
  • 五年级
  • 2024-05-23

小学五年级英语日记?英语日记50词1 Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents。 Mother prepared a tea party for me。 I invited all of them to e and take part in it。The tea party began at half past six。 There were cold drinks and refreshments。 We ate,那么,小学五年级英语日记?一起来了解一下吧。




Summer holiday is coming . I want to go to Beijing . I go to Beijing with my father , my mother and my brother . We want to go there by plane because it takes less time . We can see many things in it . First we can visit the Great Wall , it is very famous for the world ,so I like it very much . Second we can go to the zoo because I like to see animals . There are many foreigners in this city ,too . I want to talk with them in English . I want to learn English from them . I think we can have a good time then . I hope it is coming soon.






fade 褪色 jade 玉 made 制作 blade 刃 trade 贸易 grade 年级

cake 蛋糕 make 做 lake 湖 take 带走 wake 醒 shake 摇动 snake 蛇

male 男性 tale 故事 sale 销售 pale 苍白的

game 游戏 name 名字 same 同样的 blame 责怪 flame 火焰

cane 糖果 Jane 简 mane 鬃毛 pane 一块玻璃 plane 飞机

ape 猿 tape 磁带 grapes 葡萄 shape 形状

base 基础 case 格 vase 花瓶 chase 追求

paste 粘贴 taste 尝起来 waste 浪费

ate 吃 gate 大门 hate 憎恨 Kate 凯特 late 晚的 skates 溜冰鞋 plate 盘子

Dave 戴夫 save 保存 wave 挥动 brave 勇敢的 safe 安全的

ace 一点 face 脸 race 赛跑 place 放置

age 年龄 cage 笼子 page 页 wage 工资


eve 前夕 gene 基因 Pete 皮特 Steve 史蒂夫


hide 隐藏 side 边 ride 骑乘 wide 宽的 slide 幻灯片

wife 妻子 life 生活

bike 自行车 hike 健行 like 喜欢 Mike 迈克 strike 打击

mile 英里 pile 一堆 while 当……时smile 微笑

time 时间 lime 宜母子

fine 好的 line 直线 mine 我的 nine 九 shine 照耀

pipe 烟斗 wipe 擦拭 ripe 熟的

fire 火,解雇 hire 雇用 tire 轮胎

rise 上升 wise 明智的

bite 咬 kite 风筝 quite 非常 white 白的

dive 潜水 five 五 drive 驾驶

size 大小 prize 奖项

ice 冰 dice 色子 mice 鼠标 nice 好的 rice 米 price 价格 spice 香料 twice 两次


Coke 可乐 joke 开玩笑 broke 打破 smoke 抽烟

hole 洞 mole 鼹鼠 role 脚色 stole 偷 whole 整个

home 家 Rome 罗马 some /sʌm/ 一些

bone 骨头 tone 音调 stone 石头

hope 希望 lope 慢跑 rope 粗绳

note 音符 vote 投票 quote 引用

gloves /glʌvz/ 手套 stove 炉子


cube 正方体 fuse 保险丝 cute 可爱的 mule 骡子 mute 不发音的 tube 试管 use 使用



My family

I love my family, because I have a happy family.

My father is an English teacher. His name is Jacky. He is thirty-eight. He likes playing basketball. What’s my mother job? Is she a teacher? Yes, you’re right! My mother is very kind and nice, she is thirty-seven. My mother is always laborious work. I love my parents!

On Saturday and Sunday, I often go to the library and play the piano, My father go to play basketball. Sometimes, we watch TV and listen to music at home.

I love my family. Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together!






2:Ann’s Diary

Today was Sunday. Today was September 30th, 2004. It was a boring day. It was hot. I was not a work.

I watched TV all morning. The shows were boring. Then I called my friend, Nancy. She wasn’t at home. I didn’t know where she was.

At twelve I was hungry. There was not any food in the fridge. I was lazy. I was tired. Then I ate lunch outside. At one o’clock. I was in bed. In the afternoon I was at the movies. The film was boring. I'm glad tomorrow is Monday. I can go to school and see my friends.




【 #小学英语#导语】写日记可以提高文学素养,完善文学功底,帮助写一手好文章。写日记能让我们知道过去的某年某月某日我们在干什么,让我们记住时光流水,珍惜我们的美好时光。写日记教会我们发现生活,感悟生活,学会感恩。以下是 考 网整理的《小学五年级英语日记范文【5篇】》相关资料,希望帮助到您。


Yesterday was my birthday,so some of my classmates sent me presents.Mother prepared a tea party for me.I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six.There were cold drinks and refreshments.We ate,talked and laughed.We felt that we were the happest men in the world.


Today, I went hiking with my friends. As we traveled for some distance, so this time we could see the different scenery. At first, we decided to see the sunrise, but all of us missed the perfect time, so we changed our plan, we decided to watch sunset. We took a visit of the moutain, as the high altitude, I could see the full view of the city. It was so beautiful, especially a long river walk around the city. When it was going to be dark, we saw the sun running down the hill, it was so red, as it was burning. The sky first got red and then the clouds made up of some animal shapes. How interesting it was.


Spring is coming, and the weather is getting warmer.

One day, Grandpa and I went flying kites together. I saw a lot of kites. There are fish kites, football kites and colorful kites. My grandfather and I took the blue cat kite. I took the string and grandpa took the kite. The first time I didn't fly it, the second time I didn't fly it, the third time I finally flew it. I was so happy. I ran desperately to make the kite fly higher. Suddenly the kite was caught by the pole. I was very worried. I thought what should I do? At this time, Grandpa found a long stick and took the kite down. I was very happy and worried. The kite came back to me. I took the kite and grandpa and went home happily.


This noon, my mother taught me to make fried eggs.

I'm going to learn how to make fried eggs. First, I'll take an egg and beat it into the bowl, and then stir it. After a while, I'll order scallions for the rice, and then stir it again. It's done. I turned on the induction cooker and hurried to get in, but my mother stopped me and said, "you must pour the oil into the pot until the smoke comes out." After listening, I took some oil from the "Golden Arowana", and after a while, smoke came out. I poured the stirred eggs in, and the eggs immediately frothed. My mother used chopsticks to make the eggs several times. The egg bubbles disappeared. After frying for a while, she asked me to take some seasoning and put it into the pot. The last delicious fried egg came out of the oven. It's really delicious!

I tasted it, ah! The taste is so delicious. The eggs made by yourself are so delicious!


It's winter vacation. My parents and I went back to our hometown in the countryside. Mom said it was where I was born and had my little friends. I was so happy that I went to play with them as soon as I got off the bus. We catch fan Zang, set off firecrackers and play football together. On New Year's Eve, our family sat around and had a reunion dinner.

I wish my elders a long life and good health. They gave me a lot of lucky money. Mother said to deposit the money in the bank as my future education fund. This is the blessing and hope of my elders. I will study hard. What a happy winter vacation!


1)Today, I feel stair very dirty, I want to do good deeds. I said to her mother, "I want to clean sweep on the first floor, has been stair." Mother agreed. So I took the broom began to clean the stair, from my house to the fifth floor downward all Saul to the first floor. I think has swept very clean, but also esau is fast, but I was not a bit tired. I clean after me good, he went to the 4th floor old woman's house.

I can do this thing, a savory praised me, I was very happy.



以上就是小学五年级英语日记的全部内容,英语 日记 的写 作文 体不限,但对小学生来说,多以叙事为主。日记的内容一般取材于生活,可长可短,实在无话可说,一两句也可以每日一记,下面由我来给大家带来:英语日记50词 范文 15篇。
