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  • 小初高大
  • 2024-05-31


苹果树 - Apple tree

杏仁树 - Almond tree

柏树 - Cedar tree

棕榈树 - Palm tree

松树 - Pine tree

橡树 - Oak tree

柳树 - Willow tree

榆树 - Elm tree

桃树 - Peach tree

李子树 - Plum tree

樱桃树 - Cherry tree

葡萄藤 - Grapevine

芒果树 - Mango tree

荔枝树 - Lychee tree

柚木 - Teak tree

雪松 - Cypress tree

银杏树 - Ginkgo biloba (also known as the maidenhair tree)

樱花树 - Cherry blossom tree

枫树 - Maple tree

杨树 - Poplar tree

The Global Forest Watch

Explore the state of the world's forests through interactive maps and data analysis provided by the World Resources Institute. This platform offers insights into forest loss, gain, and restoration efforts across different countries and regions. It also highlights the importance of forests in mitigating climate change and supporting biodiversity.

Botanical Classification of Trees

Discover the intricate system of classifying trees based on their scientific names, families, and characteristics. Learn about the various criteria used to classify trees, such as their reproductive structures, leaf morphology, and growth habits. This knowledge can help you identify trees more accurately and appreciate their unique features.

Trees and Climate Change

Uncover the critical role trees play in combating climate change. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, reducing greenhouse gas concentrations and slowing down global warming. They also provide shade, which helps regulate local temperatures and prevent desertification. Explore how planting trees can contribute to global climate action plans and support sustainable development goals.

Tree Plantation Projects Around the World

Investigate some of the world's most ambitious tree plantation projects that aim to restore degraded ecosystems, combat deforestation, and improve local livelihoods. These projects often involve community participation and are supported by international organizations. Discover the successes and challenges faced by these initiatives and learn about their potential for long-term environmental and social benefits.

