
  • 八年级
  • 2024-05-21

初二英语期中试卷及答案?2011—2012学年度第一学期南昌市期中形成性测试卷 八年级(初二)英语听力材料、参考答案及评分意见 一、听力材料:A)请听下面10段对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。那么,初二英语期中试卷及答案?一起来了解一下吧。






1.M: What do you usually do on weekends, Mary?

W: I usually exercise, but sometimes I watch TV.

2.M: How often do you eat vegetables and fruit, Meimei?

W: I eat vegetables every day, and I eat fruit three times a week.

3.M: Oh, I'm visiting my friend in Hong Kong for vacation. What about you, Lily?

W: I'm relaxing at home.

4.M: How do you get to school, Gina?

W: I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway.

5.M: What's the matter, Julie? Are you hungry?

W: No, I'm not. I'm thirsty.

M: You should have a drink.

6. M: Thomas plays basketball very well.

W: Not as well as Mike. Mike plays better than any other boy in our class.

7. M: Jenny, can you come to my party this Friday?

W: Sure! And I have a surprise for you at the party tomorrow.

8. M: Mary is different from her sister Donna.

W: Yes. Mary is more outgoing and Donna is much quieter.

M: But they are both good at music.

9.M: Take this medicine three times a day. Drink more water and you’ll be fine.

W: Thanks. How much is it?

10. M: Hi, Lucy. Can you come and play football with us on Sunday?

W: Sorry, I can't. I’m going out in the car with my family.

M: That’s OK. Maybe next time.




I. 听录音上的各组对话,回答下列各问题。(15分)

1. From the conversation how do you think of the woman?

2. What subject can the woman help the man?

3. Why do you think May can be the woman's best friend?

4. How does the man like diving?

5. Which country are they visiting?

II. 补全对话。根据上下文补全所缺单词。(10分)

Mike: What subjects are you studying?

Mary: Maths, Chinese, (1) ______ , Computer, History, Geography, Science and so on.

Mike: Which (2) ______ do you like best?

Mary: English. The others are interesting, too. But my Science is poor.

Mike: What's the reason?

Mary: I think I haven't been working enough.

Mike: I (3) ______ you began to learn Japanese, didn't you?

Mary: Yes, I took a Japanese course by (4) ______ to the radio.

Mike: How (5) ______ Japanese words have you learnt?

Mary: I've learnt about 300 words.

Mike: Can you sing a song in Japanese?

Mary: No, I (6) ______ .

Mike: Can you talk with foreign guests in Japanese?

Mary: Only a (7) ______ .

Mike: I'm also (8) ______ in Japanese.Would you (9) ______ me to learn Japanese?

Mary: I'll be glad to. Let's learn it together (10) ______ next Monday.

III. 读下面短文,根据所给首字母,填写正确的单词。



I. 听录音上的各组对话,回答下列各问题。(15分)

1. From the conversation how do you think of the woman?

2. What subject can the woman help the man?

3. Why do you think May can be the woman's best friend?

4. How does the man like diving?

5. Which country are they visiting?

II. 补全对话。根据上下文补全所缺单词。(10分)

Mike: What subjects are you studying?

Mary: Maths, Chinese, (1) ______ , Computer, History, Geography, Science and so on.

Mike: Which (2) ______ do you like best?

Mary: English. The others are interesting, too. But my Science is poor.

Mike: What's the reason?

Mary: I think I haven't been working enough.

Mike: I (3) ______ you began to learn Japanese, didn't you?

Mary: Yes, I took a Japanese course by (4) ______ to the radio.

Mike: How (5) ______ Japanese words have you learnt?

Mary: I've learnt about 300 words.

Mike: Can you sing a song in Japanese?

Mary: No, I (6) ______ .

Mike: Can you talk with foreign guests in Japanese?

Mary: Only a (7) ______ .

Mike: I'm also (8) ______ in Japanese.Would you (9) ______ me to learn Japanese?

Mary: I'll be glad to. Let's learn it together (10) ______ next Monday.

III. 读下面短文,根据所给首字母,填写正确的单词。




26. ——Shall we go to the Great Wall tomorrow.


A. You are welcome.B. Good idea.C. Yes, we shall.D. That’s all right.

27. Whatyouhe is a true friend?

A. make, think B. makes, thinkC. make, to thinkD. makes, to think

28. There ____a lot of traffic in the street. We will give ______ to the government.

A. are, some advices B. is, some adviceC. were, an adviceD. is, a advice

29. Tom, please help me_____ math, I know it is good_______ me.

A. on, toB. on, forC. with, forD. with, at

30. I think it is very important _____ the children ______ careful with fire.

A. with, to beB. of, beC. for, to beD. for, are

31. Students always have g good time________each other.

A. talk withB. talkingC. to talkD. talking to

32. There will be few minutes left, ___?

A. will itB. won’t itC. will thereD. won’t there

33. If Jim ______ free tomorrow, I’ll ask Tom instead.

A. isn’tB. won’t be C. won’tD. doesn’t

34. Last night, she left my home without_____ a word and ____home.

A. say, goB. saying, goingC. saying, wentD. say, going

35. John worked very hard so he _______________ pass the exam.

A. mayB. can C. can able toD. was able to

36. British students have________weeks________in the summertime than Chinese students.

A. more;onB. fewer;onC. less;offD. more;off

37. Diving is not as as skiing . Diving isthan skiing .

A.dangerous,dangerous B.moredangerous , dangerous

C.dangerous, much dangerousD.dangerous, much more dangerous

38. They call elevatorin British English.


39. Jim has ______ than Tom.

A. more CDB. less sheepC. fewer newsD. fewer goldfish

40. She doesn’t like_____________.

A.be in a leadB.being on a leadC.in a leadD.at a lead

41. He has some problems___________his lessons.

A.studyingB.with studyingC.studyD.in study

42. My grand parents didn’t have a large house_________.

A.to liveB.liveC.to live inD.live in

43. My grand father is a_________man and he lives_________.

A.60 year old;alone B.60-years-old;lonely C.60-year-old;lonely D.60-year-old;alone

44. Mr. Lin is one of _______ in our school.

A. good teachersB. better teachersC. the best teachersD. the better teachers

45. Could you say _________about it, please ? I’d like to know ______.

A. nothing else; more B. anything else; most

C. anything other; more D. something else; more






I. 听录音上的各组对话,回答下列各问题。(15分

1. From the conversation how do you think of the woman? 4. How does the man like diving?

5. Which country are they visiting?

II. 补全对话。根据上下文补全所缺单词。(10分)

Mike: What subjects are you studying?

Mary: Maths, Chinese, (1) ______ , Computer, History, Geography, Science and so on.

Mike: Which (2) ______ do you like best?

Mary: English. The others are interesting, too. But my Science is poor.

Mike: What's the reason?

Mary: I think I haven't been working enough.

Mike: I (3) ______ you began to learn Japanese, didn't you?

Mary: Yes, I took a Japanese course by (4) ______ to the radio.

Mike: How (5) ______ Japanese words have you learnt?

Mary: I've learnt about 300 words.

Mike: Can you sing a song in Japanese?

Mary: No, I (6) ______ .

Mike: Can you talk with foreign guests in Japanese?

Mary: Only a (7) ______ .

Mike: I'm also (8) ______ in Japanese.Would you (9) ______ me to learn Japanese?

Mary: I'll be glad to. Let's learn it together (10) ______ next Monday.

III. 读下面短文,根据所给首字母,填写正确的单词。

以上就是初二英语期中试卷及答案的全部内容,2013-05-02 八年级英语下册期中考试题目! 8 2016-07-13 八年级下册英语期末考试卷2016(含答案) 5 2016-06-20 八年级2o16年英语下册期末考试试卷 2 2016-05-07 2015八年级下册英语期中考试试卷及答案 2019-05-04 2018到2019年八年级下册期中试卷英语答卷及答案。
