
  • 英语故事
  • 2024-05-17



one day, bian que went to cai huan, stood for a moment and said: "you have the disease in the skin, if not treated, may increase."duke huan said: "i have no disease."bian que after the exit, duke huan said: "the doctor always like to not ill, medical treatment, and use this as their own credit."ten days later, bian que and meet the cai huan, said: "your illness has reached the skin, if not treated, it will be more powerful."duke after listening to ignore him.bian que quit, duke was very unhappy.ten days later, bian que once again see cai huan, say: "your disease already into the stomach, if not treated, the more serious."duke is still ignored him.bian que quit, duke is extremely not happy.ten days later, bian que saw duke turned and ran.duke is very strange, so the mission to ask him, bian que said: "the disease in the skin, medication fomentation therapy can be cured; disease in the skin, using acupuncture can cure the disease; in the stomach, with clear fire decoction can cure good; if the disease in the bone marrow, it is in charge of the life god control, i have no way to treatment.now the duke's illness has developed to the bone marrow, so i won't interfere."five days later, duke huan felt pain, sent to find bian que, at this time, bian que has escaped to qin.



Jim’s History Examination
Uncle: How did Jim do in his history examination?
Mother: Oh, not at all well, but there, it wasn't his fault. They asked him
things that happened before the poor boy was born.


有一个国王喜欢画画,他认为他画得非常好.他把自己的画向大臣们展示,因为大臣们畏惧国王,所以都不敢批评他的话,他们都一致说他的画很好.once there was a king who was keen on drawing and believed that he was good at drawing. he showed his drawings to ministers. the mini功钉哆固馨改鹅爽珐鲸sters were too afraid of him to say anything bad. instead, they praised his drawings.一天,国王向一位著名的批评家展示了自己的一些画.这位批评家说他的画画得很糟糕,国王非常生气,大怒之下把批评家关进了大牢.one day, the king showed a famous commenter some of his drawings. the commenter criticized his drawings, which made the king very angry and sent the commenter into the jail.过了些日子,国王宽恕了这位批评家,并邀请他到自己的宫殿里就餐.国王又一次问批评家自己的画画得怎么样.several days later, the king forgave the commenter and invited him to have dinner with him in the palace. he asked the commenter again about his drawings.这位批评家向站在自己身旁的卫兵转过身去,说:"把我送回大牢吧!" the commenter said to the guard standing besides him:"send me back to the jail!"


However, one day。然而,有一天,潘多拉终于抵制不住好奇心的诱惑,打开了盒盖,于是, madness, etc,诸神因妒忌她底美貌潘多拉的盒子的故事
潘多拉是古希腊的一位公主,传播到了人间。幸亏一位心地善良的天神及时叫她关闭盒子,才留住了承受痛苦的良药:希望 译文:The story of Pandora's box
Pandora is a princess of ancient Greece, the gods jealous of her because at the end of beauty, give her a mystery at the end of joint venture, exhorted her Do not open that box,盒内的疾病. Fortunately, a good-hearted gods promptly told her to close the box, only to keep the pain of medicine. Unfortunately, the opportunity to fly out, spread to the earth、痛苦、疯狂等不幸趁机飞出来, Pandora's curiosity finally Dizhibuzhu the temptation to open the lid, so, box of disease, suffering,送给她一个神秘底合资,叮嘱她千万别打开那个盒子


The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."

