thursday 星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday 星期六Sunday 星期天day:[dei] 天
have:[hæv] 有;吃 on :[ɔn]在……时候 do homework :[du:]['həumwə:k]做作业watch TV 看电视:[wɔtʃ] read books:[ri:d][buk] 读书
What day ia it today?今天星期几?It’s Wednesday.今天星期三。 What do you have on Thursdays.你们在周四有什么课?
We have English,math and science on Thursday.我们周四有英语课、数学课和科学课。 What do you do on Saturdays?周日你要干什么? I watch TV on Saturdays.我在周日看电视。
What about you?你呢?I do my homework,too.我也做我的作业。
人教版小学英语五年级上册单词表(三会)Unit 3
eggplant:['egplɑ:nt] 茄子fish:[fiʃ] 鱼 green beans:[gri:n] [bi:n]青豆 tofu :['təufu:]豆腐
potato:[pə'teitəu] 土豆 tomato:[tə'meitəu] 西红柿 for:[fɔ:] 为 lunch:[lʌntʃ] 中餐
we:[wi:] 我们 tasty:['teisti] 好吃的sweet:[swi:t] 甜的 sour:['sauə] 酸的
fresh:[freʃ] 新鲜的salty:['sɔ:lti] 咸的 favourite 最喜欢的 they are:[ðei ][ɑ:]他们是
fruit:[fru:t] 水果 grape:[greip] 葡萄
What do you have for lunch on Monday?你周一午餐吃什么? We have tomatoes,tofu and fish.我们吃西红柿豆腐和鱼。 What’s your favourite fruit?什么是你最喜欢的水果? I like apples.They’re aweet.我喜欢苹果,他们是甜的。
I like fruit.But I don’t like grapes.They’re sour.喜欢水果,但是我不喜欢葡萄,它们是酸的。

第一单元 youngfunny tall strong kind oldshort thinwh's=who ismrwhat's=what is likehe's=he isprincipaluniversity studentstrictsmartactive quietshe's=she is verybut

五年级上册 四会单词 Unit 1 young(年轻的)funny(滑稽可笑的)tall(高的)strong(强壮的)kind(和蔼的;亲切的) old(年老的)short(矮的)thin(瘦的)Mr(先生)like(像;喜欢)strict(严格的) smart(聪明的;巧妙的)active(积极的;活跃的)quiet(安静的;文静的)very(很;非常) but(但是) Unit 2 Monday(星期一)Tuesday(星期二)Wednesday(星期三)Thursday(星期四) Friday(星期五)Saturday(星期六)Sunday(星期天)day(天;日子) have(有;吃)on(在…..时候)do homework(做作业)watch TV(看电视)read books(读书)

