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  • 小初高大
  • 2024-07-03


The economy has been stagnant for the past few years.

The company's sales have remained stagnant despite their efforts to increase marketing.

His career has hit a stagnant period, and he is looking for ways to move forward.

如果你想表达一个人因为某种原因而停止前进或进步,你可以说他们 "have stalled" 或者 "are stuck"。例如:

She stalled in her studies after getting married and having children.

He got stuck at his current job level because he didn't have the necessary qualifications.

如果你想要更具体地描述某人无法前进的原因,可以使用一些短语,如 "hit a wall"(遇到障碍)或 "hit a dead end"(陷入死胡同)。例如:

After trying several different approaches, she finally hit a wall and couldn't find a solution.

