
  • 用英语怎么说
  • 2024-05-21

我的未来用英语怎么说?词典里就有,若不不信可以去查呵呵!问题二:你就是我的未来用英语怎么说? 你就是我的未来 You are my future 问题三:我的未来我做主的英文怎么说?那么,我的未来用英语怎么说?一起来了解一下吧。


问题一:我的未来 用英语怎么讲我的未来

My 搐uture






You are my future

问题三:我的未来我做主的英文怎么说?I am the owner of my future!

问题四:我在等待我的未来!用英文怎么说I am waiting for my future!

问题五:我想我的未来有你陪伴 英文怎么翻译啊~~~楼上的翻译稍微有些中式英语的味道哈,试试下面这个吧:

I want to live the rest of my life(比my future更好) with you.

问题六:我的未来要有你用英语怎么说I have you in the future


Next I'd like to talk about my future plans.


Next I'd like to talk about my future plans.

问题八:我的未来什么样用英语怎么翻译what's my future like

问题九:我演讲的题目是我的未来用英语怎么说the topic of my presentation is


My future

Do you know what will happen in the future? I think my future will be very beautiful, because I will make a great plan for my future.In 20 years, I will be a doctor.And I will work in a big hospital. Why am I going to be a doctor? Because I am going to save people’s lives and make people healthy every day.I will move to GuiZhou with my family. It is a beautiful city and there are many places of interests. For example, I will visit HuangGuoShu Waterfall with my family in 20 years. In my free time, I will do something special. It is a good idea to listen to music to make me relax. To keep healthy, I will get lots of exercise. When I am unhappy, I will read some books. I think there will be some beautiful parks near myHome in 20 years. On the weekend, I will play basketball with my friends. I will have a robot in my home. He can help me do some housework. What about your future?


1、future 读音:英 ['fjuːtʃə(r)]美 ['fjuːtʃər]

2、futurity 读音:英 [fju'tjʊərəti] 美 [fju'tʊrəti]

3、hereafter 读音:英 [ˌhɪər'ɑːftə(r)] 美 [ˌhɪr'æftər]

4、tomorrow 读音:英 [tə'mɒrəʊ] 美 [tə'mɔːroʊ]

5、aftertime 读音:英 ['ɑːftətaɪm] 美 ['ɑːftəˌtaɪm]



adj. 将来的 n. 将来;前程;期货

例句:He felt at ease and confident about the future.



n. 将来;来世;未来的事

例句:We should look forward to the futurity.



adv. 此后;将来;来世 n. 将来;来世

例句:We are living in the here and can only speculate about the hereafter.





my future

In twenty years,I think robot will in people's home.And it can help me work every day,and do a lot of housework.Maybe there will be less pollution and more trees.Trees can help us breath clear air.Also,people will have more free time to relax.We will live a happy life.What a beautiful future!


I am a dance scholar, and graduated two years will be. I dream to become an outstanding scientist of the dance, to dedicate my life to the stage. I love the dance from an early age, so efforts to enter has been longing for my dance school. Now about to graduate, I hope to continue learning, I will dance for life fully prepared.


Hello, everyone! My name is Yang Fan. I am a student and I study at school now. I like playing basketball and surfing on the internet. I go to school by bike every day. I often go to the country for my vacation. I think I will change greatly in 15 years. Then I will be a doctor. I will enjoy reading books. I will go to work by car. I will go to Europe to spend my holiday. I will make a lot of money. I will have a beautiful building with garden. I think my life will be more interesting and wonderful in the future. I think it will come true if I work hard.


简短的 寓意好的 英文

1.You are in your future at command.

2. You are the owner in your future.

3.Your future is flying in your heart.

以上就是我的未来用英语怎么说的全部内容,我的未来英语是:My future 我的未来将是快乐的。那时候我已经大学毕业了。我将有一个稳定的工作,我将有我的家人,我的丈夫,和一个可爱的孩子。我将来的工作是什么?我有许多理想。我想当一名歌手,站在舞台上唱的人;我想当一名护士,治疗疾病,为人们带来健康;我想当一名飞行员。
